Thursday, January 31, 2019

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - Next Revelation after the First Revelation

After receiving the first revelation, Prophet Muhammad did not receive another revelation for a long time. Rasulullah felt anxious and sad about this. He hoped and waited for the next revelation to arrive. Actually the period of the breakup of revelation was a time to calm down for Prophet Muhammad to be aware of what he experienced while receiving the first revelation and convince himself that he had been appointed a Prophet and Messenger who carried out the mission of Allah SWT.

It is said that according to the history by Al Bukhari in the section of the book Al-Tabir, Rasulullah felt wavering and sad at the time of delay of revelation. He went to the top of the hill many times. But when he arrived there, Gabriel (Jibril) appeared and said to Prophet Muhammad that he was the messenger of Allah SWT. With a happy heart, Prophet Muhammad felt calm and his soul returned to peace. So he went home. But during the period of delay of the revelation, Prophet Muhammad again felt sad and sad. So he returned to the top of the hill and Gabriel appeared while saying the same thing.

Al-Bukhari has narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah that he had heard Rasulullah say about the delay of revelation. The point is that one day when Rasulullah was walking, he suddenly heard a voice from the sky. When he searched for the source of the sound, he saw an angel he had met in the cave of Hira who was sitting in a chair between heaven and earth. He again felt an extraordinary fear that made his body weak. So Prophet Muhammad returned home to meet his wife, Khadijah, while saying, "Blanket me, blanket me". So Khadijah enveloped him.

Then came the second revelation from Allah SWT at that time, namely Surah Al-Muddaththir verses 1-7:

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلۡمُدَّثِّرُ  ١ قُمۡ فَأَنذِرۡ  ٢ وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرۡ  ٣ وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرۡ  ٤ وَٱلرُّجۡزَ فَٱهۡجُرۡ  ٥ وَلَا تَمۡنُن تَسۡتَكۡثِرُ  ٦ وَلِرَبِّكَ فَٱصۡبِرۡ  ٧

1.  O you who covers himself [with a garment],
2.  Arise and warn
3.  And your Lord glorify
4.  And your clothing purify
5.  And uncleanliness avoid
6.  And do not confer favor to acquire more
7.  But for your Lord be patient.

With the revelation revealed, the task of Prophet Muhammad became clearer,  to call on humanity to only worship Allah SWT and to persuade Him and submit to His commands and stay away from His prohibitions.

Since then, the following revelations have come down and a very long struggle has begun to establish and spread the religion of God on earth.

It's better if we more recognize the types of revelations which are treatises from God and provisions in preaching. Ibn Al-Qayyim mentioned revelation ratings:

1. True dreams, it is the beginning of revelation to Rasulullah.
2. Something that is inserted by the Angel into the chest and heart of Rasulullah without seeing it.
3. Gabriel transformed into a man and came to Rasulullah. He spoke with the Messenger of Allah who realized and remembered everything he had said. The companions were also able to see Gabriel in human form.
4. Rasulullah was accompanied by sounds like the clatter of bells. This method is the hardest for him to accept, Gabriel also accompanied him, supposedly until the forehead of Rasulullah poured sweat even though the air was cold, even his ride joined in kneeling. Once when this type of revelation descended on Rasulullah and his thighs on Zaid bin Thabit's thighs, Zaid felt like he was overwritten by a heavy burden.
5. Prophet Muhammad saw the angel Gabriel in his original form, then revealed to him according to the will of Allah SWT.
6. Without being covered by the hijab, as when the Messenger of Allah had passed the seventh heaven on the night of Mi'raj and received the command of prayer.
7. Conversation with Allah SWT directly without intermediary Angels as when Allah SWT spoke with Prophet Moses and the events of Isra '.

Presented by

(Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress)

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Al-Mubarakfuriyy, Syeikh Safy Al-Rahman. Seerah Nabawiyyah, Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.

