Sunday, March 31, 2019

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - Ingenuity and Wisdom of Rasulullah Towards the Battle of Badr

Badr War Map
Object Source:

Badr Kubro War was the first war between Muslims against the infidels of Quraish. This war occurred during month Ramadan in the second year of Hijri. This is a very decisive war.

Prophet Muhammad had a clever mind in dealing with various problems, as well as when facing war. He always finds the best way that can reach the target but does not sin and does not harm anyone. Towards the battle of Badr, Prophet Muhammad continued to try to find as much information as possible about the Quraysh infidels forces. Even with ingenuity, he was able to obtain information while maintaining his secrets and troops.

Not far around the headquarters of the Muslim army, Rasulullah met with old man from Arab tribes. He asked him about information from the two forces, the Quraysh and the forces of Prophet Muhammad, without introducing his identity.

The old man said, "I will not tell you unless you tell your identity".
Rasulullah replied, "If you tell us, we will tell you (who we are)".
"Oh, so information is exchanged for information?"

The old man gave information about the two troops, that the forces of Prophet Muhammad were already in this place and this, and the Quraysh forces were already in this place and this.

After finishing telling the information, the old man did not forget to ask the identity of Rasulullah, "Where are you from?". Rasulullah immediately went hurriedly while answering, "From Ma' (Water)".
The old man was confused and wondered, "(Tribe) Ma' which one? Ma' in Iraq?".

The water that Rasulullah meant was semen. What Rasulullah said was true because he and all humans came from a drop of semen. While the old man might consider Ma' to be the name of a tribe known at that time.

At other times, Muslim forces managed to capture two children who were taking water to drink by the Quraysh forces. Then Rasulullah asked the two children, "How many are they?"
"Many", answered the two children.
"How exact?"
"We don't know",
"How many camels are slaughtered every day?"
"Sometimes nine, sometimes ten",
"Then there are between 900 and 1,000 people". The conclusion is based on the estimate that each one camel is enough for 100 people. From the two children it was also known that the leaders of Quraysh also took part in the army.

The Muslim forces continued to move towards Badr to get there first and be able to master the water sources at Badr. At Isha' time, they arrived at the nearest water source and stopped there.

Khabab ibn Mundzir as a military strategist asked Rasulullah, "O Rasulullah, what do you think about this place, is this a decree of Allah, so that we cannot go forward or backward, or is this just your opinion and strategy?".
Rasulullah replied, "No, this is only my opinion and the strategy of war".
Khabab explained, "If so, Rasulullah, this is not a suitable place. The troops must move towards the water source that are closer to the enemy forces, then we are stationed there and we damage the other water source, then we make a pond and fill it with water until it's full, so we can drink while they can't. "
"You have given a good opinion", Rasulullah agreed.

Khabab is indeed a person who knows the place, so he is able to make plans through brilliant ideas. Then Rasulullah and the whole army rose and did what was suggested by Khabab ibn Mundzir. This shows the wisdom of Rasulullah that he was also an ordinary man who did not act arbitrarily. He taught that an opinion can be discussed together and does not want to win alone.

After that, Sa'ad ibn Mu'adz proposed making a ward for the place of Rasulullah who functioned as a command center and anticipated if needed. He said, "O Rasulullah, what if we make a ward for you, and we prepare a vehicle for you, then we fight against the enemy? If God glorifies us, and wins us over our enemies, that is what we expect. If what happens is the opposite, you sit on a vehicle, then you follow our people who are behind us, because the people are walking behind. O Rasulullah, actually we love you more than they. If they see you getting resistance, they will not leave you. Allah will protect you with them, they will talk with you and jihad with you ".

Rasulullah appreciated Mu'adz's opinion and prayed for him, then it was immediately implemented. Then Sa'ad ibn Mu'adz was appointed as the leader of the Prophet's guards in the command center.

At night, just before the war on Friday the 17th of Ramadan in the year 2 H, Rasulullah explained the strategy and gave direction to the Muslim forces. Then he spent the night praying at the base of the tree while the Muslim forces slept so that the next day they were able to fight vigorously. All troops are confident in God's protection that they can win.

