Thursday, February 28, 2019


River is fresh water that flows from its source to or empties into a sea, lake or larger river. These rivers lift various materials and continue to be deposited. As a result of this process a river valley is formed, which is a lower surface form than other parts produced by erosion of water or river erosion.

River erosion or can be called ablation (erosion by water) is the event of moving a rock or soil caused by continuous river water flowing. Basic erosion is erosion that occurs at the bottom of the river which will cause the riverbed to become deeper. Edge erosion is erosion that occurs on the banks of the river which will later cause widening on each side of the river.

River valley in the Grand Canyon
Object Souce:

There are several stages that can explain the erosion by river water flow:
1. Flowing river water creates friction on the ground. And the size of the friction that occurs is influenced by the size of the flowing water.
2. Friction is greater if the speed and amount of water are also getting bigger.
3. The water speed is also greater if the gradient or slope of the land is getting bigger.
4. Friction between water and solid objects that are transported by water with soil or rocks at the bottom of this can cause erosion.

The process of river valley formation takes place through three processes, namely deepening, widening, and elongation.
a. Deepening of the river valley
In the upper reaches of the river, the erosion process is very strong because the height difference is very high. High flow speeds cause the process of erosion and transportation to work more dominantly. Its erosion power works by mashing and grinding the riverbed called hydraulic erosion. Then followed by mechanical erosion, the rock debris carried by heavy flow also erodes and accelerates the deepening of the channel. In addition, chemical erosion also occurs, namely the dissolution process and acid reaction to the bottom and edge of the river channel
b. Widening of the river valley
In flat areas, the most dominant erosion process is lateral erosion due to the slow speed of flowing water. Its nature widens the river valley channels. There is also the process of adding deposits from material wasting (mass wasting) on the slopes above which is called the agradation process which helps accelerate the widening of the river valley.
c. Elongation of the river valley
This event occurred because of a decrease in sea level, so that land increased. And because of the growth of the delta, the land face also increases. Delta is sediments in river mouths originating from land, sand, small rocks, and various materials carried by the river flow to the edge of the sea.

Delta Formation Scheme
Object Source:

If the amount of damage carried by the river water flow is very much and can not be carried away by water again, then the results of weathering carried by the water will accumulate somewhere. Here the erosion stops, but is followed by erosion to the side. So a river that initially flows rather straightly turns and forms meanders. Because of the meanders, the river valleys became wider.

Object Source:

The development of a river valley shows its age. Age here is the relative age based on the appearance of the shape of the valley that occurs in several stages (stadium). At the beginning stage, the river gradient is still large so that the vertical erosion power is large. At this stage the original plain has just been formed. This can be caused by the removal of the seafloor to the surface or eruption of volcanoes which produce very much sedimentation so that new land surface is formed. In some places there are beginnings of rivers with small valleys. So at this stage the surrounding area is still a between streams and erosion is just beginning to occur.

The river flow is divided into two, namely the young and adult stadium rivers.

The characteristics of the young stadium are as follows.
1. Cross section of a V-shaped valley. This occurs because of the strong vertical abrasion due to the large gradient.
2. Many rivers still have temporary base erosion.
3. Transport of rivers is large.
4. The width at the bottom of the valley is equal to the width of the river channel.
5. The bottom of the valley is not even.

The characteristics of the adult stadium are as follows.
1. The river gradient is smaller.
2. Lateral or side erosion. While practical vertical erosion has not occurred.
3. Has undergone riverbed leveling.4. The valley forms the letter U, whose width exceeds its depth.
5. At the valley floor there is a flood plain and on a plain flood the river forms meanders.
6. There is no basic erosion so that the river valley bottom is evenly distributed.


·         Wardiyatmoko, K. 2004. Geografi SMA Jilid 1 untuk Kelas X Kurikulum 2004 Berbasis Kompetensi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
·         Rahayu, Saptanti and friends. 2009. Nuansa Geografi 1: untuk SMA/MA Kelas X. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional


Sungai adalah air tawar yang mengalir dari sumbernya menuju atau bermuara di laut, danau, atau sungai yang lebih besar. Sungai-sungai tersebut mengangkat berbagai material dan terus diendapkan. Akibat dari proses ini maka terbentuklah lembah sungai, yaitu suatu  bentuk permukaan yang lebih rendah daripada bagian lainnya yang dihasilkan oleh pengikisan air atau erosi sungai.

