Monday, February 25, 2019

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - Believers are not from Mecca when Introducing Islam

In addition to introducing Islam to each tribe during the Hajj season, Prophet Muhammad also introduced Islam to each individual. Some of them get good responses and there are also some who believe after the Hajj season. The following is a summary of the acceptance of Islam by several figures.

a. Suwaid bin Shamit
He was an intelligent poet and resident of Yathrib (before being named Medina). He obtained the title Al-Kamil (perfect) from his community because of his noble, famous, poet, and high-ranking descendants. He came to Mecca to perform the Hajj and Umrah. Rasulullah met with him to preach.
Suwaid said, "What you carry may be as glorious as I brought it".
Rasulullah asked, "What are you carrying?"
"Wisdom of Luqman", answered Suwaid.
Rasulullah said, "Try to show it".
Rasulullah saw it, "These words are very good, but what I bring is better than that, namely the Qur'an which Allah sent down to me. It is guidance and light".
Rasulullah recited the Qur'an and invited him to convert to Islam. Suwaid said the sentence of Creed (Syahadat) and said, "Actually these words are very good".
Shortly after arriving in Medina, Suwaid died of being killed in the Buath War (war between the tribes of Aus and Khazraj in Yathrib).

b. Iyas bin Mu'az
He was a teenager and a resident of Yathrib who participated in the Aus tribe group. They came to make an appointment to ally with Quraysh to fight the Khazraj tribe, before the Buath Battle which happened at the beginning of the eleventh year of Prophethood. When Rasulullah knew of their arrival, he met them and introduced Islam, as in a history of hadith,
"Will I show you something better than your goal?", Said Rasulullah.
They said, "What is the offer?"
Rasulullah replied, "I am a messenger of Allah. Inviting them to worship Allah without associating Him with anything, revealed a book to me ", then he explained the teachings of Islam and recited the Qur'an.
Iyas said, "O my people, it seems this is better than your goal".
One of them, Abu Al-Haisar Anas bin Rafi ', threw a handful of land on Iyas's face and said, "Leave that. I swear, we did not come for that (to hear the preaching of Rasulullah)".
Iyas was silent and Rasulullah left. While they returned to Yathrib after failing to make an agreement with Quraysh. Shortly after, Iyas died. It is said that when Iyas in Yathrib, he always say the tahlil, the tahmid, the tasbih, and the dhikr until the end of his life. So there is no doubt that he died in a state of Islam and faith.

c. Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari                                                        
He is a resident of Yathrib. The news of an Messenger named Muhammad from Suwaid and Iyas reached the ears of Abu Dhar. So he embraced Islam. According to the history of Al Bukhari from Ibn Abbas, that he came from Banu Ghaffar and knew of a Prophet in Mecca. He told his brother to meet the Prophet to find out the truth about the news. When his brother returned, he told that the Prophet invited people to do good. Not satisfied to hear that, Abu Dhar left for Mecca. He did not know the Prophet and also did not like to ask. Arriving in Mecca, he sat in the mosque. Ali bin Abi Talib saw him and said, "It seems you are trading".
Abu Dhar replied, "It's true".
So Ali invited Abu Dhar to go to his house. Abu Dhar did not say about his true purpose and did not ask Ali anything, neither did Ali not ask about him.
Near dawn, he went to the mosque to ask about the Prophet, but there was no one there. Ali who saw him said, "Have not yet met the destination?".
"Still not," answered Abu Dhar.
Ali said, "Come with me, what is your real business? What caused you to come to this country? "
Abu Dhar said, "If you want to keep this a secret, can I tell you?"
Ali said, "Try saying".
Abu Dhar said, "Actually there is news that here is someone who claims to be a prophet. Previously I had sent my brother to meet him, but I was not satisfied with the story. "
So Ali said that he would meet Rasulullah. So Abu Dhar followed him and finally met Rasulullah. Rasulullah welcomed him and introduced him to Islam. So Abu Dhar declared Islam.
Rasulullah ordered Abu Dhar to go home and keep the case secret. But Abu Dhar actually announced his Islamization by shouting the words of Shahada in the mosque. The polytheists who heard it immediately attacked him, until Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib released him saying, "You want to attack this Ghaffar? Your journey and trade pass through the Ghaffar tribe. " Then Abu Dhar is free.
However, at dawn the next day, he again shouted the words of the Shahada and the polytheists Quraish also attacked him again. And once again Abbas saved him.

d. Hifail bin Amru Al-Dausi
He was a noble man, a clever poet, and head of the Daus tribe, one of the tribes in Yemen. He converted to Islam in the eleventh year of Prophethood.

e. Dhamad Al-Uzdi
He was a man from the Uzd-Synawah tribe from Yemen. Initially a shaman. Enter Islam after hearing beautiful words about praise of Allah and the sentence of Shahada from Rasulullah.

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Al-Mubarakfuriyy, Syeikh Safy Al-Rahman. Seerah Nabawiyyah, Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.

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