Surah Al Anfal verse 11:

إِذۡ يُغَشِّيكُمُ ٱلنُّعَاسَ أَمَنَةٗ مِّنۡهُ وَيُنَزِّلُ عَلَيۡكُم مِّنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءٗ لِّيُطَهِّرَكُم بِهِۦ وَيُذۡهِبَ عَنكُمۡ رِجۡزَ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنِ وَلِيَرۡبِطَ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِكُمۡ وَيُثَبِّتَ بِهِ ٱلۡأَقۡدَامَ  ١١

11.  [Remember] when He overwhelmed you with drowsiness [giving] security from Him and sent down upon you from the sky, rain by which to purify you and remove from you the evil [suggestions] of Satan and to make steadfast your hearts and plant firmly thereby your feet.
The next day, the 17th of Ramadan, a total of 314 Muslim troops faced 1,000 Quraysh infidels. The battle was fierce. With the power of faith and help from Allah SWT in the form of a line of angels, the Muslim army was able to defeat the infidels of Quraish and succeeded in killing Abu Jahal. So Rasulullah and Muslim forces returned to Medina with victory.

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, and Audah, Ali (Translator). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.
·         Al-Mubarakfuriyy, Syeikh Safy Al-Rahman. Seerah Nabawiyyah, Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.
·         Abu Muhammad Abdul Malik bin Hisyam Al-Muafiri. Sirah Nabawiyah Ibnu Hisyam. 2000. Jakarta Timur: Darul Falah.

KISAH NABI MUHAMMAD SAW - Kecerdikan dan Kebijaksanaan Rasulullah Menjelang Perang Badar

Peta Perang Badar
Sumber Objek:

Perang Badar Kubro adalah perang pertama antara kaum Muslimin melawan kaum kafir Quraisy. Perang ini terjadi pada bulan Ramadhan tahun kedua Hijriah. Ini adalah perang yang sangat menentukan.

Nabi Muhammad SAW memiliki akal yang cerdik dalam menghadapi berbagai masalah, begitu juga ketika akan menghadapi perang. Beliau selalu menemukan cara terbaik yang dapat mencapai sasaran namun tidak berbuat dosa dan tidak merugikan siapapun. Menjelang perang Badar, Nabi Muhammad terus berusaha mencari informasi sebanyak mungkin mengenai pasukan kafir Quraisy. Bahkan dengan kecerdikan, beliau mampu memperoleh informasi dengan tetap menjaga rahasia diri dan pasukan.

Tidak jauh di sekitar markas pasukan kaum muslimin, Rasulullah bertemu dengan orang tua dari suku Arab. Beliau bertanya kepadanya tentang informasi dari kedua pasukan, Quraisy dan pasukan Nabi Muhammad, tanpa mengenalkan identitas beliau.

Orang tua tersebut berkata, “Saya tidak akan memberi tahu kalian kecuali jika kalian memberi tahu identitas kalian”.
Rasulullah menjawab, “Jika kamu memberi tahu kami, kami akan memberi tahu kamu (siapa kami)”.
“Oh, jadi informasi ditukar informasi?”
Orang tua itu memberi informasi tentang kedua pasukan, bahwa pasukan Nabi Muhammad sudah berada di tempat ini dan ini, dan pasukan Quraisy sudah berada di tempat ini dan ini.

Setelah selesai menceritakan informasi tersebut, orang tua itu tidak lupa untuk menanyakan identitas Rasulullah, “Dari mana kalian?”. Rasulullah segera pergi tergesa-gesa sambil menjawab, “Dari Ma’ (Air)”.
Orang tua tersebut bingung dan bertanya-tanya, “(Suku) Ma’ yang mana? Ma’ yang di Irak?”.

Air yang dimaksud Rasulullah adalah air mani. Apa yang dikatakan Rasulullah memang benar karena beliau dan semua manusia berasal dari setetes mani. Sedangkan orang tua tersebut mungkin menganggap Ma’ adalah nama sebuah suku yang dikenal pada waktu itu.

Di lain waktu, pasukan kaum Muslimin berhasil menangkap dua orang anak yang sedang mengambil air untuk diminum pasukan Quraisy. Kemudian Rasulullah bertanya kepada kedua anak tersebut,
“Berapakah jumlah mereka?”,
“Banyak”, jawab kedua anak.
“Berapa tepatnya?”,
“Kami tidak tahu”,
“Berapakah jumlah unta yang disembelih setiap hari?”,
“Kadang sembilan, kadang sepuluh”,
“Kalau begitu jumlah mereka antara 900 hingga 1000 orang”. Kesimpulan tersebut didasarkan perkiraan bahwa setiap satu unta cukup untuk 100 orang. Dari kedua anak tersebut juga dapat diketahui bahwa pemuka-pemuka Quraisy juga ikut dalam pasukan.