KISAH NABI MUHAMMAD SAW - Turunnya Wahyu Berikutnya setelah Wahyu Pertama

Setelah menerima wahyu pertama, Nabi Muhammad tidak menerima wahyu lagi dalam waktu yang lama. Rasulullah merasa gelisah dan sedih dengan hal tersebut. Beliau berharap dan menunggu bahwa wahyu berikutnya akan tiba. Sebenarnya masa terputusnya wahyu adalah masa untuk menenangkan diri bagi Nabi Muhammad agar sadar dengan apa yang dialami beliau saat menerima wahyu pertama dan meyakinkan diri bahwa beliau telah diangkat menjadi seorang Nabi dan Rasul yang mengemban misi dari Allah SWT.

Konon menurut riwayat oleh Al Bukhari di dalam bagian kitab Al-Tabir, Rasulullah merasa bimbang dan sedih di masa penangguhan wahyu. Beliau berkali-kali pergi ke puncak bukit. Namun saat sampai di sana, Jibril menampakkan diri dan berkata kepada Nabi Muhammad bahwa beliau adalah utusan Allah SWT. Dengan begitu hati Nabi Muhammad merasa tenang dan jiwa beliau kembali tentram. Maka beliau pulang ke rumah. Namun saat masa penangguhan wahyu tersebut, Nabi Muhammad kembali merasa gundah dan bersedih. Maka beliau kembali ke puncak bukit dan Jibril pun menampakkan diri sambil mengucapkan hal yang sama.

Al-Bukhari telah meriwayatkan dari Jabir bin Abdullah bahwa beliau telah mendengar Rasulullah bersabda tentang penangguhan wahyu. Intinya bahwa pada suatu hari ketika Rasulullah sedang berjalan, tiba-tiba beliau mendengar suara dari langit. Saat beliau mencari sumber suara tersebut, beliau melihat malaikat yang telah ditemuinya di gua Hira yang sedang duduk di kursi antara langit dan bumi. Beliau kembali merasakan ketakutan yang luar biasa sehingga membuat tubuh lemas. Maka Nabi Muhammad SAW segera pulang menemui isterinya, Khadijah, seraya berkata, “Selimuti aku, selimuti aku”. Maka Khadijah menyelimuti beliau.

Maka turunlah wahyu kedua dari Allah SWT pada saat itu, yaitu Surat Al-Muddatstsir ayat 1-7:

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلۡمُدَّثِّرُ  ١ قُمۡ فَأَنذِرۡ  ٢ وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرۡ  ٣ وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرۡ  ٤ وَٱلرُّجۡزَ فَٱهۡجُرۡ  ٥ وَلَا تَمۡنُن تَسۡتَكۡثِرُ  ٦ وَلِرَبِّكَ فَٱصۡبِرۡ  ٧

1.  Hai orang yang berkemul (berselimut),
2.  bangunlah, lalu berilah peringatan!
3.  dan Tuhanmu agungkanlah!
4.  dan pakaianmu bersihkanlah,
5.  dan perbuatan dosa tinggalkanlah,
6.  dan janganlah kamu memberi (dengan maksud) memperoleh (balasan) yang lebih banyak.
7.  Dan untuk (memenuhi perintah) Tuhanmu, bersabarlah.

Dengan diturunkannya wahyu tersebut, maka tugas Nabi Muhammad semakin jelas, yaitu menyeru umat manusia agar hanya beribadah kepada Allah SWT dan mengesakan-Nya serta tunduk pada segala perintah-Nya dan menjauhi larangan-Nya.

Sejak saat itu, turunlah wahyu-wahyu berikutnya dan mulailah sebuah perjuangan yang sangat panjang untuk menegakkan dan menyebarkan agama Allah di muka bumi.

Ada baiknya jika lebih mengenali jenis-jenis wahyu yang merupakan risalah dari Tuhan dan bekal dalam berdakwah. Ibnu Al-Qayyim telah menyebutkan peringkat-peringkat wahyu:

