Thursday, February 28, 2019


River is fresh water that flows from its source to or empties into a sea, lake or larger river. These rivers lift various materials and continue to be deposited. As a result of this process a river valley is formed, which is a lower surface form than other parts produced by erosion of water or river erosion.

River erosion or can be called ablation (erosion by water) is the event of moving a rock or soil caused by continuous river water flowing. Basic erosion is erosion that occurs at the bottom of the river which will cause the riverbed to become deeper. Edge erosion is erosion that occurs on the banks of the river which will later cause widening on each side of the river.

River valley in the Grand Canyon
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There are several stages that can explain the erosion by river water flow:
1. Flowing river water creates friction on the ground. And the size of the friction that occurs is influenced by the size of the flowing water.
2. Friction is greater if the speed and amount of water are also getting bigger.
3. The water speed is also greater if the gradient or slope of the land is getting bigger.
4. Friction between water and solid objects that are transported by water with soil or rocks at the bottom of this can cause erosion.

The process of river valley formation takes place through three processes, namely deepening, widening, and elongation.
a. Deepening of the river valley
In the upper reaches of the river, the erosion process is very strong because the height difference is very high. High flow speeds cause the process of erosion and transportation to work more dominantly. Its erosion power works by mashing and grinding the riverbed called hydraulic erosion. Then followed by mechanical erosion, the rock debris carried by heavy flow also erodes and accelerates the deepening of the channel. In addition, chemical erosion also occurs, namely the dissolution process and acid reaction to the bottom and edge of the river channel
b. Widening of the river valley
In flat areas, the most dominant erosion process is lateral erosion due to the slow speed of flowing water. Its nature widens the river valley channels. There is also the process of adding deposits from material wasting (mass wasting) on the slopes above which is called the agradation process which helps accelerate the widening of the river valley.
c. Elongation of the river valley
This event occurred because of a decrease in sea level, so that land increased. And because of the growth of the delta, the land face also increases. Delta is sediments in river mouths originating from land, sand, small rocks, and various materials carried by the river flow to the edge of the sea.

Delta Formation Scheme
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If the amount of damage carried by the river water flow is very much and can not be carried away by water again, then the results of weathering carried by the water will accumulate somewhere. Here the erosion stops, but is followed by erosion to the side. So a river that initially flows rather straightly turns and forms meanders. Because of the meanders, the river valleys became wider.

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The development of a river valley shows its age. Age here is the relative age based on the appearance of the shape of the valley that occurs in several stages (stadium). At the beginning stage, the river gradient is still large so that the vertical erosion power is large. At this stage the original plain has just been formed. This can be caused by the removal of the seafloor to the surface or eruption of volcanoes which produce very much sedimentation so that new land surface is formed. In some places there are beginnings of rivers with small valleys. So at this stage the surrounding area is still a between streams and erosion is just beginning to occur.

The river flow is divided into two, namely the young and adult stadium rivers.

The characteristics of the young stadium are as follows.
1. Cross section of a V-shaped valley. This occurs because of the strong vertical abrasion due to the large gradient.
2. Many rivers still have temporary base erosion.
3. Transport of rivers is large.
4. The width at the bottom of the valley is equal to the width of the river channel.
5. The bottom of the valley is not even.

The characteristics of the adult stadium are as follows.
1. The river gradient is smaller.
2. Lateral or side erosion. While practical vertical erosion has not occurred.
3. Has undergone riverbed leveling.4. The valley forms the letter U, whose width exceeds its depth.
5. At the valley floor there is a flood plain and on a plain flood the river forms meanders.
6. There is no basic erosion so that the river valley bottom is evenly distributed.


·         Wardiyatmoko, K. 2004. Geografi SMA Jilid 1 untuk Kelas X Kurikulum 2004 Berbasis Kompetensi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
·         Rahayu, Saptanti and friends. 2009. Nuansa Geografi 1: untuk SMA/MA Kelas X. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

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