Pasukan kaum Muslimin terus bergerak menuju Badar supaya sampai di sana lebih dahulu dan dapat menguasai sumber-sumber air di Badar. Saat waktu Isya’, mereka sampai di sumber air terdekat dan berhenti di sana.

Khabab bin Mundzir sebagai ahli strategi militer bertanya kepada Rasulullah, “Ya Rasulullah, bagaimana menurut Anda tentang tempat ini, apaka ini merupakan ketetapan Allah, sehingga kita tidak dapat maju atau mundur, atau ini hanya pendapat Anda dan siasat perang?”.
Rasulullah menjawab, “Tidak, ini hanya pendapat saya dan siasat perang”.
Khabab menjelaskan, “Jika begitu ya Rasulullah, ini bukan tempat yang cocok. Pasukan harus bergerak menuju mata air yang lebih dekat lagi dengan pasukan musuh, kemudian kita bermarkas di sana dan kita merusak mata air lainnya, lalu kita membuat kolam dan diisi dengan air hingga penuh, sehingga kita dapat minum sedangkan mereka tidak bisa”.
“Engkau telah memberi pendapat (yang bagus)”, Rasulullah menyetujuinya.

Khabab memang orang yang mengenal tempat tersebut, sehingga mampu membuat rencana melalui ide cemerlang. Lalu Rasulullah dan seluruh pasukan bangkit dan melakukan apa yang disarankan oleh Khabab bin Mundzir. Hal ini menunjukkan kebijaksanaan Rasulullah bahwa dirinya juga manusia biasa yang tidak berbuat sewenang-wenang. Beliau mengajarkan bahwa suatu pendapat dapat dimusyawarahkan bersama-sama dan tidak ingin menang sendiri.

Setelah itu, Sa’ad bin Mu’adz mengusulkan pembuatan bangsal untuk tempat Rasulullah yang berfungsi sebagai pusat komando dan antisipasi jika dibutuhkan. Dia berkata, “Wahai Rasulullah, bagaimana jika kita membuat bangsal untukmu, dan kita menyiapkan kendaraan untukmu, lalu kita berperang melawan musuh? Jika Allah memuliakan kita, dan memenangkan kita atas musuh kita, itulah yang diharapkan oleh kita. Jika yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya, engkau duduk di atas kendaraan, lalu engkau menyusul kaum kami yang berada di belakang kami, karena kaum tersebut berjalan di belakang. Wahai Nabi Allah, sesungguhnya kita lebih mencintaimu daripada mereka. Jika mereka melihat engkau mendapatkan perlawanan, mereka tak akan meninggalkanmu. Allah akan melindungimu dengan mereka, mereka akan berbincang denganmu dan berjihad bersamamu”.

 Rasulullah menghargai pendapat Mu’adz dan mendoakannya, kemudian hal tersebut segera dilaksanakan. Lalu Sa’ad bin Mu’adz ditunjuk sebagai pemimpin pasukan pengawal Rasulullah di pusat komando.

Pada malam hari, tepatnya malam Jum’at, tanggal 17 Ramadhan tahun 2 H,  Rasulullah menjelaskan strategi dan memberi arahan kepada pasukan Muslimin. Lalu beliau menghabiskan waktu malam dengan sholat di pangkal pohon sementara pasukan muslimin tidur agar pada esoknya mampu berperang dengan penuh semangat. Semua pasukan percaya diri di dalam lindungan Allah bahwa mereka dapat memperoleh kemenangan.

Surat Al Anfal ayat 11:

إِذۡ يُغَشِّيكُمُ ٱلنُّعَاسَ أَمَنَةٗ مِّنۡهُ وَيُنَزِّلُ عَلَيۡكُم مِّنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءٗ لِّيُطَهِّرَكُم بِهِۦ وَيُذۡهِبَ عَنكُمۡ رِجۡزَ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنِ وَلِيَرۡبِطَ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِكُمۡ وَيُثَبِّتَ بِهِ ٱلۡأَقۡدَامَ  ١١

11.  (Ingatlah), ketika Allah menjadikan kamu mengantuk sebagai suatu penenteraman daripada-Nya, dan Allah menurunkan kepadamu hujan dari langit untuk mensucikan kamu dengan hujan itu dan menghilangkan dari kamu gangguan-gangguan syaitan dan untuk menguatkan hatimu dan mesmperteguh dengannya telapak kaki(mu).