1.      Mimpi benar, yaitu permulaan wahyu kepada Rasulullah.
2.      Sesuatu yang dimasukkan oleh Malaikat ke dalam dada dan hati Rasulullah tanpa melihatnya.
3.      Jibril menjelma menjadi seorang laki-laki dan mendatangi Rasulullah. Dia berbicara dengan Rasulullah yang menyadari dan mengingat segala apa yang diucapkan kepada beliau. Para sahabat pun juga mampu melihat Jibril dalam wujud manusia.
4.      Rasulullah didatangi dengan bunyian seperti gemerincing lonceng. Cara ini adalah paling berat bagi beliau untuk menerimanya, Jibril pun turut menyertainya, konon hingga dahi Rasulullah bercucuran keringat meski hawa udaranya dingin, bahkan tunggangan beliau ikut bersimpuh. Suatu ketika saat wahyu jenis ini turun kepada Rasulullah dan paha beliau di atas paha Zaid bin Tsabit, Zaid merasa seperti ditimpa beban berat.
5.      Nabi Muhammad melihat malaikat Jibril dalam wujud aslinya, lalu diwahyukan kepada beliau sesuai kehendak Allah SWT.
6.      Tanpa tertutup hijab, seperti saat Rasulullah telah melewati langit ketujuh di malam Mi’raj dan menerima perintah sholat.
7.      Percakapan dengan Allah SWT secara langsung tanpa perantara Malaikat seperti saat Allah SWT berbicara dengan Nabi Musa dan peristiwa Isra’.

Persembahan dari

(Benteng Terpadu Raya)

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, dan Haidir, Abdullah (Penerjemah). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Al-Mubarakfuriyy, Syeikh Safy Al-Rahman. Seerah Nabawiyyah, Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.

Monday, January 28, 2019


Indeed, there are many natural phenomena that are told in the Qur'an, one of which is that the mountain continues to move like the path of a cloud. The scientists also agreed that the mountains were not silent as we thought, but were moving. In theory, the movements of the mountains are caused by the movement of the earth's crust where they are located. The earth's crust is like floating above a more dense layer of magma. This mountain movement can also be considered a continental movement.
Surah An-Naml verse 88:

وَتَرَى ٱلۡجِبَالَ تَحۡسَبُهَا جَامِدَةٗ وَهِيَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ ٱلسَّحَابِۚ صُنۡعَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلَّذِيٓ أَتۡقَنَ كُلَّ شَيۡءٍۚ إِنَّهُۥ خَبِيرُۢ بِمَا تَفۡعَلُونَ  ٨٨

88.  And you see the mountains, thinking them rigid, while they will pass as the passing of clouds. [It is] the work of Allah, who perfected all things. Indeed, He is Acquainted with that which you do.

Geologists argue that widening oceanic bases, continental movements, seismic patterns, and volcanic activities are part of an energy push from the bowels of the earth. The surface of the Earth consists of six stretches of continental plates that are hard, but far thinner than the size of a globe. The thickness of these continents is no more than 150 km. The continental plates rub against each other. Movements shifting the earth's crust are also caused by intense pressure from energy originating from the bowels of the earth.

For example, the Asian Continent consists of three large plates, namely Eurasia, the Pacific, and India. Eurasia is the largest and relatively static plate, while the Pacific and Indian plates continue to move northwest (Pacific) and north (India). These "collision" movements form islands and mountain ranges such as the Himalayas.

The important things about the continental movement are as follows:

1.      Tectonic plate movements continue to occur causing changes in the surface of the earth.
2.      The source of movement comes from currents caused by heat. This current occurs in solid but springy rock in the asthenosphere layer of the earth's envelope.
3.      Tectonic plates can melt when approaching the earth's shell and out through volcanoes, fissures, or cracks. While leaving oceanic cracks, melting rocks form a new base in the sea.
4.      Melting rock founds pushing forward parts of the older earth crust. Older parts may support continents. If that part of the earth's crust meets the tip, then the impact causes an earthquake.
5.      The theory of tectonic plate movements is mostly related to the spread of volcanoes on the earth's surface and the occurrence of earthquakes.

Around the beginning of the 20th century, geologists have known that the outer crust of the earth floats on a softer layer. But the theory of continental movements has only been widely publicized since 1960.

One of the experts who conveyed the theory of continental movement was Alfred Lothar Wegener (1880-1930). He is a weather scientist who put forward the theory of Floating and Shifting Continents. He revealed this in 1912 before an association of geologists in Frankfurt, Germany. In 1915, the theory was first revealed in the form of a book entitled Die Enstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane (Origin of Continents and Oceans). Initially the book caused controversy among geologists. The controversy subsided in the 1960s after the continental float theory became more and more adherent among scientists.