Lembah sungai di Grand Canyon
Sumber objek:

Erosi sungai atau dapat disebut ablasi (pengikisan oleh air) adalah peristiwa pindahnya suatu batuan atau tanah yang disebabkan oleh air sungai yang mengalir secara terus-menerus. Erosi dasar adalah erosi yang terjadi di dasar sungai yang nantinya akan menyebabkan dasar sungai menjadi lebih dalam. Erosi tepi adalah erosi yang terjadi di tepi sungai yang nantinya akan menyebabkan pelebaran pada masing-masing sisi bagian sungai.

Ada beberapa tahapan yang dapat menjelaskan terjadinya pengikisan oleh aliran air sungai, yaitu:
1.      Air sungai yang mengalir menimbulkan gesekan pada tanah. Dan besar kecilnya gesekan yang terjadi dipengaruhi oleh besar kecilnya air yang mengalir.
2.      Gesekan semakin besar jika kecepatan dan jumlah air juga semakin besar.
3.      Kecepatan air juga semakin besar jika gradien atau kemiringan lahan semakin besar.
4.      Gesekan antara air dengan benda padat yang terangkut oleh air dengan tanah atau batuan yang ada di dasar inilah yang dapat menimbulkan pengikisan.

Proses terbentuknya lembah sungai terjadi melalui tiga proses, yaitu pendalaman, pelebaran, dan pemanjangan.
a.      Pendalaman lembah sungai
Pada daerah hulu sungai, proses erosi berlangsung sangat kuat karena perbedaan ketinggian sangat besar. Kecepatan aliran yang besar menyebabkan proses erosi dan transportasi bekerja lebih dominan. Kekuatan erosinya bekerja dengan cara menumbuk dan menggerus dasar sungai yang disebut pengikisan hidrolik. Kemudian dilanjutkan pengikisan mekanik, yaitu serpihan batuan yang terbawa oleh aliran yang deras juga turut mengikis dan mempercepat pendalaman saluran. Selain itu, juga terjadi pengikisan kimiawi, yaitu proses pelarutan dan reaksi asam terhadap dasar dan tepi saluran sungai.
b.      Pelebaran lembah sungai
Pada daerah datar, proses erosi yang paling dominan adalah erosi menyamping (lateral) karena lambatnya kecepatan arus air yang mengalir. Sifatnya melebarkan saluran lembah sungai. Juga terjadi proses penambahan endapan dari materi longsoran (mass wasting) lereng-lereng di atasnya yang disebut proses agradasi yang turut mempercepat pelebaran lembah sungai.
c.       Pemanjangan lembah sungai
Peristiwa ini terjadi karena penurunan permukaan laut, sehingga daratan bertambah maju. Dan karena pertumbuhan delta, muka daratan pun bertambah. Delta adalah endapan-endapan di muara sungai yang berasal dari tanah, pasir, batu-batu kecil, dan berbagai material yang dibawa oleh aliran sungai sampai ke tepi laut.

Skema Pembentukan Delta
Sumber Objek:

Jika hasil perusakan yang dibawa aliran air sungai sudah sangat banyak dan tidak dapat terbawa air lagi, maka hasil pelapukan yang dibawa air tersebut akan terkumpul di suatu tempat. Di sini erosi berhenti, namun dilanjutkan pengikisan ke arah samping. Maka sebuah sungai yang awalnya mengalir agak lurus menjadi berbelok-belok dan membentuk meander (kelokan). Karena adanya meander, lembah-lembah sungai menjadi bertambah luas.

