Tuesday, March 31, 2020

BETTERPAD-RAY MAQUETTE - Various Interpretations Regarding Typologies (Building Architecture)

Front view of Betterpad-Ray Maquette / Mural Fortress
It can be assumed that the emergence of various interpretations of the typological approach, both correct and not, is caused by the classification function which is emphasized in the direction of "character". This problem has indeed arisen since the term "type" was first written in 1788 by Quatremere de Quincy in the world's first Encyclopedia. Indeed learning something that is abstract, is uncertain, gives rise to various opinions. And language problems are not necessarily able to be finished in a matter of seconds, even if only for one word.
The definition of "character" was first written by Jacques-Francoise Blondel in 1771 as follows:
". . . all the works that are classified must reflect their specific goals, all must have a character that determines the overall shape, and presents the building as it is." (translated from Indonesia)
Often there is a misinterpretation of typology as a way of classifying on the basis of "model" criteria, or it can be said that "type" is the same as "model". Since it was discussed for the first time, this problem had indeed arisen and Quatremere de Quincy was also aware of it. As an example of the roof of a building, he said:
"A 'pediment' is no longer seen as a representation of a roof, incidentally because of its triangular shape, then a roof is a mysterious triangle, something that symbolizes eternity."
With the roof of the building as an example, the attack carried out by de Quincy was directed at those who first saw whether the object had fulfilled the conditions that had to be present in order to be considered a "basic form". In his explanation, a "pediment" is considered a model that causes the roof of the building to be identified with a triangle shape. If discussed in a simple way, young children will know that they will draw a triangle shape to make a roof image. This is not because they are taught by others to draw with these shapes, but because the human brain, even from an early age, can already know what is considered "basic forms" that exist in every object, especially objects that can be measured geometrically.
[Betterpad-Ray maquette design (Benteng Terpadu Raya/Great Integrated Fortress) or Mural Fortress can indeed be seen with a typological approach. However, whether it is consciously or not, the design of Betterpad-Ray may be judged by any approach according to the observing viewpoint. Because there are the words "Benteng/Fortress", what one can think of is that this maquette is a design place for defense. Right, a place to maintain culture and science, especially Indonesia / Nusantara. In this day and age when there is an air force, the fort is no longer effective and the design of this maquette fort was made for art purposes, to be exact, a mural media.
This model, in general, is a complex building design that has a multi-building multipurpose building type. Character is something that is always sought in every design. Each design has its own uniqueness, but can still be grouped into broader groups. Of course, the design of Mural Fortress or Betterpad-Ray has a unique and different character. In general, Mural Fortress has a character between Indonesian and modern culture. The design of Mural Fortress is included in the group of public buildings with integrated facilities. The model is actually a general model. The design of the mosque, pavilion, and main building with shapes that can be found in other buildings is due to trying to maintain and utilize existing forms and proven to be used and applied well so far.]
Basically, the understanding contained in each of the interrelated aspects causes various interpretations which give rise to new aspects in the affairs of typology. In English, there are three words, namely type, model, and style which are defined as follows:
·         Type: a person, something, event, etc., which is considered as aan example of one particular class or group. . . which is considered to havecharacter similarity.
·         Model: representation in three dimensions of a structure or style of a structure. .. to be remade with other materials. . . or proposed to emulated.
·         Style: how to talk, write or do something; a character that collective nature; a descriptive formula; types, variety, especially ones related to the way it is displayed.