Keesokan harinya, tanggal 17 Ramadhan, pasukan Muslimin yang berjumlah 314 orang berhadapan dengan pasukan kafir Quraisy yang berjumlah 1000 orang. Pertempuran berlangsung sengit. Dengan kekuatan iman dan bantuan dari Allah SWT berupa barisan malaikat, pasukan Muslimin mampu mengalahkan kafir Quraisy serta berhasil membunuh Abu Jahal. Maka Rasulullah dan pasukan Muslimin pulang ke Madinah dengan membawa kemenangan.

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, dan Haidir, Abdullah (Penerjemah). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, dan Audah, Ali (Penerjemah). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.
·         Al-Mubarakfuriyy, Syeikh Safy Al-Rahman. Seerah Nabawiyyah, Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.
·         Abu Muhammad Abdul Malik bin Hisyam Al-Muafiri. Sirah Nabawiyah Ibnu Hisyam. 2000. Jakarta Timur: Darul Falah.

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Core Room at the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Betterpad-Ray maquette

Masjid Syahadat design

In the model/maquette/mockup of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya/Great Integrated Fortress) complex, there are models of mosques named the Shahada Mosque. This mosque has two floors with a second floor in the main prayer room in the form of a balcony. The design of the complex of the building faces south with the two front gates as the south side. This mosque is located on the west side of the building complex because this building is to be built in Indonesia which is located east of the Grand Mosque (Masjidil Haram), Mecca, as a prayer center for Muslims. In my opinion, with this position, visitors who will perform prayer can go straight to the mosque from outside the Betterpad-Ray complex. And in front of the Shahada mosque (front of mihrab) there is only a wall as the boundary of the building complex, so that every Muslim who does the prayer as if not facing an object other than the wall as a barrier to the building.

The thing that will be discussed this time is the design of the core room at the Shahada mosque. The core room here is the largest main building with the main function of a mosque. The core room or main room of the Shahada mosque consists of a prayer room, a room for purification (especially for ablution), and a terrace at the porch. God willing, the room that I designed is quite wide for visitors and most importantly can fulfill the needs of worship with adequate facilities.

The most important room in the Shahada mosque is the prayer room which is indeed the main room in all mosques. The prayer room consists of mihrab and the congregation room. Mihrab is a small space located at the very front of the prayer room as a place for the imam to lead the prayer. Mihrab also indicates the direction of Qibla prayer. On the wall of the mihrab I will give a light hole with glass so that the lighting in the mihrab is better. Mihrab my design also has a small room on the right and left side to be able to store prayer equipment.

While the congregation room is provided for Muslims to perform prayers following imam, prayer alone, or places for worshipers to listen to khutbah. The main prayer room of the Shahada mosque has at least 20 shaf with each shaf of at least 50 people. This amount may be more in reality if the shaf is very tight. In the prayer room there are 4 large pillars that support the roof of the Shahada mosque. The pillars and forms of overlapping roofs are characteristic of mosques in Java. Windows on the side of the room (except the front side) have beautiful arches with Arabic nuances, many in number, and large in size to provide natural lighting, air ventilation, and comfort for worshipers. For the distribution of shaf when praying for jamaah, men on the right side and women are on the left side, which is common in several mosques in Indonesia.

Apart from the mihrab and the congregation room, the Shahada mosque prayer room is equipped with a mimbar/podium (pulpit in church. The mimbar is a place for preachers to deliver khutbah on Friday (Jumat) prayers or Id prayers. On Java, there are many wooden mimbars in the form of podiums with seating in one piece decorated with beautiful carvings. I intend to give a simple mimbar but still show Islamic and Javanese culture.

Masjid Shahada design seen from the corner

The Wudhu room of the Shahada Mosque is located outside the two sides of the mosque. Because clean and holy is an absolute requirement in carrying out prayers, the place of ablution is not separate from the mosque building. The net requirement for people who want to worship is not only done with ablution, but also unclean cleaning, bathing, and so on. Then the Shahada mosque is also equipped with a bathroom and toilet. Cleansing place must be guaranteed cleanliness and the place of ablution must be guaranteed purity. Ablution place is designed with a loose size, 9 meters wide so that people are free to queue or step.