Pembentukan Meander
Sumber Objek:
Perkembangan suatu lembah sungai menunjukkan umurnya. Umur di sini adalah umur relatif berdasarkan kenampakan bentuk lembah tersebut yang terjadi dalam beberapa tingkat (stadium). Pada stadium awal, gradien sungai masih besar sehingga daya kikis vertikal besar. Pada stadium ini dataran asli baru saja terbentuk. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh pengangkatan dasar laut ke atas permukaan atau erupsi (peletusan) gunung-gunung berapi yang menghasilkan sedimentasi yang sangat banyak sehingga terbentuk permukaan daratan yang baru. Di beberapa tempat terdapat permulaan sungai dengan lembah yang kecil-kecil. Jadi pada stadium ini daerah di sekitarnya masih merupakan bentuk antaraliran dan erosi baru mulai terjadi.

Aliran sungai dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu sungai stadium muda dan dewasa.

Ciri-ciri sungai stadium muda adalah sebagai berikut.
1.      Penampang melintang lembah berbentuk V. Hal ini terjadi karena daya kikis vertikal yang kuat akibat gradien masih besar.
2.      Sungai masih banyak mempunyai erosi basis sementara.
3.      Daya angkut aliran sungai besar.
4.      Lebar pada bagian bawah lembah sama dengan lebar saluran sungai.
5.      Dasar lembah belum rata.

Ciri-ciri sungai stadium dewasa adalah sebagai berikut.
1.      Gradien sungai menjadi lebih kecil.
2.      Erosi lateral atau ke samping. Sedangkan erosi vertikal praktis sudah tidak terjadi.
3.      Telah mengalami pendataran dasar sungai.
4.      Lembah membentuk huruf U, yang ukuran lebarnya melebihi dalamnya.
5.      Pada dasar lembah terdapat dataran banjir (flood plain) dan pada flood plain sungai membentuk kelokan (meander)
6.      Sudah tidak ada erosi dasar sehingga dasar lembah sungai sudah merata.


·         Wardiyatmoko, K. 2004. Geografi SMA Jilid 1 untuk Kelas X Kurikulum 2004 Berbasis Kompetensi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
·         Rahayu, Saptanti dkk. 2009. Nuansa Geografi 1: untuk SMA/MA Kelas X. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - Marriage with Saudah and Aisha

Prophet Muhammad married Ummul Mu'minin Saudah binti Zum'ah in month Shawwal in the 10th year in prophethood. Saudah including those who have long embraced Islam and moved to Abbisinia / Ethiopia in the second wave. Initially she was the wife of Sakran bin Amr who had also converted to Islam and migrated together to Abbisinia, but Sakran died in that country. So after Saudah returned to Mecca and his iddah period was over, Prophet Muhammad immediately married her. Thus, Saudah was the first woman married to Rasulullah after the death of Khadijah.

Saudah including women who are noble and intelligent minds. Tall and big stature. With the freshness of her jokes, she becomes a wife who pleases Prophet Muhammad, as in the story narrated by Ibrahim An-Nakha'i that Saudah said to Prophet Muhammad, "O Messenger of Allah, last night I prayed behind you, when bowing your back touched my nose hard , then I hold my nose out of fear that blood will come out, "then laughed Prophet Muhammad. Ibrahim said, "The usual Saudah made Prophet Muhammad laugh with jokes".

Among the virtues of Saudah is obedience and loyalty to Rasulullah. When the Hajj Wada', Rasulullah said to his wives, "This is the time of pilgrimage for you, then after this you should hold back in your homes". So after Rasulullah's death, Saudah was always at her house and did not leave Hajj until she died. (Sunan Abu Dawud 2: 140)

Saudah died at the end of the Umar Caliphate in Medina in the year 54 Hijri. Before she died, she left her house to Aisha.

Rasulullah married Aisha (Ayesha) when she was only six years old through a sacred bond that confirmed the title of the Ummul Mukminin of Aisha. This marriage took place in the month Shawwal of the 11th year in Prophethood. However, they built a household in Madinah in the 1st year of Shawwal, when Aisha was nine years old. Aisha said, "Prophet Muhammad married me after the death of Khadijah, while I was six years old, and I was met with him when I was nine years old. The women came to me even though I was busy playing swings and my hair was long. Then they decorate me and bring me to the Prophet SAW ". Rasulullah's marriage with Aisha also strengthened the friendship with Abu Bakr.