View of the Betterpad-Ray / Mural Fortress Maquette Design
[The words "type", "model", and "style", in the minds of many people, are indeed interrelated. Usually, those three words in a discussion do refer to a work. In the design of the Great Integrated Fortress, of course you can know what can be explained using each of these three words. Both architects and non-architects will look for and understand the three-word maquette design, whether consciously or not. The difference is, the experts must have been able to interpret and use words correctly. While the non-architect can be wrong in using the word in question. However, in general, the mistake of non-architects (misguided) in this context is not fatal, even almost nothing, because the intention in the heart when the assessment can be understood and satisfying, both himself and others.
It can be said that the design of Mural Fortress is a multifunctional building type with a typical Nusantara model combined with modern form. Style is a certain method or technique in making a work. When viewed from a maquette material, the maquette uses paper material with cutting and sticking techniques. This is done and is worth doing because it is cheap and easy to shape. If you see the style in making a real building, what is certain is done so that the results are as desired and tangible. This style can be influenced by local needs, knowledge, and culture. Certainly as a building complex that seeks to uplift Indonesian culture, the style used is the "style of Indonesia".]
Both "type" and "style" allude to the same thing, namely: the similarity of character which is grouped / collective, while "model" is something that is made to imitate the "style". However, in certain usage, "model" has the same definition as "type" because it is equally related to the problem of representation.
The three words used in typology in a different scope, which is connected directly with the "forms" and "basic properties" of an architectural object. All three must be seen in concept only, not with a certain physical form. Thus, the "model" referred to in typological analysis is a basic geometric form chosen as the ideal source for the formation of an architectural object. While the style is a characteristic that appears in the form of architectural objects, as a result of the use of a certain basic form to be an ideal model.
Typology can use methods commonly used in the affairs of history. Each architectural object is studied in its development based on aspects of human culture, specifically the way and technology in making buildings. That is, typology is not only a theoretical activity, but also develops into practical activities, planning tools, and design.
[Indonesia has a very long history of architecture, due to its own noble culture and the integration of architectural styles from countries that have dealt intensively with Indonesia, namely China, India, Arabia and Europe. Therefore, it is not surprising to find a variety of unique architectural works in Indonesia in large quantities. The design of the Betterpad-Ray Maquette is based on such an atmosphere so that the world knows that Indonesia has a diversity and complex cultural colors.]

Masjid Syahadat (Mosque Shahada) design

Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion) design

Betterpad-Ray Main Building design
There is an opinion that the beginning of architecture is the existence of "primitive hut". This was stated by Marc Antoine Laugier in his work entitled "Essai sur l'archarchure" (1753). Primitive hut is an arrangement of four wooden sticks that stand vertically to form a rectangular angle, then the four upper corners are connected by four horizontal logs. These horizontal wooden logs form the basis of primitive human settlement floors. This is the first part of a primitive hut. Then in the second section above it, the other four logs are arranged into two triangles mounted on the two sides furthest from the floor plane and each top is connected horizontally by a log. This second part will form the roof of the building after being given a branch and covered by leaves.
In essence, an architectural object has only two main parts, namely columns or poles that are free standing and roof shape. Apart from these two elements, only secondary functions. According to such a mindset, the walls covering the sides of a building are not considered as bearers of the roof or a burden because they violate the basic principle earlier. Walls and other elements are only considered additions because basically they can be removed. Over time, the design of buildings has progressed to become tangible as we can see now.
[If you look at the design of the Betterpad-Ray Maquette, it looks the most typical building - located at the center of the front is the Pendapa Peradaban/Civilization Pavilion. This pavilion is an open-sided building originating from the Archipelago, precisely Java. Pendapa building has a simpler structure than buildings in general. Broadly speaking, a collection of standing poles that support the roof as a protector from the top. While the side direction is not closed because it symbolizes openness and makes it easier for people to enter it. Pendapa is a public space, not a privacy space or hidden interests of an agency.
It could be said that the Pendapa or Pavilion model was indeed quite close to the shape of a primitive hut. It's just that the shape is more organized, uses good materials, has a greater number of structures and is broad, and can be used for official events. Generally, Pendapa is also located at the front of the main building which is closed. Of course, Pendapa and so on are the thoughts of the predecessors of the Indonesian people in creating functional architectural works and displaying open-mindedness, while remaining close to nature and simplicity.
At the Masjid Syahadat (Shahada Mosque) Building, it can also be found in the form of pendapa, the foyer of the mosque. The foyer of the mosque is at the back of the main worship hall and has an open nature. This is where a variety of religious community activities can be carried out.
Thus the article mixed with science and discussion about the design of the Betterpad-Ray Maquette. There is no perfect paper, because only God is the most perfect. We apologize if there are mistakes and please criticize and advise. Thank you.]

§  Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc. Jati Diri Arsitektur Indonesia. 1997. Bandung: Penerbit Alumni (Publisher). * Includes: Ir. Budi A. Sukada, Grand.Hond, Dipl. (AA), as stated in the reference book.

