Friday, March 29, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Use of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Betterpad-Ray maquette

Masjid Shahada maquette

This is a model/mockup/maquette of the Shahada mosque which is part of the model of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya/Great Integrated Fortress) complex. This mosque is called Shahada because it has a tower on top of which there are two Arabic words in the form of calligraphy, namely lafdzul jalalah (Allah) and lafadz Muhammad. The first pillar of Islam, the main basis, or the requirement of a non-Islamic person to convert to Islam is to say two sentences of Shahada, namely Asyhadu Alla Ilaha Illallah, Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rasulullah (I testify that there is no god but Allah, I testify that Muhammad is Messenger of Allah).

Prayer is the pillar of religion that must be carried out for every Muslim and must be done in a clean or holy place, one of which is the mosque building.

Surah Al Alaq verse 19:
... وَٱسۡجُدۡۤ وَٱقۡتَرِب۩  ١٩
19.  ... But prostrate and draw near [to Allah].

Generally, understanding by the community of mosque uses is limited to places of worship or sometimes only used as a place of physical prayer. At mosques Muslims pray both individually and in congregation. On Friday, Jumu'ah (Friday) prayers are held, generally it is the most crowded time for Muslims (especially men) to listen to khutbah and perform Friday prayers in congregation. If there is a busy time, it is during the tarawih prayer or Eid prayer. Actually according to Islam, the mosque is not just a place of worship, but also a center of Islamic worship and culture from birth, growth, to its current development.

In general, the definition of a mosque is the house of Allah SWT built for Muslims to remember, be grateful for, and worship Him. In language, the mosque (masjid) comes from Arabic, namely sajada, which means a place of prostration. ma + sajada become masjid. Basically, the mosque is not a place of worship or special building for worshiping Muslims. Indeed, the vast earth is a mosque/masjid for Muslims. All places may be used to carry out worship, except cemetary, a place that is filthy, and places that do not meet the requirements in Islam to be used as places of worship. Rasulullah said, "Every part of the earth of Allah is a place of prostration (mosque)". (HR Muslim).

Although literally a mosque means a place of prostration, or a little more extensive is a place of worship, but actually the mosque has a wider use that covers various aspects of human life. When Prophet Muhammad built a mosque around his place of residence, it also served as an educational, social, political, and even military place. And I hope that my design mosque can be used for various aspects of the interests of Muslims.

The model of the Shahada Mosque is seen from the corner

From these things, the most visible function is the function of education. Assembly groups, lectures, and discussions for Muslims can be done in the mosque. According to the history of Rasulullah, the revelations received by him while in Medina were usually while in the mosque. Prophet Muhammad explained the Islamic laws to the people in the mosque. This explains that the mosque serves as a place to give and receive the knowledge of Islam. This continues to this day, where people study religion and study Islamic law in mosques, through khutbah, lectures, or discussions. Insha Allah, in the Shahada mosque there will also be a small library or at least a large shelf as a place for Islamic religious books that can be read by the muslims.

In addition to education, mosques are used as a place for social activities, such as zakat management, management of sacrificial animals (Qurban), donations for orphans and the poor, mass circumcisions, discussions, wedding ceremonies, disaster relief, and the promotion of converts (muallaf).

God willing, the mosque that I designed can meet the health needs of the community, such as a small clinic, services for maternal and child health, health consultations, and first aid for accidents. If there is a mosque like that, that is a good thing. So I designed a small building next to the mosque for these things.

Mosques are also used to guide young people (teenagers) as the next generation who will lead the nation in the future. Things that can be done are teaching, scouting movements, Islamic arts, and so on.

Commemoration of Islamic holidays and National holidays can be held inside the mosque. This is important so that people can remember and study important histories related to the development of civilization in this world. Organizing Islamic competitions can also be held at the mosque.

The mosque does have a broad role and function for the community. Mosques can encourage people to always maintain harmony, unity, consult well, and stay in touch so that various community interests can be fulfilled and various problems can be resolved properly through deliberation. A good and well-used mosque can make people live better and progress in the way of Allah SWT. In addition, mosques should not be used for personal or group interests, especially for negative things. Although for the community, mosques must be used for positive things that are in accordance with Islam and do not damage the mosque itself, religious life, or society.

So, it is expected that mosques can be maintained properly and always have positive activities with roles from various parties, such as the general public and the government.

·        Susanta, Gatut, and friends. Membangun Masjid & Mushola. 2007. Depok: Penebar Swadaya. (

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