Object Source:

Wegener stated in his theory that since about 200 million years ago there was a super large continent and ocean on the surface of this earth. This giant continent is called Pangea, while the ocean area surrounding it is called Panthalasa. Very slowly, Pangea has cracks and was separated. Around 180 million years ago, the giant continent was separated into two, namely the continent on the north called Laurasia and in the south called Gondwana. Both continents are separated by a narrow path, namely the Tethys Sea. The Tethys Sea remnant is now a pathway for oil deposits around the seas in the Middle East.

Then the continent of Laurasia and Gondwana split again into smaller land and move irregularly with a moving speed of about 1-10 cm per year. In the history of the development of planet Earth, Laurasia was divided into continents which are currently located north of the equator or northern hemisphere, including Eurasia, North America, and the surrounding small islands. Gondwana is divided into continents in the southern hemisphere, including South America, Africa, Sub Continent of India, Australia, and Antarctica.

With these events, things happened as follows:

1.      Expanses of oceans and continents floating on their own.
2.      The Atlantic Ocean is becoming more widespread because the America Continent continues to move westward and there are folds of earth's crust which are a range of mountains along the west coast of North-South America.
3.      The existence of extraordinary seismic activity along the St. Andreas fault, near the west coast of the United States.
4.      The Indian Ocean boundary is increasingly pressing north. It is estimated that the Asian subcontinent / mainland India was initially rather long, but because of its movement to the north, India narrowed and drew closer to the Eurasian continent. This process produces a range of Himalayan mountains.

Continents today continue to move and can be proven by the widening of the gap found in the deep grooves of the ocean.The starting point of Wegener's theory is:

1.      There is a striking similarity between the contour lines of the east coast of the South American continent and the contour lines of the west coast of Africa, as well as the contour lines of the east coast of the North American Continent with the contour lines of the west coast of Europe. This equation proves that in fact the first two coastlines were land boundaries.
2.      The Greenland region now moves away from the European Continent at 36 meters per year, while the island of Madagascar moves away from the African Continent at 9 meters per year.

Geologists (from a combination of developed countries) conducted research at the south pole (1969-1970) at the Central Antarctic Trans, to prove Wegener's theory. From the findings, the following evidence is obtained:

1.      The area 200 million years ago was an equatorial region.
2.      Found fossils of jaws of ancient labyrinthodonts like salamanders.

As Muslims, they certainly hope that there are Muslim scientists who are able to contribute valuable discoveries to science, such as in the golden age.

Presented by

(Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress)

·         Wardiyatmoko, K. 2004. Geografi SMA Jilid 1 untuk Kelas X Kurikulum 2004 Berbasis Kompetensi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
·         Utoyo, Bambang. 2009. Geografi 1 Membuka Cakrawala Dunia untuk Kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
·         Soegimo, Dibyo and Ruswanto. 2009. Geografi: untuk SMA/MA Kelas X. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.


Sesungguhnya telah banyak fenomena alam yang diceritakan dalam Al Qur’an, salah satunya adalah bahwa gunung terus bergerak seperti jalannya awan. Para ilmuwan juga sepakat bahwa gunung-gunung tidak diam seperti anggapan kita, melainkan bergerak. Secara teori, gerakan gunung-gunung disebabkan oleh gerakan kerak bumi tempat mereka berada. Kerak bumi seperti mengapung di atas lapisan magma yang lebih rapat. Gerakan gunung ini juga dapat dianggap sebagai gerakan benua.

Surat An-Naml ayat 88:

وَتَرَى ٱلۡجِبَالَ تَحۡسَبُهَا جَامِدَةٗ وَهِيَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ ٱلسَّحَابِۚ صُنۡعَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلَّذِيٓ أَتۡقَنَ كُلَّ شَيۡءٍۚ إِنَّهُۥ خَبِيرُۢ بِمَا تَفۡعَلُونَ  ٨٨

88.  Dan kamu lihat gunung-gunung itu, kamu sangka dia tetap di tempatnya, padahal ia berjalan sebagai jalannya awan. (Begitulah) perbuatan Allah yang membuat dengan kokoh tiap-tiap sesuatu; sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.

