Friday, February 15, 2019

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - The Idea of Killing Rasulullah until Hamzah converted to Islam

The infidel of Quraysh continued to experience various failures in stopping the preaching of Prophet Muhammad. Finally they had to kill Prophet Muhammad. It is stated in several narrations that the infidel figures of Quraish repeatedly tried to kill the Prophet, but always failed because Rasulullah was the most beloved servant  of Allah and always protected by Allah SWT.

One of the stories of the famous assassination attempt was the attempt of Abu Jahal who was about to throw a stone at Prophet Muhammad who was prostrating in his prayer. Rasulullah did have the habit of going to the Ka'bah for prayer. One day when Rasulullah was prostrating, Abu Jahal took a stone and approaching Rasulullah to put the stone on his head. But not long after, Abu Jahal that was pale returned to where his friends .

His friends asked, "What is it, Abulhakam (Abu Jahal)?"

Abu Jahal replied, "When I will do my plan and almost approach it, it turns out there is a very large camel blocking me. Camel is very big. I have never seen a camel as big and as scary as that, the camel almost attacked me ".

It turned out that Abu Jahal's very bad plan failed. Apparently he was scared when his eyes saw something scary so he could not kill Rasulullah. But because of his disbelief, Abu Jahal had never learned anything. He and other pagan friends still did not accept the truth of Islamic teachings and continued to fight Rasulullah at other times. When meeting Rasulullah, Abu Jahal interfered, insulted, and said something that was inappropriate towards Islam. But Prophet Muhammad was always patient in facing such conditions.

The times experienced by Rasulullah and the Muslims were the most devastating times experienced by mankind. Rasulullah and his followers did not demand property or power, but demanded truth and faith in the truth. Rasulullah guided people to return to the right path. Although the poets swore at him and the infidel figures were always disturbing, this did not make him despair. He precisely increasingly steadfast and increasingly persistent preaching. He and the Muslims are willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of upholding the teachings of Islam.

In the midst of the many conditions with the violence and oppression of the infidels of Quraysh towards the Muslims, the uncle of Rasulullah named Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib gained light in his heart so he decided to convert to Islam at the end of the 6th year of Prophethood. That way the strength of the Muslims is getting bigger.

Hamzah, who in the early days of the Messenger's preaching still held the belief of the Quraysh. He has a fondness for hunting. If he comes home from hunting, he surrounds the Kaaba (Ka'bah) first before returning to his house. Hamzah converted to Islam after learning about the actions of Abu Jahal who had persecuted Prophet Muhammad by striking a stone into his head to bleed. He was angry at that.

So Hamzah, a handsome and well-mannered man in the Quraysh tribe who had just returned home hunting immediately met Abu Jahal to avenge the rude actions his nephew received. Hamzah immediately rebuked Abu Jahal who was in front of him, "O Abu Jahal, have you insulted my nephew even though I have entered his religion?".

Then Abu Jahal was beaten with an arrow until he was injured. The families of both parties wanted to interfere so that there was almost a mass fight. But this was immediately stopped by Abu Jahal who also admitted that he had indeed behaved badly towards Prophet Muhammad.

Hamzah also promised Prophet Muhammad to defend him and was willing to sacrifice in the way of Allah SWT until the end of his life.

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, and Audah, Ali (Translator). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.

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