Tuesday, March 26, 2019

THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD - Background to the Badr Kubro Battle

Badr War Map
Object Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry_vKTvWxq4
Badr Kubro War was the first war between Muslims against the infidels of Quraish. This war occurred during month Ramadan in the second year of Hijri. This is a very decisive war.

In the early fall of the second year of the Hijrah, the Abu Sufyan trading group from Mecca departed for Sham. This trade trip that wanted to be intercepted by the Muslims when Prophet Muhammad was in a place, namely Usyaira while in an effort to deal with the that area resident. But Abu Sufyan's group had already passed the interception place two days earlier. Then the Muslims intend to wait for them to return.

Then, Prophet Muhammad ordered Talha ibn Ubaidillah and Sa'id ibn Zaid to go north to conduct reconnaissance. When they arrived at a place in Haura' and stayed there for a long time, then they got the reliable news that the Abu Sufyan trade group that was carrying merchandise was very much on their way back to Mecca from the land of Sham. Then they returned to Medina and passed on the information to Prophet Muhammad. It is said that it is known that the Abu Sufyan trading group was very much with a thousand camels full of cargo and property with only forty people. The entire population of Mecca had shares there. That said, all of them totaled 50,000 dinars.

For Prophet Muhammad, this became a great opportunity to make the Quraysh must submit to the Muslims, both in terms of military, political, and economic. He immediately announced to his friends, for those who were willing, then they should be prepared to confront the trading group of Quraysh. He said, "This is the trade caravan of Quraysh. Inside is their wealth. Therefore, you go to them! May God give their wealth to you". But Prophet Muhammad did not require this and gave the decision to the friends. Therefore, at that time not all friends welcomed his call, they thought that it was the same as previous expeditions which only needed small troops and did not think that a major war would occur. Some Muslims depart with enthusiasm and some feel heavy to leave. There are also people who have not converted to Islam who want to join because they only want to get booty. But Prophet Muhammad rejected their wishes before believing in Allah and His Messenger.

Then 314 people were gathered who were willing to do the task. And even then they don't make maximum preparations like in the face of a real war. There are only two horsemen, while 70 available camels are ridden by two or three people in turn. Then they departed from Medina to Badr.

Elsewhere, Abu Sufyan, who led his trade group with his ingenuity, thought that something he would not want would happen. He was worried that Muslims would block him again. So with caution he is always guarded. After searching for information in various places, finally he can ensure that Rasulullah and his companions will confront him. At that time he hired Dhomdhom ibn Amr Al-Ghifari to ask for help in Mecca.

When Dhomdhom arrived in Mecca, he shouted loudly asking the Quraysh to defend Abu Sufyan who would be ambushed by Muslim forces. Abu Jahal who heard this immediately called people around the Ka'bah. They were mobilized. Abu Jahal is a small-bodied man, hard-faced with a sharp tongue and sharp eyes. Actually the Quraysh need not be deployed because everyone has their own shares in the trade group.

So from the Quraysh side gathered troops with full weapons totaling 1300 people, 100 horses, 600 armor, and many camels. The warlord was Abu Jahl ibn Hisham. Then their troops immediately left for Medina. On the way, they received a letter from Abu Sufyan that his group had managed to avoid the Muslim ambush and asked Abu Jahal's troops to return to Mecca. However, Abu Jahal continued his journey with a force of 1,000 people, because 300 other people decided to go home.

On Friday the 17th in month Ramadan of the second year of Ramadan, the Muslim army of Rasulullah was confronted by the infidels forces of Quraish. Then the war between the two parties began. Allah SWT brought assistance to the Muslims in the form of a line of angels who helped defeat the forces of Quraysh. Although the infidels forces of Quraysh continued to invade, the Muslims were able to survive and with a burning spirit, Muslim forces were able to attack the idolaters whose enthusiasm was weakening. Many Quraysh troops were killed. While Abu Jahal was killed by two young people, Mu'az ibn Amr ibn Al Jamuh and Mu'awwiz ibn Afra. So the Badr war ended with a big victory in the hands of Muslim forces.

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay.
·         Haekal, Muhammad Husain, and Audah, Ali (Translator). Sejarah Hidup Muhammad.
·         Al-Mubarakfuriyy, Syeikh Safy Al-Rahman. Seerah Nabawiyyah, Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.
·         Abu Muhammad Abdul Malik bin Hisyam Al-Muafiri. Sirah Nabawiyah Ibnu Hisyam. 2000. Jakarta Timur: Darul Falah.

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