Para ahli geologi berpendapat bahwa pelebaran alur-alur dasar samudera, gerakan-gerakan benua, pola seismik, dan kegiatan vulkanik adalah bagian dari suatu desakan energi dari perut bumi. Permukaan Bumi terdiri dari enam bentangan lempeng benua yang bersifat keras, tetapi jauh lebih tipis daripada ukuran bola bumi. Tebal pada benua-benua tersebut tak lebih dari 150 km. Lempeng-lempeng benua itu saling bergeseran. Gerakan-gerakan pergeseran kerak bumi juga disebabkan oleh desakan hebat dari energi yang berasal dari perut bumi.

Sebagai contoh, Benua Asia terdiri dari tiga lempeng besar, yaitu Eurasia, Pasifik, dan India. Eurasia adalah lempeng terbesar dan relatif statis, sedangkan lempeng Pasifik dan India terus bergerak ke arah barat laut (Pasifik) dan utara (India). Gerakan-gerakan “tabrakan” ini membentuk pulau-pulau dan jajaran pegunungan seperti pegunungan Himalaya.

Hal-hal penting mengenai gerakan benua adalah sebagai berikut:
1.      Gerakan-gerakan lempeng tektonik terus-menerus terjadi sehingga menyebabkan perubahan pada permukaan bumi.
2.      Sumber gerakan berasal dari arus yang disebabkan oleh panas. Arus ini terjadi dalam batuan padat tetapi kenyal di dalam lapisan astenosfer selubung bumi.
3.      Lempeng tektonik dapat meleleh waktu mendekati kulit bumi dan keluar melalui gunung berapi, celah, atau retakan. Sambil meninggalkan retakan dasar samudera, batuan yang meleleh membentuk dasar baru di laut.
4.      Dasar batuan yang meleleh mendesak maju bagian kerak bumi yang lebih tua. Bagian yang tua mungkin mendukung benua. Jika bagian kerak bumi seperti itu bertemu ujung, maka benturan itu menimbulkan gempa bumi.
5.      Teori gerakan lempeng tektonik banyak terkait dengan persebaran gunung berapi di permukaan bumi dan terjadinya gempa bumi.

Sekitar awal abad ke-20, para ahli geologi telah mengetahui bahwa kerak bumi bagian luar mengapung di atas lapisan yang lebih lunak. Namun teori mengenai pergerakan benua baru dipublikasikan secara luas sejak tahun 1960.

Salah satu ahli yang menyampaikan teori pergerakan benua adalah Alfred Lothar Wegener (1880-1930). Dia adalah ahli ilmu cuaca yang mengemukakan teori Apungan dan Pergeseran Benua-benua. Dia mengungkapkan hal itu pada tahun 1912 di hadapan perhimpunan ahli geologi di Frankfurt, Jerman. Pada tahun 1915, teori tersebut diungkapkan pertama kali dalam bentuk buku yang berjudul Die Enstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane (Asal Usul Benua dan Lautan). Awalnya buku tersebut menimbulkan kontroversi di kalangan ahli geologi. Kontroversi baru mereda pada pada tahun 1960-an setelah teori apungan benua makin banyak penganut di kalangan ahli ilmu pengetahuan.
Sumber objek:

Wegener mengemukakan dalam teorinya bahwa sejak sekitar 200 juta tahun yang lalu terdapat suatu benua dan samudra yang sangat luas di permukaan bumi ini. Benua raksasa ini dinamakan Pangea, sedangkan wilayah samudra yang mengelilinginya disebut Panthalasa. Secara sangat perlahan, Pangea mengalami retakan-retakan dan terpisah. Sekitar 180 juta tahun yang lalu, benua raksasa tersebut terpisah menjadi dua, yaitu benua di sebelah utara dinamakan Laurasia dan di bagian selatan dinamakan Gondwana. Kedua benua dipisahkan oleh jalur sempit yaitu Laut Tethys. Sisa Laut Tethys pada masa sekarang merupakan jalur cebakan minyak bumi di sekitar laut-laut di kawasan Timur Tengah.

