Wednesday, July 3, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Definition and Types of Disasters

There are several definitions of disasters which essentially damage and have a negative impact, especially for humans. Some definitions tend to reflect the following characteristics [(Carter, 1991; Law Number 24, 2007(Indonesia Law)].

• Disruption or disorder in the normal pattern of life. This disruption or disorder is usually severe, occurs suddenly, unexpectedly, and the coverage area is wide enough or causes many casualties.
• Impacts on humans such as loss of life, injuries, and loss of property.
• Impact on the main supporters of social and economic structures such as damage to infrastructure: road systems, clean water, electricity, communication, and other important utility services.
• Disaster risk is the potential loss caused by a disaster in a certain area and period of time that can be in the form of death, injury, illness, life threatening, loss of sense of security, displacement, damage or loss of property, and disruption of community activities.
• Disaster-prone is the condition or geological, biological, hydrological, climatological, geographical, social, cultural, political, economic and technological characteristics of an area for a certain period of time which reduces the ability to prevent, muffle, achieve readiness, and reduce the ability to respond to impacts bad certain danger.

From several dictionaries, disaster translated as follows:
• An event that causes major loss or damage and serious or sudden misfortune (Webster's New World Dictionary, 1983).
• A very bad accident that caused many people to die (Collins Cobuild Dictionary, 1988).
• Adverse events, sudden misfortune, catastrophe (New Webster Dictionary, 1997)

Disaster definition in the Disaster Management book - A Disaster Manager's Handbook (Carter) is an event, natural or man-made, sudden or progressive, which has a devastating effect so that the affected community must respond with action - extraordinary actions.

In Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management, disasters are defined as events or series of events that threaten and disrupt the lives and livelihoods of people caused by natural factors and / or non-natural factors and human factors resulting in human casualties, environmental damage, property losses objects, and psychological effects.

Furthermore, according to Law Number 24 of 2007 disasters consist of: natural disasters, non-natural disasters, and social disasters, each of which is defined as follows:
• Natural disasters: disasters caused by events or a series of events caused by nature include earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, hurricanes, and landslides.
• Non-natural disasters are disasters caused by events or a series of non-natural events, including failures of technology, failure of modernization, epidemics and epidemic of a disease.
• Social disasters are disasters caused by events or a series of events that are caused by humans which include social conflicts between groups or between communities, and terror.

More specifically for certain locations, namely on the coast, in Law Number 27 of 2007 (Indonesia) concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands, coastal disasters are defined as events due to natural events or because of actions by people that cause changes in the physical and / or biological properties of the coast and result in loss of life, property and / or damage in coastal areas and small islands.

Law Number 7 of 2004 concerning Water Resources does not specify the definition of disaster explicitly but is categorized in terms of controlling the destructive power of water. It is stated that the destructive power of water is water that causes damage and / or disaster. According to Law Number 7 of 2004 concerning Water Resources, the types of destructive power of water, namely water resources that cause damage and / or disaster are shown in the following table.
1. Floods
2. Erosion and sedimentation
3. Landslides
4. Cold lava floods
5. Land subsidence
6. Changes in the nature and content of
chemicals, biology and physics of water

7. Endangered species of plants and / or
animals are threatened
8. Outbreaks of disease
9. Intrusion
10. Seepage

Note: drought should be categorized as a disaster and proposed to be included in the Law on Water Resources (Kodoatie and Sjarief, 2005)

In Law Number 24 of 2007, stated the types of disasters as shown in the following table.
Natural Disasters

Volcanic eruption
Social Disasters


Social conflicts between groups
Social conflict between communities

Non-natural disasters



Technology failure
Failed modernization

In the book Disaster Management Handbook (Carter, 1991) mentioned types of disasters as listed in the following table.
1. Earthquake
2. Volcanic eruptions
3. Tsunami
4. Hurricane
5. Floods
6. Landslides
7.      Fires (Forests, in cities)
8. Drought
9. Epidemi
10. Big accident
11. Mass riots

There are additional types of disasters (Kodoatie, 2008b), namely:
           Smoke disaster
           Disasters: due to technological failures, due to incorrect policies: infiltration wells in landslide areas, housing permits in catchment areas cause flooding, due to negligence, due to improper planning, due to mismanagement, due to violations [Law / (Norms, Standards, Guidelines, and Manuals)] : carelessly dispose of trash in prohibited places that cause flooding, plant seasonal crops in areas vulnerable to land movement that cause landslides. (changed as needed).