Ablution rooms between men and women were also separated according to the division of shaf. For men to perform ablution in the right place and the woman will perform ablution in the place to the left. To maintain hygienic water supply, ablution water flows through several water taps and under the tap is provided a water channel so that the ablution water used does not flow to the floor of the ablution room. God willing, seating will be provided especially for people who are physically weak. Before entering the ablution room, a place for storing goods or slippers / shoes is provided. This is to avoid worrying about the loss of goods and create solemnity in worship at the Shahada mosque.

Before the main prayer room, there is a terrace or porch which is a fairly open room. The Shahada mosque terrace is used as a public space. This terrace is designed so that it can be directly accessed from the outside and ablution place. On the terrace there will be a place to store goods so that luggage does not disturb someone in prayer. The existence of a terrace is not absolute. But for mosques in Indonesia the existence of a terrace is very necessary to respond to the tropical climate. The terrace serves as a shade that reduces the feeling of sun heat or the heat of the air. The Shahada mosque terrace has two floors. The stairs to the second floor of the Shahada mosque are also located on the terrace and can go to the balcony of the main prayer room.

Thus the design of the Shahada mosque was part of the Betterpad-Ray (Great Integrated Fortress) model/maquette. Honestly, I was still a senior high school graduate and had not yet studied especially architecture. I like architecture, especially Indonesian architecture and really introduce it to the world. What is clear is that my design can be useful. Thanks.

·         Susanta, Gatut, and friends. Membangun Masjid & Mushola. 2007. Depok: Penebar Swadaya. (

MAKET BETTERPAD-RAY - Ruang Inti pada Masjid Syahadat

Maket Betterpad-Ray

Maket Masjid Syahadat

Di dalam maket kompleks Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya) terdapat maket masjid yang diberi nama Masjid Syahadat. Masjid ini memiliki dua lantai dengan lantai dua pada ruang sholat utama berupa balkon. Desain kompleks bangunan ini menghadap ke selatan dengan kedua pintu gerbang depan sebagai sisi selatan. Masjid ini terletak di sisi barat kompleks bangunan karena bangunan ini untuk dibangun di Indonesia yang terletak di timur Masjidil Haram, Mekkah, sebagai kiblat sholat bagi umat Muslim. Menurut saya dengan posisi seperti ini, para pengunjung yang akan melaksanakan sholat dapat langsung masuk ke masjid saat dari luar kompleks Betterpad-Ray. Dan di depan masjid Syahadat (depan mihrab) hanya ada tembok sebagai batas kompleks bangunan, sehingga setiap muslim yang mengerjakan sholat seolah-olah tidak menghadap kepada suatu benda selain tembok sebagai pembatas bangunan saja.

Hal yang akan dibahas kali ini adalah desain ruang inti pada masjid Syahadat. Ruang inti di sini adalah bangunan induk yang terbesar yang terdapat fungsi utama sebuah masjid. Ruang inti atau ruang utama pada masjid Syahadat terdiri dari ruang sholat, ruang untuk bersuci (terutama untuk berwudhu), dan teras atat serambi. Insya Allah, ruangan yang saya desain ini cukup luas untuk para pengunjung dan yang terpenting dapat memenuhi kebutuhan ibadah dengan fasilitas yang memadai.

Ruang yang paling penting di masjid Syahadat adalah ruang sholat yang memang merupakan ruang utama di semua masjid. Ruang sholat terdiri dari mihrab dan ruang jamaah. Mihrab adalah ruang kecil yang berada di bagian paling depan ruangan sholat sebagai tempat imam memimpin sholat. Mihrab juga menandakan arah kiblat sholat. Di dinding mihrab akan saya beri lubang cahaya dengan kaca agar pencahayaan di mihrab lebih baik. Mihrab desain saya juga memiliki ruangan kecil di sisi kanan dan kiri untuk dapat menyimpan perlengkapan sholat.

