Saturday, January 19, 2019

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - Muhammad's Characteristics and Sublime Personality

Allah SWT has given glory and ability to Muhammad's life so that he can carry out great tasks and bear heavy responsibility in dealing with the problems of human life. In himself, there have been various privileges and virtues found in humans. He is a good example in terms of sharp thinking, right view, intelligence and wisdom, and is able to provide solutions. In solving the problem, he always thought seriously and side with the truth.

Muhammad has a handsome face and has a good body shape. He was so authoritative that everyone respected him. Because of this nature, Khadijah fell in love with him. So Khadijah freed Muhammad to take care of her property and allowed him to use his time to think and reflect.

Even though Muhammad lived among people who were experiencing depravity (the Jahiliyah era), he was not swept away by the swift flow of turpitude, even he was able to display a noble personality that was recognized and liked by all levels of society. Since childhood, Muhammad was not at all affected by depravity and heretical faith in his environment. He least likes idol worship and did not want to follow his various rituals, he did not even want to eat meat from animals slaughtered on behalf of idols and never drank khamr. Muhammad could not hold back his patience when he heard people swearing by the name of idols named Latta and Uzza.

Because he does not like to follow a variety of negative activities around him, Muhammad prefers to be alone and reflect on various human lives and the natural creation that is felt. However, in a reasonable and not negative social relationship, Muhammad was very good at getting along with the community and always behaving admirably. If someone invites him to speak, he listens carefully without turning to others, even turning the whole body towards the speaker. He spoke a little but earnestly, but still made pleasant humor, but what was said was really what he was. When he laughed until he saw his molars. If he is angry, his anger will never be seen. All of that is from his attitude which is always patient, good-willed, and respectful of others. He is humble, but also has a clear, strong-willed, firm, and never hesitant life goal.

Allah SWT always protects Rasulullah, when his instincts of human desire invite him to feel worldly pleasures. One day, it occurred to Muhammad to watch a performance typical of Arab society. But when he set foot, Allah prevented this desire so that he fell asleep until the next day. According to the history of Ibn Al-Athir, the point is, Muhammad once said that he never had the desire to carry out the activities of the surrounding community except only twice, but Allah always prevented him from doing so. After that, he did not intend to do it again.

One night, Muhammad had said to a slave while pasturing livestock on the edge of Mecca. "Can I ask for help so you want to feed these goats, so that I can enter the city of Mecca and stay up like other young people?" The slave replied, "Yes, you may leave."

So he left and when he reached the first house there was a sound of musical instruments. He asked the people there, "What crowd is there?" They replied that it was a wedding between the Fulan and the woman Fulan. He sat down to hear it, but Allah SWT closed his ears to sleepy and fell asleep. He also did it on another night. But the same thing happened to Muhammad and after that he never did it again.

Rasulullah SAW has privileges among the people. He always kept promises, carried out the mandate well, and was responsible so that he held the title "Al-Amin" (which can be trusted). Khadijah told about Muhammad, "A person who always bears the burden, helps people who are in trouble, gives food to guests, and always upholds the truth".

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·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, and Audah, Ali (Translator). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.
·         Al-Mubarakfuriyy, Syeikh Safy Al-Rahman. Seerah Nabawiyyah, Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.

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