In Indonesia, if all types of disasters from some of these sources are combined, it turns out that there are and occur in Indonesia, things that need to be contemplated and to reflect on themselves. It should be realized that perhaps only Indonesia has experienced life that coexists with all kinds of disasters.
Disaster Type Combined Table from Various Sources
1. Typhoons (tornadoes, whirlwinds, bohorok winds, leeches)
2. Smoke
3. Storm
4. Cold lava floods
5. Floods
6. Disasters due to failure of modernization
7. Disasters due to technological failures
8. Disasters due to negligence
9. Disasters due to violations of laws / (norms, standards, guidelines, and manuals)
10. Disasters due to wrong policies
11. Disasters due to mismanagement
12. Disasters due to misplaced planning
13. Bomb
14. Erosion and sedimentation
15. Large waves

16. Earthquakes
17. Mounts erupt
18. Intrusion
19. Fall of an airplane
20. The ship sank in the sea
21. Fires (Forests, in Cities)
22. Big accident
23. Drought
24. Mass riots
25. Inter-group or inter-community social conflict
26. permeation
27. Changes in the nature and content of chemicals, biology and physics of water.
28. Land subsidence
29. Landslides
30. Endangered species of plants and / or animals
31. Terror
32. Tsunami
33. Epidemic

(Translate from this Indonesian language article)

God willing, if realized, the development plan of the Betterpad-Ray design (Benteng Terpadu Raya/Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") will consider disasters that might occur and affect the building complex of this design. Because disasters are destructive, it is endeavored that the Betterpad-Ray design is not built in disaster-prone places, even though humans cannot predict when and where disasters occur and of course only God knows best. But at least there are disaster-prone maps that can be used as a reference so that they can avoid disasters in the area and in terms of development, they prefer a safe and comfortable place. Planning for the construction of the Betterpad-Ray complex must be made appropriately so that it meets expectations, namely the development runs smoothly in the right way. In development, it must be done appropriately so that no things are not expected and the building can stand firmly. And access to evacuation and rescue for various disasters must be provided properly so as to avoid unexpected losses or victims, both from pure natural disasters, non-natural disasters, and social disasters.

The Betterpad-Ray maquette/model/mockup is a building complex design that has a positive purpose, one part of that goal is disaster education and training. Disasters are indeed detrimental to humans, both natural and human-caused disasters. In bad things, in this case it is a disaster, there are two ways to avoid the negative effects, they are prevention and treatment. Each disaster has a causal factor and signs that must be known by every human being to be able to deal with it properly and safely so that it is safe and secure. So it is necessary to provide socialization and understanding of disasters in order to minimize the negative impacts that exist, and even prevent those disasters which are mainly due to human activities. In addition, the existing agency or organization must be able to cope with and handle disasters in accordance with their duties, capabilities, and in the right way.

Insha Allah (God Willing), Maket Betterpad-Ray has a goal to be a place to carry out these activities. The building that can be used is Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban), which is a pavilion that functions as a Hall and Betterpad-Ray Main Building which from its form can be known that it is the main office that can be done to perform tasks. Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban) can function as a place of counseling, meetings, seminars, or other things about discussing disaster issues that bring together various parties. Whereas the Betterpad-Ray Main Building functions as an administrative place, internal meeting, or individual and organizational tasks. Then the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) as a place for religious studies can also be used to deliver education about protecting the environment to avoid disasters.

Indeed, it needs to be realized that Indonesia is a disaster-prone country and the Betterpad-Ray model is likely to be built in Indonesia because Indonesia is my residence place and the Betterpad-Ray design was indeed made to fit Indonesia's conditions. In Indonesia there have been various disasters that have had many negative impacts. Some of these disasters cannot be predicted. The position of Indonesia, which is a meeting of continental plates and meeting of oceanic, makes it have a lot of natural wealth as well as the potential for major natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and so on. Not to mention other natural disasters due to environmental damage or non-natural disasters. For unpredictable natural disasters, anticipatory steps need to be made, for example in this case making buildings earthquake resistant. Whereas derived from human factors, it is necessary to increase Human Resources and empowerment. God willing, Betterpad-Ray can be used as a forum for disaster management and handling.

Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin. Sorry if there is an error especially in this article.

·       Robert J. Kodoatie and Roestam Sjarief. Tata Ruang Air. 2010. Yogyakarta: ANDI. (

(Architecture Hobby)

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