MAKET BETTERPAD-RAY - Pelbagai Tafsiran Mengenai Tipologi (Arsitektur Bangunan)

Tampak depan Desain Maket Betterpad-Ray / Benteng Mural
Bisa dikira bahwa munculnya pelbagai tafsiran mengenai pendekatan tipologis, baik yang tepat maupun tidak, disebabkan oleh fungsi klasifikasi yang ditekankan ke arah “karakter”. Masalah ini memang telah muncul sejak adanya istilah “tipe” yang pertama kali dituliskan pada tahun 1788 oleh Quatremere de Quincy dalam buku Ensiklopedi yang pertama di dunia. Memang mempelajari hal yang bersifat abstrak, tidak pasti, menimbulkan pelbagai pendapat. Dan masalah bahasa memang tidak serta merta bisa selesai dibahas dalam hitungan detik, walaupun hanya untuk satu kata.
Pengertian “karakter” ditulis pertama kali oleh Jacques-Francoise Blondel pada tahun 1771 sebagai berikut:
. . . segenap hasil karya yang digolongkan harus mencerminkan tujuan spesifiknya masing-masing, semuanya harus memiliki sebuah karakter yang menentukan bentuk keseluruhannya, dan menghadirkan bangunan tersebut apa adanya.
Seringkali ada yang salah menafsirkan tipologi sebagai sebuah cara melakukan klasifikasi atas dasar kriteria “model”, atau bisa dikatakan bahwa “tipe” itu sama dengan “model”. Sejak dibahas untuk pertama kali, masalah ini memang telah timbul dan Quatremere de Quincy juga menyadarinya. Sebagai permisalan tentang atap bangunan, dia mengatakan:
Sebuah ‘pediment’ tidak lagi dilihat sebagai representasi sebuah atap, kebetulan karena bentuknya yang segi tiga, maka sebuah atap adalah sebuah segi tiga misterius, sesuatu yang melambangkan keabadian.
Dengan atap bangunan sebagai permisalan, serangan yang dilakukan de Quincy diarahkan kepada mereka yang melihat dulu apakah objek tersebut telah memenuhi syarat-syarat yang harus ada supaya dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah “bentuk dasar”. Dalam penjelasannya, sebuah “pediment” dianggap sebagai model yang menyebabkan atap bangunan diidentikkan dengan bentuk segi tiga. Kalau dibahas dalam cara sederhana, anak kecil pasti tahu bahwa mereka akan menggambar bentuk segi tiga untuk membuat gambar atap. Hal ini bukan karena mereka diajarkan oleh orang lain untuk menggambar dengan bentuk tersebut, melainkan karena otak manusia, sejak dini pun, sudah bisa mengetahui apa yang dianggap “bentuk dasar” yang ada dalam setiap objek, terutama objek-objek yang bisa diukur secara geometris.
[Desain maket Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya) atau Benteng Mural memang bisa dilihat dengan pendekatan tipologis. Namun, apakah memang secara sadar atau tidak, desain Betterpad-Ray boleh dinilai dengan pendekatan apapun sesuai pandangan yang mengamati. Karena ada kata-kata “Benteng”, memang yang bisa dipikir adalah bahwa maket ini adalah desain tempat untuk pertahanan. Benar, tempat untuk mempertahankan budaya dan ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya Indonesia/Nusantara. Di zaman sekarang ketika sudah ada angkatan udara, benteng sudah tidak efektif lagi dan desain benteng maket ini dibuat untuk tujuan seni, tepatnya media mural.
Maket ini, secara umum, adalah desain kompleks bangunan yang memiliki tipe gedung serbaguna multi-bangunan. Karakter adalah hal yang selalu dicari dalam setiap desain. Setiap desain memiliki keunikan sendiri-sendiri, namun masih bisa dikelompokkan ke dalam golongan yang lebih luas. Tentu, desain Benteng Mural atau Betterpad-Ray memiliki karakter yang unik dan berbeda. Secara umum, Benteng Mural memiliki karakter antara budaya Indonesia dengan modern. Desain Benteng Mural termasuk dalam kelompok bangunan publik dengan fasilitas terintegrasi. Modelnya pun sebenarnya model umum. Adanya desain masjid, paviliun, dan bangunan utama dengan bentuk yang bisa ditemui di bangunan lain adalah karena berusaha untuk menjaga dan memanfaatkan bentuk yang sudah ada serta terbukti digunakan dan diaplikasikan dengan baik selama ini.]
Pada dasarnya, pengertian yang terkandung dalam masing-masing aspek yang saling berkaitan menyebabkan pelbagai tafsiran yang menimbulkan pelbagai aspek baru dalam bidang tipologi. Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada tiga kata, yaitu tipe, model, dan langgam yang didefinisikan sebagai berikut:
-        Tipe           : seseorang,  sesuatu, peristiwa, dan sebagainya, yang dianggap sebagai sebuah
                    contoh dari satu  kelas atau  kelompok tertentu. . . yang dianggap mempunyai
                    kesamaan karakter.
-        Model       : representasi dalam tiga dimensi dari struktur atau langgam sebuah struktur . .
                   .  untuk  dibuat  kembali  dengan  bahan  lain . . . atau  yang  diusulkan  untuk
-        Langgam   : cara   berbicara,   menulis,  atau  melakukan   sesuatu;  sebuah  karakter  yang
                    bersifat   kolektif;   sebuah  rumus   deskriptif;  jenis,   ragam,  terutama  yang
                    berhubungan dengan caranya ditampilkan.