One time Amr bin Ash asked Prophet Muhammad, "O Messenger of Allah, who are the people you love the most?" He replied, "Aisha." "Among men?" Amr asked. He replied, "Her father." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

Aisha bint Abu Bakr was born four years after Muhammad was appointed as a Prophet. Her mother was named Ummu Ruman bint Amir bin Uwaimir bin Abdi Syams bin Kinanah who died when the Rasulullah was still alive, in the 6th year of the Hijri. Their household lasted 8 years and 5 months, until Rasulullah died in 11 Hijri. While at that time Aisha was only 18 years old.

Aisha is a beautiful white woman. In addition, she is also known as an intelligent woman whom Allah SWT has prepared to be a companion to Rasulullah in carrying out a mission of preaching which will be an eye-cooling and solace for Rasulullah. One day the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) showed (to the Prophet) a picture of Aisha on a piece of green silk cloth while saying, "She is your future wife, in the world and in the hereafter". (Narrated by At-Tirmidzi)

In addition to being a faithful companion who always gives motivation to her beloved husband in the struggle to preach Islamic teachings and face the enemy, Aisha also becomes a claimant of knowledge that is always studying in the nubuwwah madrasa that gets knowledge directly from the source. She was noted to be among those who narrated many hadith and had excellence in various fields of science, including fiqh, health, and Arabic poetry. At least 1,210 hadiths which she narrated have been agreed upon by Imam Bukhari and Muslim and 174 hadiths which were only narrated by Imam Bukhari and 54 hadiths which were only narrated by Imam Muslim.

Aisha died in Medina at night on the 17th of Ramadan 57 Hijriah, during the reign of Muawiyah, at the age of 65 years, after her inheritance to be prayed by Abu Hurairah and buried at Baqi's funeral that same night.

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, and Audah, Ali (Translator). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.

KISAH NABI MUHAMMAD SAW - Pernikahan dengan Saudah dan Aisyah

Nabi Muhammad SAW menikah dengan Ummul Mukminin Saudah binti Zum’ah pada bulan Syawal tahun ke-10 kenabian. Saudah termasuk yang telah lama menganut agama Islam dan ikut hijrah ke Abbisinia/Ethiopia pada gelombang kedua. Awalnya dia adalah isteri dari Sakran bin Amr yang juga telah masuk Islam dan hijrah bersama ke Abbisinia, namun Sakran meninggal di negeri tersebut. Maka setelah Saudah kembali ke Mekkah dan masa idahnya telah berakhir, Nabi Muhammad SAW segera menikahinya. Dengan demikian, Saudah adalah wanita pertama yang dinikahi Rasulullah setelah wafatnya Khadijah.

Saudah termasuk wanita yang nasabnya mulia dan cerdas akalnya. Perawakannya tinggi dan besar. Dengan kesegaran candanya, dia menjadi isteri yang menyenangkan Rasulullah SAW, seperti dalam kisah yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibrahim An-Nakha’i bahwasanya Saudah berkata kepada Rasulullah SAW, “Wahai Rasulullah, tadi malam aku sholat di belakangmu, ketika ruku’ punggungmu menyentuh hidungku dengan keras, maka aku pegang hidungku karena takut jika keluar darah”, maka tertawalah Rasulullah SAW. Ibrahim berkata, “Saudah biasa membuat Rasulullah SAW tertawa dengan candanya.

Di antara keutamaan Saudah adalah ketaatan dan kesetiannya terhadap Rasulullah. Ketika Haji Wada’, Rasulullah bersabda kepada isteri-isterinya, “Ini adalah saat haji bagi kalian, kemudian setelah ini hendaknya kalian menahan diri di rumah-rumah kalian”. Maka sepeninggal Rasulullah, Saudah selalu di rumahnya dan tidak berangkat haji lagi sampai dia meninggal. (Sunan Abu Dawud 2:140)

Saudah meninggal di akhir kekhalifahan Umar di Madinah pada tahun 54 Hijriah. Sebelum dia meninggal, dia mewasiatkan rumahnya kepada Aisyah.