Sementara ruang jamaah disediakan bagi para muslim untuk melakukan sholat mengikuti imam, sholat sendiri, atau tempat jamaah mendengarkan khutbah. Ruang sholat utama masjid Syahadat setidaknya memiliki 20 shaf dengan tiap shaf minimal terdiri  dari 50 orang. Jumlah ini mungkin bisa lebih banyak pada kenyataannya jika shaf sangat rapat. Pada ruang sholat terdapat 4 tiang besar yang menyangga atap tumpang masjid Syahadat. Tiang-tiang dan bentuk atap tumpang merupakan ciri khas masjid yang berada di Jawa. Jendela-jendela pada sisi ruangan (kecuali sisi depan) memiliki lengkungan yang indah bernuansa Arab, berjumlah banyak, dan berukuran besar agar memberi pencahayaan alami, ventilasi udara, dan kenyamanan bagi jamaah. Untuk pembagian shaf saat sholat jamaah, laki-laki berada di sisi kanan dan perempuan berada di sisi kiri, hal yang umum di beberapa masjid di Indonesia.

Selain mihrab dan ruang jamaah, ruang sholat masjid Syahadat dilengkapi dengan mimbar. Mimbar adalah tempat yang diperuntukkan bagi khatib untuk menyampaikan khutbah pada sholat Jumat atau sholat Id. Di Jawa, ada banyak mimbar terbuat dari kayu berupa podium dengan tempat duduk menjadi satu bagian yang dihiasi ukiran indah. Saya berniat memberikan mimbar yang sederhana saja namun tetap menunjukkan budaya Islam dan Jawa.

Desain Masjid Syahadat dilihat dari pojok

Ruang Wudhu masjid Syahadat terletak di luar kedua sisi samping masjid. Karena bersih dan suci adalah syarat mutlak dalam melaksanakan sholat, maka tempat wudhu tidak terpisah dengan bangunan masjid. Syarat bersih bagi orang yang hendak beribadah tidak hanya dilakukan dengan berwudhu, tetapi juga membersihkan najis, mandi, dan sebagainya. Maka masjid Syahadat juga dilengkapi dengan kamar mandi dan toilet. Tempat bersuci harus terjamin kebersihannya dan tempat berwudhu harus terjamin kesuciannya. Tempat wudhu didesain dengan ukuran yang longgar, dengan lebar 9 meter sehingga orang-orang leluasa dalam antri atau melangkah.

Ruang wudhu antara pria dan wanita juga dipisahkan sesuai pembagian shaf. Bagi pria akan berwudhu di tempat sebelah kanan dan wanita akan berwudhu di tempat sebelah kiri. Untuk menjaga penyediaan air yang higienis, air wudhu mengalir melalui beberapa keran air dan di bawah keran disediakan saluran air agar air wudhu yang digunakan tidak mengalir ke lantai ruang wudhu. Insya Allah akan disediakan tempat duduk terutama bagi orang yang fisiknya lemah. Sebelum masuk ke ruang wudhu, disediakan tempat penitipan barang atau sandal/sepatu. Hal ini untuk menghindari rasa khawatir akan hilangnya barang dan menciptakan kekhusyukan dalam beribadah di masjid Syahadat.

Sebelum ruang sholat utama, terdapat teras atau serambi yang merupakan ruangan yang cukup terbuka. Serambi masjid Syahadat digunakan sebagai ruang publik. Serambi ini didesain agar dapat langsung diakses dari luar maupun tempat wudhu. Di serambi akan disediakan tempat penitipan barang sehingga barang bawaan  tidak mengganggu seseorang dalam sholat. Keberadaan serambi tidaklah mutlak. Namun untuk masjid di Indonesia keberadaan serambi sangat diperlukan untuk merespon iklim tropis. Serambi berfungsi sebagai peneduh yang mengurangi rasa panas matahari atau panas udara. Serambi masjid Syahadat memiliki dua lantai. Tangga menuju lantai dua masjid Syahadat juga terletak di serambi dan bisa menuju ke balkon ruang sholat utama.

Demikianlah desain masjid Syahadat yang merupakan bagian dari maket Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya). Jujur bahwa saya masih lulusan SMA dan belum kuliah terutama arsitektur. Saya menyukai arsitektur khususnya arsitektur Indonesia dan beniat mengenalkannya kepada dunia. Yang jelas semoga desain saya ini dapat bermanfaat. Terima kasih.