Tampak atas Desain Maket Betterpad-Ray / Benteng Mural
[Kata “tipe”, “model”, dan “langgam”, dalam pemikiran banyak orang, memanglah hal yang saling berkaitan. Biasanya, ada ketiga kata tersebut dalam suatu pembahasan memang merujuk pada suatu karya. Dalam desain Benteng Terpadu Raya ini, tentu bisa diketahui tentang apa yang bisa dijelaskan menggunakan tiap-tiap tiga kata tersebut. Baik ahli arsitektur maupun non-arsitek, akan mencari dan memahami desain maket dengan tiga kata itu, baik sadar maupun tidak. Bedanya, para ahli pasti sudah bisa menafsirkan dan menggunakan kata dengan tepat. Sedangkan yang non-arsitek bisa saja salah dalam menggunakan kata yang dimaksud. Namun, secara umum, kesalahan non-arsitek (salah kaprah) dalam konteks ini tidaklah fatal, bahkan hampir tidak apa-apa, sebab maksud dalam hati ketika penilaian sudah bisa dipahami dan memuaskan, baik dirinya sendiri maupun orang lain.
Bisa dikatakan bahwa desain Benteng Mural adalah tipe bangunan multifungsi dengan model khas Nusantara yang berpadu dengan wujud modern. Langgam adalah cara atau teknik tertentu dalam pembuatan suatu karya. Jika dilihat dari bahan maket, maket ini memakai bahan kertas dengan teknik memotong dan menempel. Hal ini dilakukan dan patut dilakukan karena murah dan mudah dibentuk. Jika melihat langgam dalam pembuatan bangunan yang nyata, yang pasti dilakukan agar hasilnya telah sesuai keinginan dan berwujud. Langgam ini bisa dipengaruhi oleh kebutuhan, ilmu pengetahuan, dan budaya setempat. Tentu sebagai kompleks bangunan yang berusaha mengangkat budaya Indonesia, langgam yang digunakan adalah “langgam dari Indonesia”.]
Baik “tipe” maupun “langgam” menyinggung hal yang sama, yaitu: kesamaan karakter yang bersifat mengelompok/kolektif, sedangkan “model” adalah sesuatu yang dibuat meniru atas “langgam”. Namun, pada pemakaian tertentu, “model” memiliki definisi yang sama dengan “tipe” karena sama-sama berkaitan dengan masalah representasi.
Ketiga kata tadi dipakai tipologi dalam ruang lingkup berbeda, yaitu dihubungkan langsung dengan “bentuk-bentuk” dan “sifat-sifat dasar” sebuah objek arsitektural. Ketiganya harus dilihat secara konsepnya saja, bukan dengan sebuah wujud fisik tertentu. Maka, “model” yang dimaksud dalam analisis tipologi adalah sebuah bentuk dasar geometris yang dipilih sebagai sumber ideal bagi pembentukan sebuah objek arsitektural. Sedangkan langgam adalah karakteristik yang muncul dalam wujud objek arsitektural, sebagai akibat digunakannya sebuah bentuk dasar tertentu untuk dijadikan sebuah model ideal.
Tipologi bisa memakai metode yang umum digunakan dalam bidang sejarah. Setiap objek arsitektural dipelajari perkembangannya berdasarkan aspek kebudayaan manusia, khususnya cara dan teknologi dalam membuat bangunan. Artinya, tipologi bukan hanya kegiatan yang bersifat teori, namun juga berkembang menjadi kegiatan praktik, alat perencana, dan perancangan.
[Indonesia memiliki sejarah arsitektur yang sangat panjang, karena budayanya sendiri yang luhur serta adanya perpaduan dengan gaya arsitektur dari negeri-negeri yang pernah berhubungan dengan Indonesia secara intensif, yaitu Tiongkok, India, Arab, dan Eropa. Karena itu, tidak heran bisa ditemukan pelbagai karya arsitektur yang unik di Indonesia dalam jumlah banyak. Desain Maket Betterpad-Ray dibuat berdasarkan suasana seperti itu agar dunia tahu bahwa Indonesia punya keragaman dan warna budaya yang kompleks.]

