Monday, April 15, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Aspects of Shahada Mosque Building (Masjid Syahadat) (Design)

Planning for the construction of a mosque must be based on certain aspects. Moreover, mosques are places of worship and centers of Muslim activities which in planning must be based on more complex aspects. This is because the mosque is the house of Allah whose design must be in accordance with Islamic rules. This must also be applied to the design of the Shahada mosque (Masjid Syahadat) which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model/maquette. The design of this mosque is a very important facility for complex buildings that have many people and various activities. The following are aspects that must be considered.

From a technological aspect, the structure of a mosque must be structured with the use of appropriate and good building materials. As much as possible, it is planned to use materials in the area concerned so that the construction of mosques can provide benefits to the surrounding community, namely income increases. In my area, namely Wonogiri regency, there are many trade businesses or building material stores that are very much needed by local residents. There are those who produce their own building materials with raw materials from nature, such as soil and sand, and some buy materials from factory products, such as cement. Production sites like this can create jobs for the surrounding population, especially if there is a strategic construction of public facilities such as mosques, thus providing a place of work for the community, especially as builders.

The materials produced include brick, batako brick, hebel, tiles, and so on. While building materials taken directly from nature include river sand, volcanic sand, rocks, and so on. Around me and maybe other places, these building materials are easy to find. In my hamlet there was also an activity of taking river sand because it was close to the river. Volcanic sand is obtained from the closest volcano, namely Mount Merapi on Java. Because Java has many volcanoes, volcanic sand is an easy thing to get. While brick and tiles are also produced in my regency. Because the place has sufficient amount of water and also gets a lot of sunlight, the production process of these goods is quite easy to operate. In my opinion, for mosques, I prefer to use bricks, because even though installation is long, but they are many, very tight, and with proper installation, the building feels stronger than using brick or hebel. But this is in my opinion. Whereas I also prefer to use traditional tiles rather than modern ones. This is to show the characteristics of the archipelago (Indonesia).

Then from the sociological aspect, the Shahada mosque (Masjid Syahadat) planning is made by paying attention to the level of life, education, and customs of the people which allows the acceptance of the existence of the mosque so that it will be loved by the community. Because the design of the Shahada mosque is for the wider community, of course the visitors have a variety of life levels. The Shahada mosque design can be easily understood by ordinary people as buildings that have a mosque identity. This mosque is open to all Muslims and has a traditional and Islamic design that is friendly to anyone. This mosque will not be designed very luxurious but has a high value of beauty and culture. The Shahada mosque design has a distinctive cultural element of the archipelago (nusantara), so that the Indonesian people will not feel strange while in the mosque. The community will feel comfortable by seeing their own cultural architecture and feeling like home. The existence of the porch as an open space also shows the attitude of the Indonesian people who are friendly and open to others, so that the interaction of the community in the Shahada mosque can run well. I also hope that the design of the Shahada mosque can be used to introduce Indonesian architecture to foreigners. The acculturation shows that the Indonesian people have long interacted with the outside nation.

From the planological aspect, mosque buildings are planned so as not to interfere with the main requirements of building construction so that it is in accordance with the city plan or floor plan. If it happens, the construction of the Shahada mosque will be harmonized with the entire Betterpad-Ray model plan, because it is indeed one complex building. My design is made so that all buildings in one building complex have a good level of proportion, composition and balance. The mosque is in the west (the direction/Qibla of the Indonesian people) so that in front of the mosque there are no objects that interfere with the arrangement besides the boundary fence. The entrance to the mosque also faces the main courtyard of the building complex to make it easy to see and the inflow of the mosque is also smooth. Thus it is expected that the Shahada mosque building can be easily reached by visitors, as well as being an attraction for the community.

Based on the physical aspects, the mosque building must be in accordance with the climate of the local area so as to create a cool climatological atmosphere. It is hoped that the design of the Shahada mosque can provide psychological comfort for worshipers. Thus, worshipers will feel at home to be in the Shahada mosque. The Shahada mosque has a porch before reaching the main hall. The open porch design can make air currents smooth so that the air is cooler, in accordance with Indonesia's tropical climate which always gets sunlight all year round. Because of its coolness, the porch can be used as a place of discussion or rest while chatting with fellow Muslims.

In the main hall of the mosque, the interior has high ceilings, the walls have many doors, windows and air vents, so the air flows more smoothly and worshipers feel the air cooler and don't feel hot. Inside can be provided a fan, both mounted on the walls and pillars of the mosque or mounted on the ceiling of the mosque, so that the air feels cooler and the worshipers feel calm in worshiping. This situation can increase solitude in worship. This means that climatological, ecological, and geological factors must be observed. This factor is essentially in accordance with the general principles of Islam, namely doing good, Islam (safety and harmony), hasan (kindness), and ihsan.

From the economic aspect, the construction of a mosque must also pay attention to financial capabilities, both from the surrounding community or the manager. Not only in the construction, but also for the care of the mosque. For the design of the Shahada mosque, of course this is a big project whose capital comes from a company, bank, or government, because of its position as a strategic public facility. But the general public may help through donations / infaq sincerely. It must be stressed that there should be no corruption in this development. God willing, all who participate in the development earn enough income and always emphasize that the construction of mosques is a worship that must be carried out sincerely. God willing, if the Shahada mosque stands, it will be treated as well as possible. Buildings and floors must always be cleaned, the mosque lights are always on even though the main room is closed at night, electrical connections need to be maintained, and so on.

This is the article from me. Hopefully the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat), which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model/maquette, can inspire and be realized. Aamiin.

·         Susanta, Gatut, and friends. Membangun Masjid & Mushola. 2007. Depok: Penebar Swadaya. (

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