Rasulullah menikahi Aisyah saat dia baru berusia enam tahun melalui sebuah ikatan suci yang mengukuhkan gelar Ummul Mukminin pada Aisyah. Pernikahan ini terjadi pada bulan Syawal tahun ke-11 kenabian. Namun mereka baru membangun rumah tangga di Madinah pada bulan Syawal tahun ke-1 Hijriah saat Aisyah berusia sembilan tahun. Aisyah menceritakan, “Rasulullah SAW menikahiku pasca meninggalnya Khadijah, sedangkan aku msih berusia enam tahun, dan aku dipertemukan dengan beliau saat aku berusia sembilan tahun. Para wanita datang kepadaku padahal aku sedang asyik bermain ayunan dan rambutku terurai panjang. Lalu mereka menghiasiku dan mempertemukan aku dengan Nabi SAW”. Pernikahan Rasulullah dengan Aisyah ini juga mempererat persahabatan dengan Abu Bakar.

Suatu ketika Amr bin Ash bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW, “Wahai Rasulullah, siapakah manusia yag paling engkau cintai?” Beliau menjawab, “Aisyah.” “Dari kalangan laki-laki?” tanya Amr. Beliau menjawab, “Bapaknya.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim).

Aisyah binti Abu Bakar lahir empat tahun setelah Muhammad diangkat menjadi seorang Nabi. Ibu beliau bernama Ummu Ruman binti Amir bin Uwaimir bin Abdi Syams bin Kinanah yang meninggal dunia pada saat Rasulullah masih hidup, yaitu pada tahun ke-6 Hijriah. Rumah tangga mereka berlangsung selama 8 tahun 5 bulan, hingga Rasulullah wafat pada tahun 11 Hijriah. Sedangkan saat itu Aisyah baru berusia 18 tahun.

Aisyah adalah seorang perempuan berparas cantik berkulit putih. Selain itu, beliau juga dikenal sebagai wanita yang cerdas yang Allah SWT telah mempersiapkannya untuk menjadi pendamping Rasulullah dalam mengemban misi dakwah yang akan menjadi penyejuk mata dan pelipur lara bagi Rasulullah. Suatu hari Malaikat Jibril memperlihatkan (kepada Rasulullah) gambar Aisyah pada secarik kain sutra berwarna hijau sembari mengatakan, “Ialah calon isterimu kelak, di dunia dan di akhirat”. (HR. At-Tirmidzi)

Selain menjadi seorang pendamping setia yang selalu memberikan motivasi kepada suami tercinta dalam perjuangan mendakwahkan ajaran Islam dan menghadapi musuh, Aisyah juga menjadi seorang penuntut ilmu yang senantiasa belajar dalam madrasah nubuwwah yang mendapat ilmu langsung dari sumbernya. Beliau tercatat termasuk orang yang banyak meriwayatkan hadits dan memiliki keunggulan dalam berbagai bidang ilmu, di antaranya ilmu fikih, kesehatan, dan syair Arab. Setidaknya sebanyak 1.210 hadits yang beliau riwayatkan telah disepakati oleh Imam Bukhari dan Muslim dan 174 hadits yang hanya diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari serta 54 hadits yang hanya diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim.

Aisyah wafat di Madinah malam selasa tanggal 17 Ramadhan 57 Hijriah, pada masa pemerintahan Muawiyah, di usia 65 tahun, setelah berwasiat agar disholatkan oleh Abu Hurairah dan dikuburkan di pemakaman Baqi pada malam itu juga.