Maket Masjid Syahadat

Maket Pendapa Peradaban

Maket Bangunan Utama Betterpad-Ray
Ada pendapat bahwa awal arsitektur adalah adanya “primitive hut” atau gubuk sederhana yang primitif. Hal ini dikemukakan oleh Marc Antoine Laugier dalam karyanya yang berjudul “Essai sur l’architecture” (1753). Gubuk primitif adalah susunan dari empat buah batang kayu yang berdiri secara vertikal membentuk sudut segi empat, lalu keempat sudut bagian atas terhubung oleh empat batang kayu horizontal. Batang-batang kayu horizontal ini menjadi dasar lantai hunian manusia primitif. Inilah bagian pertama dari gubuk primitif. Kemudian pada bagian kedua di atasnya, empat batang kayu yang lain disusun menjadi dua buah segi tiga yang dipasang pada dua sisi terjauh dari bidang lantai dan setia puncak keduanya dihubungkan  oleh sebuah batang kayu secara horizontal. Bagian kedua ini akan membentuk atap bangunan setelah diberi ranting dan tertutup oleh dedaunan.
Intinya, sebuah objek arsitektural hanya punya dua bagian utama, yaitu kolom-kolom atau tiang-tiang yang berdiri bebas dan bentuk atap. Selain dua elemen tersebut, hanya berfungsi sekunder. Menurut jalan pemikiran seperti itu, dinding-dinding penutup sisi bangunan tidak dianggap sebagai pemikul atap atau beban karena melanggar prinsip dasar tadi. Dinding dan elemen lainnya hanya dianggap tambahan saja karena pada dasarnya bisa dilepas. Seiring berjalannya waktu, perancangan bangunan semakin berkembang hingga berwujud seperti yang bisa kita lihat sekarang.
[Jika melihat desain Maket Betterpad-Ray, tampak bangunan yang paling khas—terletak di pusat bagian depan adalah Pendapa Peradaban. Paviliun ini adalah sebuah bangunan dengan sisi terbuka yang berasal dari Nusantara, tepatnya Jawa. Bangunan pendapa memiliki struktur yang lebih sederhana dibandingkan bangunan pada umumnya. Secara garis besar adalah kumpulan tiang berdiri yang menopang atap sebagai pelindung dari arah atas. Sedangkan arah samping tidak ditutup karena melambangkan keterbukaan dan memudahkan orang-orang masuk ke dalamnya. Pendapa adalah ruang publik, bukan ruang privasi atau kepentingan tersembunyi suatu instansi.
Bisa dikatakan bahwa model pendapa memang cukup mendekati bentuk gubuk primitif. Hanya saja bentuknya lebih teratur, menggunakan bahan-bahan yang baik, jumlah strukturnya lebih banyak dan luas, serta dapat digunakan untuk acara resmi. Umumnya, pendapa juga terletak di bagian depan bangunan utama yang tertutup. Tentu, pendapa dan sebagainya adalah hasil pemikiran para pendahulu bangsa Indonesia dalam menciptakan karya arsitektur yang fungsional dan menampakkan keterbukaan pikiran, namun tetap dekat dengan alam dan kesederhanaan.
Pada Bangunan Masjid Syahadat, juga dapat ditemukan bentuk pendapa, yaitu serambi masjid. Serambi masjid berada di bagian belakang ruang ibadah utama dan memiliki sifat keterbukaan. Di sinilah berbagai kegiatan kemasyarakatan yang religius bisa dilakukan.
Demikian artikel yang tercampur antara ilmu pengetahuan dan pembahasan mengenai desain Maket Betterpad-Ray ini. Tidak ada karya tulis yang sempurna, karena hanya Tuhan Yang Maha Esa Yang Maha Sempurna. Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dan mohon kritik serta saran. Terima kasih.]

