Friday, March 22, 2019

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - Brotherhood between the Muhajirites and the Ansar

After completing the building of the Nabawi Mosque as the center of the meeting and interaction of Muslims, Prophet Muhammad brought together the Muhajirin with the Ansar. This was done at the house of Anas ibn Malik. At that time there were ninety people consisting of the Ansar and the Muhajirin. Prophet Muhammad said that Ali ibn Abi Talib was his brother. Then Prophet Muhammad brougth together them one by one to help each other and inherit each other. Then Allah revealed His word in Surah Al Anfal verse 75:

وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ مِنۢ بَعۡدُ وَهَاجَرُواْ وَجَٰهَدُواْ مَعَكُمۡ فَأُوْلَٰٓئِكَ مِنكُمۡۚ وَأُوْلُواْ ٱلۡأَرۡحَامِ بَعۡضُهُمۡ أَوۡلَىٰ بِبَعۡضٖ فِي كِتَٰبِ ٱللَّهِۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بِكُلِّ شَيۡءٍ عَلِيمُۢ  ٧٥

75.  And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of all things.

Then after that, inheritance is only given to relatives, but their brotherhood still applies.

The people in the brotherhood are:
1.      Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib was brougth together with Zaid ibn Harithah, a former slave of Prophet. Hamzah left something to Zaid ibn Harithah at the Battle of Uhud if something happened to him.
2.      Ja'far ibn Abu Talib was brought together with Muadz ibn Jabal.
3.      Abu Bakr Ash Siddiq was brought together with Kharijah ibn Zaid ibn Abu Zuhair.
4.      Umar ibn Khattab was brought together with Utban ibn Malik.
5.      Abu Ubaidah ibn Abdullah ibn Al Jarrah (real name Amir ibn Abdullah) was brought together with Sa'ad ibn Muadz ibn An Nu'man.
6.      Abdurrahman ibn Auf was brought together with Sa'ad ibn Rabi'.
7.      Zubair ibn Awwam was brought together with Salamah ibn Salamah ibn Waqs. There are those who say that Zubair was brought together with Abdullah ibn Masud.
8.      Uthman ibn Affan was brought together with Aus ibn Thabit ibn Al Mundzir.
9.      Thalhah ibn Ubaidillah was brought together with Ka'ab ibn Malik.
10.  Sa'id ibn Zaid ibn Amir ibn Nufail was brought together with Ubai ibn Ka'ab.
11.  Mush'ab ibn Umair ibn Hasyim was brought together with Abu Ayyub Khalid ibn Zaid.
12.  Abu Hudzaifah ibn Utbah ibn Rabi'ah was brought together with Abbad ibn Bisyr ibn Waqsy.
13.  Ammar ibn Yasir was brought together with Hudzaifah ibn Al Yaman. Some say that Thabit ibn Qais ibn Asy Syammas was brought together with Ammar.
14.  Abu Dhar Al Ghiffari was brought together with Al Mundzir ibn Amr.
15.  Hatib ibn Abu Balta'ah was brought together with Uwaim ibn Saidah.
16.  Salman Al Farisi was brought together with Abu Ad Darda 'Uwaimir bin Tha’labah.
17.  Bilal, ex-slave of Abu Bakr, the Muadzin, was brought together with Abu Ruwaihah Abdullah ibn Abdurrahman Al Khath'ami.

Brotherhood is truly realized by the Muslims with full sincerity and sincerity. The Ansar had great concern for their fellow believers from the Muhajirites. They love their brothers very much, help with their property, even more concerned with their brothers even though they are also in trouble. While the Muhajirites received enough, it did not make it an opportunity to ask for more. Rasulullah made brotherhood something meaningful, not just empty words without meaning.

According to Muhammad Al Ghazali's statement, the purpose of this brotherhood is to eliminate the habit of ignorance until there is only the spirit of Islam and so that differences in ancestry, skin color and regionalism are no longer cared for and there is only Islam. One cannot boast of someone or demean him except with the value of devotion.

It is narrated by Imam Bukhari that Rasulullah brought together between Abdurrahman ibn Auf and Sa'ad ibn Rabi'.

Sa'ad said, "I am a wealthy Ansar, I will share my two possessions, and I have two wives, whichever you like, just mention it, I will divorce it and if it is finished, marry her".

But Abdurrahman ibn Auf answered politely, "May Allah bless you, your family and property, please show me where the market of Medina is?".

Then Sa'ad told Bani Qainuqa market location to him to carry out trading activities there. Abdurrahman ibn Auf brought items for sale such as cheese and butter. And not for long, Abdurrahman has made a big profit. He also married Madinah woman with dowry in the form of gold. Apart from Abdurrahman, many of the Muhajirites did the same. This happened because of the cleverness of the Mecca people in the trade, until someone said, "With trade, he can turn desert sand into gold."

The Muhajirins who did not trade included Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali ibn Abi Talib, and others. Their families work in agriculture by cultivating the land owned by the Ansar with their owners.

Brotherhood is very effective in overcoming the problem of social inequality between the Muhajirin and the Ansar. Their lives become more peaceful. It is certain that this is a wise action and shows the existence of an appropriate strategy and forward thinking.

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, and Audah, Ali (Translator). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.
·         Al-Mubarakfuriyy, Syeikh Safy Al-Rahman. Seerah Nabawiyyah, Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.
·         Abu Muhammad Abdul Malik bin Hisyam Al-Muafiri. Sirah Nabawiyah Ibnu Hisyam. 2000. Jakarta Timur: Darul Falah.

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