Kemudian benua Laurasia dan Gondwana terpecah lagi menjadi daratan yang lebih kecil dan bergerak secara tak beraturan dengan kecepatan gerak sekitar 1-10 cm per tahun. Dalam sejarah perkembangan planet Bumi, Laurasia terpecah menjadi benua-benua yang saat ini berada di sebelah utara ekuator atau belahan bumi utara, meliputi Eurasia, Amerika Utara, dan pulau-pulau kecil di sekitarnya. Gondwana terpecah menjadi benua-benua di belahan bumi selatan, meliputi Amerika Selatan, Afrika, Sub Benua India, Australia, dan Antartika.

Dengan peristiwa tersebut, maka terjadilah hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1.      Bentangan-bentangan samudera dan benua-benua mengapung sendiri-sendiri.
2.      Samudera Atlantik menjadi semakin luas karena Benua Amerika terus bergerak ke arah barat dan terjadilah lipatan-lipatan kulit bumi yang menjadi jajaran pegunungan sepanjang pantai barat Amerika Utara-Selatan.
3.      Adanya kegiatan seismik luar biasa di sepanjang patahan St. Andreas, dekat pantai barat Amerika Serikat.
4.      Batas Samudera Hindia semakin mendesak ke utara. Diperkirakan bahwa anak benua Asia/daratan India awalnya agak panjang, namun karena gerakannya ke utara maka India makin menyempit dan makin mendekat ke benua Eurasia. Proses ini menghasilkan jajaran pegunungan Himalaya.

Benua-benua sekarang ini terus bergerak dan dapat dibuktikan dengan makin melebarnya celah yang terdapat di alur-alur dalam samudera.

Titik tolak teori Wegener adalah:

1.      Adanya persamaan yang mencolok antara garis kontur pantai timur benua Amerika Selatan dengan garis kontur pantai barat Afrika, begitu pula dengan garis kontur pantai timur Benua Amerika Utara dengan garis kontur pantai barat Eropa. Persamaan ini membuktikan bahwa sebenarnya dahulu kedua garis pantai tersebut adalah daratan yang berimpitan.
2.      Daerah Greenland sekarang ini bergerak menjauhi Benua Eropa dengan kecepatan 36 meter per tahun, sedangkan pulau Madagaskar bergerak menjauhi Benua Afrika dengan kecepatan 9 meter per tahun.

Para ahli geologi (dari gabungan negara-negara maju) mengadakan penelitian di kutub selatan (1969-1970) pusatnya di Trans Antartik Tengah, untuk membuktikan teori Wegener. Dari hasil penemuan diperoleh bukti sebagai berikut:

1.      Daerah tersebut pada 200 juta tahun yang lalu merupakan daerah khatulistiwa.
2.      Ditemukan fosil tulang rahang binatang amfibi air tawar purba/labyrintodont seperti salamander.

Sebagai kaum muslimin tentu berharap bahwa ada ilmuwan muslim yang mampu menyumbangkan penemuan berharga bagi ilmu pengetahuan, seperti pada masa keemasan dahulu.

Persembahan dari

(Benteng Terpadu Raya)

·         Wardiyatmoko, K. 2004. Geografi SMA Jilid 1 untuk Kelas X Kurikulum 2004 Berbasis Kompetensi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
·         Utoyo, Bambang. 2009. Geografi 1 Membuka Cakrawala Dunia untuk Kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
·         Soegimo, Dibyo dan Ruswanto. 2009. Geografi: untuk SMA/MA Kelas X. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

Friday, January 25, 2019

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - First Revelation to the Messenger of Allah in Hira Cave

When Muhammad approached the age of 40, he preferred to be alone and stay away from the hustle and bustle of the people of Mecca who like to do immorality and evil. He often went to Hira Cave by bringing a little food and enough water. Hira Cave is about two farsakh (1 farsakh = 3.5 miles) north of the city of Mecca. In this place Muhammad got the best place to think and reflect. He felt calm in his soul and his desire to be alone was fulfilled.