§  Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc. Jati Diri Arsitektur Indonesia. 1997. Bandung: Penerbit Alumni.  *Termasuk oleh: Ir.Budi A. Sukada,Grand.Hond,Dipl.(AA), seperti yang tercantum dalam buku referensi.

BETTERPAD-RAY MAQUETTE - Typology Approaches to Understanding Traditional Architecture

Front view of Betterpad-Ray Maquette / Mural Fortress design
Each building has its own type. The meaning of the word "type" comes from the Greek, namely the word "typos" which means "the root of. . .". The science of studying various things related to types is called typology. In understanding the type of building, it must first be explained the understanding contained in the word "architecture" in order to discuss typology thoroughly, because the word has a variety of meanings that continue to develop with the development of the times.
Typologically, the meaning of the word "architecture" is the activity that produces certain objects called "architectural objects". That way, typologies try to trace the beginning of the formation of architectural objects. There are three steps that must be taken to find out, namely:
1.        Determine the "basic shapes" (formal structures) that exist in every architectural object.
2.        Determine the "basic properties" that exist in each architectural object based on the basic forms that exist.
3.        Studying the process of developing these basic forms up to their present embodiment.
The meaning of "basic shapes" are the main geometric elements, for example circles, ellipses, triangles and rectangles; including various variations of each of these elements. This main geometrical element can be referred to as "abstract geometry" or also known as "deeper geometry". Called "abstract" because these elements are more often found in conditions that are not real manifested at the time of observation, but are only indicated. A saddle-shaped roof can be assumed to consist of several triangular elements in a row.
The meaning of "basic properties" is things like centering, symmetrical, scattering, static, and so on. Some of these basic properties have belonged to certain basic shapes. For example, a circle has the basic properties of "centering", because the circle itself is a collection of points that surround the center to return / connect at the starting point. Whereas a square has basic properties of "static". However, the combined form of several rectangular or circular shapes does not necessarily have that basic characteristic anymore. Especially when various different basic shapes are combined into a new shape form.

