Friday, May 15, 2020

BETTERPAD-RAY MAQUETTE - What Is a Healthy Home?

The house is a place for humans to be inhabited and carry out activities needed safely. The house is a place for humans to shelter from the weather and the environment, to strengthen family relationships, the place for primary education and care for the body, and the characteristics of human lifestyles.
A livable house is based on health factors as the main concern, before physical appearance and architectural style. Health is very influential in determining whether or not a house is suitable for living, because a healthy home must meet the objectives of the home. With a clean and healthy home, the occupants receive great benefits in health, both physical and psychological quality.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the criteria for a healthy home are as follows.
1.      Must be protected from rain, heat, cold, and function as a resting place,
2.      There are places for sleeping, cooking, bathing, washing, toilet and bathroom,
3.      Can protect its inhabitants from the dangers of noise and free from pollution,
4.      Free from dangerous building materials,
5.      Made of building materials that are sturdy and can protect its inhabitants from earthquakes, collapse, and infectious diseases,
6.      Provide a sense of security and a harmonious neighbor environment.
In the first point, it is explained that the house must be able to protect its inhabitants from inconvenient weather. The house is a place to rest after doing activities so the comfort factor must be considered. The weather that is not friendly and sometimes easy to change is something that disturbs comfort. Houses are made to meet human needs to be protected from weather disturbances that can be bad for the body.
For example is rain, very humid air conditions and low temperatures are prone to cause diseases that are mainly caused by viruses. Rain is basically the usual weather and a blessing for life. However, if humans linger in the rain while their endurance is not strong enough to withstand, of course it will disturb their health and will have difficulty doing activities as usual. A closed house can protect people from the negative effects of direct rain. The roof is the most important part in holding back the heavy rain, after which is the wall. A good roof should not be penetrated or crossed by rainwater that enters the house.
The temperature also affects comfort. The temperature that is not hot and not cold is preferred. When the body is outside the house when the weather is not good, the air temperature is immediately felt by the body, except if you wear clothes that are able to cope. The house must be able to withstand outside air temperatures that are not expected so that activities at home can run smoothly. Especially at rest, the right air temperature is desired.
In the second point, the house is called a shelter that has several rooms according to the functions needed. Sleep is an important requirement to keep the body's metabolism running smoothly. About one third of one day's time is used for resting and sleeping. In a long time, the room for sleep must be a safe and comfortable room so that the quality of sleep is good. Cooking is a human activity that must be accommodated in the house. Many human foods must be cooked first to be fit and healthy for consumption. A place for cooking or a kitchen is a vital place in the house. The kitchen must be specially made with adequate equipment. As a place that has a lot of food and is easily damp, its cleanliness must always be carefully maintained because it affects the quality of food consumed and also the atmosphere in the house.
A good home is a house that provides a place to clean so that life is always healthy. Sanitation and bathrooms are places that are directly related to cleanliness. Bathing is an important requirement because it cleans the body of all impurities that stick to it and makes the body feel fresh so that it feels comfortable. So, the equipment for bathing must be adequate and clean. Various items worn by humans, such as clothes and cooking utensils, are sure and easy to get dirty after use. In order to be used again, of course it must be washed again.
In the third point, it is explained that the house must be able to ward off the presence of outside disturbances that interfere and have a negative impact on residents. The existence of events and activities in life must cause a variety of sounds. There are beautiful sounds, needed, or even annoying. In modern times that are fast paced and full of activity, the sound that is not pleasant to hear and more and more noise is heard. People who don't like to hear it will definitely try to avoid it. A closed house is basically able to ward off or at least reduce outside noise. Crowd and noise are things that should not be present in the home and surrounding environment. In other cases, the house or residential environment must be away from busy or industrial activities, or vice versa is the area that creates noise and disturbances must be far from the settlement.
In addition to sound, modern times pose a problem that is always faced, namely a lot of pollution, both air, water, and soil. Air pollution is a danger that is easily spread and felt by humans. Because of the nature of gas / air that is easily spread, the pollution it carries easily interferes with human life. It is hoped that the polluted air will not easily enter the house if there are trees or green spaces around the house. Houses must also be built far from sources of pollution, and places that cause pollution should not be built in settlements or nearby. Instead of shelter, contaminated homes will endanger the health of residents. So, governance in the risk of pollution needs to be considered and observed.
