Friday, February 1, 2019

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - First Da'wah Secretly: As Saabiquunal Awwaluun

The starting point of the da'wah mission of Prophet Muhammad was the city of Mecca, as his birthplace, growth, and environment. At first, Rasulullah preached about Islam in secret (sirriyah) during the first three years of the da'wah period. This was done because Rasulullah was aware that his position in the community was not strong enough to teach something that was very contrary to the principle belief of the Meccan community at that time which was filled with values of heathenism.

The group that first received Islamic truth call was their family and close acquaintances, and even then Prophet Muhammad only chose people who had good signs and were likely to accept the teachings well. It turned out that his da'wah was running smoothly. In the first days of his da'wah, a number of people who had accepted the teachings of Islam had accumulated with confidence as well as paying homage to Rasulullah. These are those in Islamic history known as As-Saabiquunal Awwalun (First Generation to Enter Islam).

This first generation consisted of his wife the Ummul Mu'minin; Khadijah bint Khuwailid, then his slave; Zaid bin Harithah, then his cousin; Ali bin Abi Talib, who was very young at the time and was cared for by Prophet Muhammad, and then his close friend; Abu Bakr Ash Siddiq.

The cause of Ali bin Abi Talib being cared for by Prophet Muhammad was because when the tribe of Quraysh had a crisis, Abu Talib had many children. Prophet Muhammad discussed with Abbas, his uncle who was the most capable among the Banu Hashim. Prophet Muhammad said that Abu Talib must have been troubled by the many children, so he intended to ease the burden of his uncle by caring for one of his children and Abbas also had to do the same. So Abbas took care of Ja'far and Prophet Muhammad took care of Ali.

Allah SWT taught prayer to Rasulullah, so he did it and Khadijah also prayed. According to history, when the two were praying, Ali accidentally saw what they were doing and asked, "Who are you prostrating to?" After they had finished praying. Rasulullah replied, "We bow to Allah, Who sent me to be a prophet and ordered me to invite people to worship Allah". So Prophet Muhammad invited his cousin to only worship Allah and leave idols. Initially Ali wanted to discuss with his father about his intention to convert to Islam. Finally Ali decided to convert to Islam without his father's opinion and stated this to Rasulullah.

Abu Bakr ibn Abi Quhafa from the Taim tribe was a close friend of Prophet Muhammad. Abu Bakr did not hesitate to convert to Islam and follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. After entering Islam, Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq immediately preached and helped Prophet Muhammad's duty. He tried earnestly with praiseworthy behavior and with his honorable position in his community had made progress for the preaching of Rasulullah.

So some people have converted to Islam in a short time with the help of Abu Bakr ash-Siddiq, among them are: Uthman ibn Affan, Zubair ibn Awwam, Abdurrahman bin Auf, Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas, and Talha bin Ubaidillah. They also included the first generation who converted to Islam, which was the loyal companions of Rasulullah. They have many and large roles in the preaching of Rasulullah.

Then, the Mecca people who converted to Islam increased, such as Bilal ibn Rabah, Abu Ubaidah Amir ibn Jarrah, Abu Salamah ibn Abdul Asad, Arqam ibn Abi Arqam, Uthman ibn Madz'unsur, Fatimah bint Khattab (sister of Umar ibn Khattab) , Khabbab ibn 'Art, Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, and others. They converted Islam secretly, because Prophet Muhammad was still preaching secretly.

During this period, the revelations received by Rasulullah were still short, but had tremendous power to cleanse a dirty heart, very much in accordance with the conditions of the time which indeed had to be directed towards a clean heart and soul. The revelations of this period also describe heaven and hell, as if they were seen before the eyes which made believers long for heaven and fearful of entering hellfire.

Slowly but surely this inner bond between first generation Muslims was stronger, then there arises a high sense of brotherhood and likes to help so that their faith is stronger.

The development of Islamic da'wah occurred because Prophet Muhammad always behaved well and became a role model for others. He is a person who is loving, humble, fair, gentle, and honest.

Prayers are things that they did from the beginning to worship Allah SWT. But the worship at that time was only two raka'ah prayers every morning and evening, not five daily prayers. They pray in secret so that it is not known by the polytheists.

Surah Al Mu’min verse 55:

فَٱصۡبِرۡ إِنَّ وَعۡدَ ٱللَّهِ حَقّٞ وَٱسۡتَغۡفِرۡ لِذَنۢبِكَ وَسَبِّحۡ بِحَمۡدِ رَبِّكَ بِٱلۡعَشِيِّ وَٱلۡإِبۡكَٰرِ  ٥٥

55.  So be patient, [O Muhammad]. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. And ask forgiveness for your sin and exalt [Allah] with praise of your Lord in the evening and the morning.

Although the preaching of Rasulullah SAW was carried out clandestinely, in the end the news was also known to the infidels of Quraish. At first they didn't really care about that. According to them what the Prophet Muhammad did was no different from what was done by previous people to live up to the value of diversity. They thought that followers of Prophet Muhammad would definitely return to the practice of idol worship. But after the influence of the teachings of Prophet Muhammad became more widespread and attracted the public, they began to worry. So they began to always pay attention and supervise the activities of Rasulullah.

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·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, and Audah, Ali (Translator). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.

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