A look at the design of the Betterpad-Ray Maquette / Mural Fortress
[Betterpad-Ray Maquette (Great Integrated Fortress) or Mural Fortress is an example of a complex building design that combines traditional and modern elements. Interestingly, it is endeavored that traditional elements tend to stand out in their form. The Betterpad-Ray maquette design is a multi-look small-scale depiction of building types. The formation of these buildings follows the rules of what is already in the architectural culture of the Archipelago/Nusantara (Indonesia) coupled with the effective and efficient character of the modern practical architecture.
The basic shapes in the Betterpad-Ray maquette can be seen clearly because they look simple without complicated details. The basic shape of the square is the most common thing found in every building, including the maquette of this Mural Fortress. The square shape can be seen clearly in the three main building designs in the Mural Fortress maquette, namely the Pendapa Peradaban (Pavilion of Civilizations), the Betterpad-Ray Main Building, and the Masjid Syahadat (Shahada Mosque). The reason for using the square shape is in accordance with the general view, that the basic form is easily made, firm, simple, and can be measured easily. Square shape whose fourth angle is 90 degrees, clearly forming a wider and more effective space than a larger or smaller angle. If the angle is too large, it requires a lot of land. If the angle is small, the area of the room becomes narrow.
While the basic shape of a triangle is common in the form of a roof in most parts of Indonesia, although with variations each. This shape looks natural - like a sturdy mountain or anything strong. The slope in the shape of a triangle makes the roof of a tropical area with lots of rainfall easily drain rain water falling to the ground. There is indeed a shape of the roof that uses the basic shape of a circle, more precisely half a ball. For example in the Honai house in Papua. There are also those shaped like a boat, such as the Gadang house in West Sumatra or the Tongkonan house in South Sulawesi. What is clear, the shape of the roof as it gives the impression of a broad roof space.
The basic properties of rectangular buildings, in my opinion, are indeed static and symmetrical. Static because the house or building is made so that the building seems durable and permanent. Although traditional wooden houses are easily demolished, some even can be lifted by many people to move to other places, but the static form of a square gives meaning that the house is an object that is expected to last. Generally, traditional Indonesian houses are symmetrical because symmetry is balanced, easily shared evenly, and looks comfortable when viewed. Likewise, the design of the Betterpad-Ray Maquette is designed based on common basic shapes so that it appears to have strong and pleasing characteristics.
As a complex building design, the model of Mural Fortress is indeed an amalgamation of basic shapes which are more complex when viewed as a whole. This is done so that there are new and different characteristics. Of course there must be a composition and proportion with a careful calculation so that the appearance of the design looks harmonious. Not all basic shapes must be combined into all buildings. The shape of the garden that uses the basic shape also adds color to the appearance of the Betterpad-Ray maquette design.]
There are two different opinions about the origin of architecture as an architectural object. The first opinion states that architecture is formed when humans succeed in 'manifesting God's presence' in the world. According to the statement, the building / construction that functions as a place of worship or temple is the first architectural object in the world made by humans. The second opinion states that architecture is formed when humans realize their presence in the world and begin to focus on their environment. According to the statement, residential or residential buildings were the first architectural objects in the world made by humans, such as primitive huts.
Until now, the influence of the two opinions was still felt. The first opinion directs the idea that what should be called architectural works are works that are monumental and his function as a place for the public interest. Nikolaus Pevsner, in his book "An Outline of European Architecture" (1974) gives his view:
"A bicycle warehouse is a building. Lincoln Cathedral is a work of architecture. Whatever forms space on a scale sufficient for humans to move within it is a building. The term architecture only applies to buildings that are designed with aesthetic purposes." (translate from Indonesian)
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the word "aesthetic" was intended only for monumental and public buildings. Pevsner displays this in his description.On the other hand, the second opinion leads to something that can be understood that every building, whatever its function and whatever its form, must be called an architectural work, even though it is not an architect who designed it.
Both opinions also give different statements about architecture as an object. The first opinion states that architectural objects are unique and original. Every architectural object is the result of an outpouring of expressions that arises from the thought of the creator for a moment, so there should not be two identical architectural objects, even if made by the same person. This opinion is still influential until now. The following is the opinion of Professor Parmono Atmadi:
"Basically, architecture always wants to convey a message. Just because the message wasn't written, the message could be interpreted differently from what was intended. In addition, the message expected can and almost always be interpreted differently by someone who is trying to read the message. Especially if the observations are made with a considerable time difference."
According to him, it happened because:
". . . the growth of new views and values that are not only different, but can also contradict the old."
Professor Parmono's opinion came from one of the activities in the affairs of linguistics, namely "Semiology". Semiology sees language as a means of communication. In this case, humans are symbolic creatures that communicate with each other with signs aimed at specific meanings. Everyday language is learned in Semiology by breaking it down into a system of signs. It is hoped that the process of forming an understanding of anything can be traced to that approach. It is believed that symbols and signs are universal, so the process of forming a language also exists in other things, for example in architecture. Tectonic elements forming an architectural object are equated with words. The architectural object itself is equated with a sentence. In speaking, each person has their own way. Architectural object makers also have their own ways of producing works. In other words, each architectural object is unique from its maker so that it is unique and original.The second opinion gives the opposite statement. Architectural objects have the same value as other objects that are born from repetitive activities. Architectural objects are deliberately made so that they can be repeated again. That is, architectural objects not only produce a repetition but also result from a repetition. In this view, architectural object makers have only one guideline, namely "basic forms" and "basic properties". Only the ability to distinguish and group various basic shapes and characterize the basic properties possessed by architectural object makers. Transformation, modification, and imitation of basic forms can be done, but only after establishing a basic form or combining various basic forms. So, other people can easily mimic the process after the basic form or a combination of the basic forms of choice of the first person had been known.
In the statement, the character is not associated with the creator, but with the object itself with the settings in the object itself. The creator does not have the slightest role in the object created, and each architectural object has an identity that has existed before being touched by the maker.
A character can be associated with building functions. For example, the roof of a house provides a protective character because it protects its inhabitants from the direct heat of the sun or heavy rain which flushes where they live. The so-called protection is something that can prevent something from disaster or bad. So a roof must have properties that are not easily penetrated by anything, strong in accepting a variety of exposure to physical objects, and do not need to have strange details.
Typology can be seen as an activity of grouping things based on style. As a result, so-called tastes that can move the making of a particular style, even new types of styles appear. Broadly speaking, there are three main styles according to the time they were developed, namely the primitive / natural, ancient / traditional, and modern styles. The existence of creations that have no limits makes all styles can be mixed with their own proportions, giving rise to new styles, such as modern homes that have traditional details in the presence of a gazebo and natural nuanced garden. Of course this is the taste of everyone who is comfortable according to the feelings of the person himself. The architectural object's style determines the personality of the maker or its occupants, even the personality of the group or nation if the architectural object is a monumental public building.