In modern life, there are some building materials that are processed through chemical processes that are sometimes harmful to the body. Just because it's for convenience and to reduce costs, don't let health be at stake. A healthy home uses building materials that are safe for the body. Apart from the substance, the physical appearance of building materials must not pose a great risk to the safety of the occupants. In addition to functioning as needed, building materials must be resistant to facing many threats and last even though they pass through various seasons.
Disasters surely cause damage. However, the house can be made so that it can avoid a big risk. Prevention of severe damage to buildings can start from the planning and design process. Disaster-resilient homes provide a calmer feeling for residents. The items in the house are safe too. Selection of the right material and design can reduce the risk of danger of collapse. Suppose there is collapse, then the consequences are small and not so dangerous to the occupants.
Another danger that is also threatening is the danger of diseases that are easily transmitted and spread which are usually caused by viruses. A healthy home must provide a place to wash hands with soap before entering the house to eliminate the source of the disease in the hand. This is one of the efforts to prevent the body from health problems. In certain parts of the house there are also places that can become a den of disease, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Both of these places must always be cleaned more thoroughly.
In addition to physical factors, psychological factors also need to be considered, because the direction will also be physical. Safety in the neighborhood makes clean and healthy living behavior always awake. Good social environmental factors also make every home will be maintained and health guaranteed. For example, such as the behavior of people who throw trash in their place is a positive example that can prevent the existence of diseases originating from scattered garbage.
According to Winslow, criteria for a healthy home include,
1. Can meet physiological needs,
2. Can meet psychological needs,
3. Can avoid accidents,
4. Can avoid the transmission of disease.
Humans need to move freely when in the house. It takes ample space to provide comfort in your activities, including resting. In modern times, with the increasingly narrow area of ​​land available, homes are increasingly made minimalist so that the size of the room is getting smaller. This is where the knowledge of architecture and interior design is needed to stay comfortable by getting around the conditions of the room. Making multi-storey houses (usually two) is the most common strategy found on how to meet the needs of a large space. Many furniture items have been made to fit the minimalist home conditions.
Whose name is the danger must be anywhere and the time is not known for sure. However, there is indeed hope for a place to stay as safe as possible and avoid harm. At least (if possible) do not choose or make a place to live in an area prone to disaster or accident. This can be traced by making personal observations or surveys about a good residential area. Then, there are also many houses today that are close to busy motorways. This is indeed dangerous and can not be avoided for those who already have a house near the highway. To minimize risk, a strong fence must be built in front of the house and the house is at least 10 meters from the highway.
In an age of epidemics, the movement to stay at home (for those who have no outside interests) is a solution to prevent transmission and cut off its spread. However, it is possible when someone who has just entered from outside the house, he might still carry the virus attached to the hand and move to parts or items in the house that are held, such as door handles, tables, chairs, and so on. So, in addition to providing a place to wash hands with soap before entering the house, disinfectant liquid can also be applied to parts of the house, especially the entrance. The disinfectant liquid is easily made using materials containing sodium hypochlorite mixed with water with a certain composition. Bleach is an example of a product that contains sodium hypochlorite.

[On another topic, the Betterpad-Ray Maquette/Mockup (Great Integrated Fortress) or Benteng Mural / Mural Fortress is a buildings complex design that also takes care of health, because there are also building designs for the health and medical fields. Health can be maintained in many ways, one of which is by maintaining the cleanliness of buildings. There are three public building designs that aim to be used by many people, namely the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat), the Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban), and the Main Building of the Betterpad-Ray. In times of epidemics or pandemics, public buildings are indeed closed to prevent the crowd of people who have the potential for widespread transmission of disease. If the pandemic has stopped and life is back to normal, public buildings are buildings that always need to be considered for hygiene and health by preparing adequate hand washing facilities and diligently applying disinfectant liquid to the building.]
Design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)
Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban) Design
Betterpad-Ray Main Building Design
[Thus the article mixed with science and discussion about the design of the Betterpad-Ray Mockup/Maquette/Model. There is no perfect paper, because only God is the most perfect. We apologize if there are mistakes and please criticize and advise. Thank you.]

§  Wicaksono, Andi A. Menciptakan Rumah Sehat. 2009.  Depok: Penebar Swadaya.

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