·         Susanta, Gatut, dkk. Membangun Masjid & Mushola. 2007. Depok: Penebar Swadaya. (

Friday, March 29, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Use of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Betterpad-Ray maquette

Masjid Shahada maquette

This is a model/mockup/maquette of the Shahada mosque which is part of the model of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya/Great Integrated Fortress) complex. This mosque is called Shahada because it has a tower on top of which there are two Arabic words in the form of calligraphy, namely lafdzul jalalah (Allah) and lafadz Muhammad. The first pillar of Islam, the main basis, or the requirement of a non-Islamic person to convert to Islam is to say two sentences of Shahada, namely Asyhadu Alla Ilaha Illallah, Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rasulullah (I testify that there is no god but Allah, I testify that Muhammad is Messenger of Allah).

Prayer is the pillar of religion that must be carried out for every Muslim and must be done in a clean or holy place, one of which is the mosque building.

Surah Al Alaq verse 19:
... وَٱسۡجُدۡۤ وَٱقۡتَرِب۩  ١٩
19.  ... But prostrate and draw near [to Allah].

Generally, understanding by the community of mosque uses is limited to places of worship or sometimes only used as a place of physical prayer. At mosques Muslims pray both individually and in congregation. On Friday, Jumu'ah (Friday) prayers are held, generally it is the most crowded time for Muslims (especially men) to listen to khutbah and perform Friday prayers in congregation. If there is a busy time, it is during the tarawih prayer or Eid prayer. Actually according to Islam, the mosque is not just a place of worship, but also a center of Islamic worship and culture from birth, growth, to its current development.

In general, the definition of a mosque is the house of Allah SWT built for Muslims to remember, be grateful for, and worship Him. In language, the mosque (masjid) comes from Arabic, namely sajada, which means a place of prostration. ma + sajada become masjid. Basically, the mosque is not a place of worship or special building for worshiping Muslims. Indeed, the vast earth is a mosque/masjid for Muslims. All places may be used to carry out worship, except cemetary, a place that is filthy, and places that do not meet the requirements in Islam to be used as places of worship. Rasulullah said, "Every part of the earth of Allah is a place of prostration (mosque)". (HR Muslim).

Although literally a mosque means a place of prostration, or a little more extensive is a place of worship, but actually the mosque has a wider use that covers various aspects of human life. When Prophet Muhammad built a mosque around his place of residence, it also served as an educational, social, political, and even military place. And I hope that my design mosque can be used for various aspects of the interests of Muslims.

The model of the Shahada Mosque is seen from the corner

From these things, the most visible function is the function of education. Assembly groups, lectures, and discussions for Muslims can be done in the mosque. According to the history of Rasulullah, the revelations received by him while in Medina were usually while in the mosque. Prophet Muhammad explained the Islamic laws to the people in the mosque. This explains that the mosque serves as a place to give and receive the knowledge of Islam. This continues to this day, where people study religion and study Islamic law in mosques, through khutbah, lectures, or discussions. Insha Allah, in the Shahada mosque there will also be a small library or at least a large shelf as a place for Islamic religious books that can be read by the muslims.

In addition to education, mosques are used as a place for social activities, such as zakat management, management of sacrificial animals (Qurban), donations for orphans and the poor, mass circumcisions, discussions, wedding ceremonies, disaster relief, and the promotion of converts (muallaf).

God willing, the mosque that I designed can meet the health needs of the community, such as a small clinic, services for maternal and child health, health consultations, and first aid for accidents. If there is a mosque like that, that is a good thing. So I designed a small building next to the mosque for these things.

Mosques are also used to guide young people (teenagers) as the next generation who will lead the nation in the future. Things that can be done are teaching, scouting movements, Islamic arts, and so on.

Commemoration of Islamic holidays and National holidays can be held inside the mosque. This is important so that people can remember and study important histories related to the development of civilization in this world. Organizing Islamic competitions can also be held at the mosque.

The mosque does have a broad role and function for the community. Mosques can encourage people to always maintain harmony, unity, consult well, and stay in touch so that various community interests can be fulfilled and various problems can be resolved properly through deliberation. A good and well-used mosque can make people live better and progress in the way of Allah SWT. In addition, mosques should not be used for personal or group interests, especially for negative things. Although for the community, mosques must be used for positive things that are in accordance with Islam and do not damage the mosque itself, religious life, or society.

So, it is expected that mosques can be maintained properly and always have positive activities with roles from various parties, such as the general public and the government.

·        Susanta, Gatut, and friends. Membangun Masjid & Mushola. 2007. Depok: Penebar Swadaya. (

BETTERPAD-RAY MOCKUP - Materiaal van de muur van de Shahada-moskee (Masjid Syahadat)

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