Design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Pavilion of Civilization (Pendapa Peradaban) Design

Betterpad-Ray Main Building Design
[Based on these two views, the design of the Betterpad-Ray Maquette tends to be a group of public buildings that have their respective functions. It means, Mural Fortress Maquette is a complex buildings that has unique and original characteristics that clearly have no other similar form that humans can create. Indeed, residential houses tend not to be called architectural works or objects simply because of their relatively simple form and personal function, so there is no intention to create a unique form of the house, limited to neat and beautiful in general. While public buildings are buildings intended for many people. So, his form must be able to accommodate the thinking of many people, which is beautiful, unique, and can be easily remembered by everyone.
Considering that house is a basic human need besides food and clothing, the opinion that a residential house is an architectural object that is made so that it can be replicated subsequently is fundamental and true. Because there is no demand in the physical needs of humans to make things more and more different quickly. There is only a sense of security and comfort so that somehow the shape of the building is sufficient. Moreover, the form of a residential house is a manifestation of the results of human thought about one or several basic forms that are arranged into architectural objects. Architecture is the result of human culture and civilization in his life. So basically the form of construction that results from human creation, not naturally existing, has been referred to as a complete architectural work.
The design of the Betterpad-Ray Mural Fortress is indeed not a simple house. However, the shape of the building is a repetition of the forms that already exist, such as Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion) with an open side, the Main Building with a shape around an empty space, and the Masjid Syahadat (Shahada Mosque) with a rectangular pyramid roof shape typical of the archipelago/Nusantara Indonesia. So, it can be said that the design of Mural Fortress speaks from the point of view of both opinions.
The characters in the Betterpad-Ray design are made to fit the broad and sturdy character of public buildings. If asked about the style, of course it can be stated that the design of Mural Fortress uses traditional Nusantara styles, combined with the needs of modern activities in the Main Building that looks multi-functional. Actually, only things that can be found in other building complexes. This is not just a matter of taste, but about national identity that needs to be maintained and shown to the world while still observing universal values in architecture.]
The affairs of typology starts from the view that primitive huts are the beginning of architectural objects that are repetitive.
Raphael Monco gave his statement as follows:
"Simply put, typology can be defined as a concept that describes a group of objects on the basis of the similarity of the basic forms of character. Basically, typology is based on the possibility of grouping several objects because they have the same basic properties. It could even be said that typology means the act of thinking within a grouping framework.
Thus, the notion of "architecture" is:
". . . a way of making typological elements - namely the idea of a structure of form - reach a state that can characterize the whole work."
[Thus the article mixed with science and discussion about the design of the Betterpad-Ray Maquette. There is no perfect article, because only God is the most perfect. We apologize if there are mistakes and please criticize and advise. Thank you.]

§  Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc. Jati Diri Arsitektur Indonesia. 1997. Bandung: Penerbit Alumni (Publisher). * Includes: Ir. Budi A. Sukada, Grand.Hond, Dipl. (AA), as stated in the reference book.

BETTERPAD-RAY MOCKUP - Materiaal van de muur van de Shahada-moskee (Masjid Syahadat)

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