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, dan Haidir, Abdullah (Penerjemah). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, dan Audah, Ali (Penerjemah). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


This is where I live. Karangturi is the name of one of the hamlets located in Bulurejo Village, Nguntoronadi Sub-District, Wonogiri Regency. This village is called Karangturi, which comes from the Javanese language, namely the word Karang, which means the area and the word Turi, which is a kind of plant whose flowers (turi flower) can be used for vegetables in pecel, vegetables, gudhangan, and others. So named because it used to grow a lot of turi trees in the past. This hamlet is about 30 km from Wonogiri Kota, 60 km from the city of Solo, and 60 km from the city of Pacitan. The position of this hamlet is quite strategic, which is located on the Solo-Pacitan Highway which is a Provincial Highway. The most famous thing from Karangturi hamlet is the Karangturi junction and the Karangturi bridge.

Karangturi Hamlet has 4 RTs- (neighborhood Association). RT 01 is located on the south side of the highway and RT 02 is located on the north side of the highway where these two RTs are indeed areas named Karangturi. Whereas RT 03 named Sentono is located east of RT 02, and RT 04 named Duren is located on the hill north of RT 02. These three regions unite into one hamlet / one RW administratively. To the south of Karangturi, the Wiroko river flows, the main source of water being in the Tirtomoyo sub-district. The fields are spread out in this village, especially in the north of RT 02.

Karangturi T-junction is the hallmark of this hamlet. This T-junction generally connects three regions. From the west side of the junction is Wonogiri city, Ngadirojo, mostly Nguntoronadi. From the south side of the T-junction is Baturetno sub-district and its surroundings. Then on the east side is the Tirtomoyo sub-district and a small part of the Nguntoronadi sub-district. This T-junction made its position strategically and the traffic in this hamlet was quite crowded for the size of village life. Around the fork in many shops that sell like grocery stores, food stalls, and other businesses. Because of its strategic position, there are many billboards on this T-junction. In this fork in ordinary public vehicles temporarily stopped in this area to board passengers, both from the Wonogiri city area, Pacitan and Baturetno, and Tirtomoyo. Public vehicles that usually pass through Karangturi are Jakarta buses, regular buses and mini buses. In the north of the junction there is a motorbike taxi stand that is ready to take passengers to farther places, usually places where the road is not a provincial road or road. On Karangturi there are also a number of motorcycle shelters.

Karangturi Bridge is a bridge to cross the Wiroko river that connects Nguntoronadi sub-district in the north with Baturetno sub-district in the south. The bridge was built around the end of the 1970s when the New Order (Soeharto era/Orde Baru) government built the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir. The construction of the reservoir at that time caused the old Nguntoronadi-Baturetno road to be inundated, so that the Karangturi bridge was built as a replacement, although around 1.2 km east of Karangturi there was already a small Dutch colonial bridging bridge connecting Nguntoronadi with Batuwarno. The Wiroko River used to be said to be very wide, but currently its size is much narrower. The low position of the Karangturi hamlet near the river causes this hamlet to often experience flooding during the rainy season, and even large floods have inundated the road so that the traffic flow is very disturbed, even cut off. Major floods occurred in the 1960s, 2008, and lastly in November in the Cempaka tropical cyclone. The elevation of the highway on Karangturi also made the flood worse. In the past the road height was lower than my house, whereas it is now higher than my house. During the dry season there are many sand mining activities with trucks on Karangturi on the Wiroko river. The sand is used for development activities.

There are several community facilities in Karangturi hamlet, such as mosques, elementary schools and bus stops. The mosque is called Al-Amin which is located on RT 03 Sentono, the direction is in the east of the T-junction, there is an entrance to RT 03 Sentono to the north and about 50 meters to the mosque. SD N Krapyak (elementary school) is located on RT 02 Karangturi. The name of this elementary school is quite unique. Usually SD uses the name of the village / kelurahan, but this elementary school uses the name Krapyak hamlet which is actually located just west of Karangturi. In the past, Mbah Cokro Utomo was a pioneer of this school which was originally located in Krapyak. At that time the school was in the form of SR (People's School) and Mbah Cokro was a school teacher's mantri (now the same as the principal). Then the school moved to Karangturi hamlet to become elementary school and was named SD N Krapyak. The bus stop on Karangturi is provided for passengers heading towards the west of the Karangturi T-junction.

Picture of Wiroko River under the Karangturi Bridge in October 2019

Addition: Karangturi view

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