It has become the custom of the Arabs of that time that there were groups of thinkers who kept away from the crowd for a long time every year. They draw closer to their gods by meditating and praying, expecting sustenance and knowledge.

When alone, Muhammad filled his time by worshiping and thinking about the greatness of the universe and realizing the existence of the Almighty who created everything. His curiosity was very great and always kept looking for the secrets of the universe. Only the desire to find the truth that is in his mind.

It is clear that Allah SWT has wished that this was the beginning and preparation for Muhammad to accept a great task that would organize and guide humanity in the right direction. So, Muhammad's soul must be cleansed of various impurities in worldly pleasures. This lasted for three years before Muhammad was appointed as an messenger.

After Muhammad had often been alone for so long, cleansing his soul by noticing the greatness of nature that had been created by the Creator, Allah Almighty gave prophetic duties to the Last Prophets, Muhammad SAW. This event took place at night on the 17th of Ramadan and there were also those who stated 21 Ramadan (according to Sheikh Al-Mubarakfuriy), just when he was 40 years old in the Hijri. It is also the beginning of the count of prophetic years.

At that time the angel Gabriel (Jibril) came to Muhammad in the cave of Hira and hugged him three times. Every time he embraced him, Gabriel said, "Read it!".Every time that the Prophet replied, "I cannot read".

The Messenger of Allah was afraid and panicked by the incident. Fatigue was felt. When Muhammad asked what he should read, Gabriel read the words of Allah SWT, namely Surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5:

ٱقۡرَأۡ بِٱسۡمِ رَبِّكَ ٱلَّذِي خَلَقَ  ١ خَلَقَ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنَ مِنۡ عَلَقٍ  ٢ ٱقۡرَأۡ وَرَبُّكَ ٱلۡأَكۡرَمُ  ٣ ٱلَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِٱلۡقَلَمِ  ٤ عَلَّمَ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنَ مَا لَمۡ يَعۡلَمۡ  ٥

1.  Recite in the name of your Lord who created -
2.  Created man from a clinging substance.
3.  Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -
4.  Who taught by the pen -
5.  Taught man that which he knew not.

After that, Gabriel left the Prophet. These holy sentences are inscribed in Muhammad's heart.

With a trembling body, the Messenger of Allah immediately returned to his home and worrying about the events he had just experienced might harm him. Everything was confusing, he still could not understand what really happened. He entered the house and approached Khadijah and told her to cover his body. Khadijah immediately covered him, then Muhammad SAW felt more calm and immediately told the events in the cave of Hira that he experienced to his wife.

"I am afraid something will happen to me", said Muhammad SAW.

As a good wife, Khadijah calmed and comforted her husband and said, "Not at all, He (God) will not insult you forever, you are a person who likes to connect, bring and help people who are weak, respect guests, and are helpful in kind". Khadijah is indeed a wife who has compassion, the place of the Prophet Muhammad to tell all the contents of his heart and that makes his heart feel peaceful.

Prophet Muhammad was really exhausted, so he slept, slept to then wake up again to carry out a very large spiritual task, which was full of sacrifice and sincere only for Allah SWT, for truth and humanity. That is the Message of God that will illuminate the life of mankind.

Then Khadijah accompanied Muhammad to go to the house of Waraqah bin Naufal, uncle of Khadijah. He was a Christian who knew a lot about the contents of the Torah and the Gospel. He was very old and blind. Muhammad SAW told what he experienced. Waraqah was happy to hear the story, "That is the angel Gabriel that Allah sent down to Prophet Moses, you are the Prophet of this ummah. Ah, it's a pity, if only I were alive, when you were cast out by your people. "

"Will they drive me away?"

"Yes, no one carries what you bring unless he is going to be hostile. If I experience when that happens, I will defend you seriously, " said Waraqah.

Waraqah died when the revelation had been interrupted for some time (after the first revelation).

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·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, and Audah, Ali (Translator). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.
·         Al-Mubarakfuriyy, Syeikh Safy Al-Rahman. Seerah Nabawiyyah, Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.

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