Saturday, April 20, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Example of Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) Planning Based on Pictures

Planning for the Shahada mosque (Masjid Syahadat) building which is part of the model/maquette of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) complex must be explained in the form of images so that it can be used as a guide in its construction. The existing ideas regarding the design of the Shahada mosque were presented in detail in the collection of images. The pictures that need to be prepared include pictures of building plans, visible images, pieces of drawings, and pictures of the situation at the location of the mosque to be built. In addition, detailed images and electrical network images, clean and dirty drains, and other images are also needed.

A. Floor plans picture
Floor plans picture are picture that show the layout of the mosque as expected by the initiator. On the depiction, like seeing a mosque without a roof seen from above so that it can be seen the location of each room and the position of doors and windows.The floor plan of a building is generally made on a scale of 1 : 100. This means that every 1 cm in the drawing on the paper represents the size of 100 cm or 1 meter in the original building. Information on the drawing plan is the name of the room, the position of the door and window, and the height of the floor of the room.The height of the floor is indeed important to show to determine the desired height of the floor. The reference to the size of the drawing plan is written with the writing ± 0.00. A reference of ± 0.00 is generally written in the image of the main room of a building. The height of the floor in other spaces will refer to the floor of the main room. The "+" (added) or "-" (less) sign is used to indicate the floor that is higher or lower than the reference room floor. For example, the main prayer room is used as a reference for the height of the floor with the writing ± 0.00. If the floor on which the ablution is to be made is 10 cm lower than the prayer room floor, the writing in the picture is -0.10 (meters). Whereas if a room is made 20 cm higher than the main floor, then the image of the room is given +0.20.
In addition to the overall floor plan for the whole mosque, you can also draw a drawing for a room or a certain part of the building. The part in question is like a roof, foundation, etc. From the drawing of the building plan can be calculated various things, such as the volume of excavated land (measured in length), volume of foundation (measured in length), number of concrete columns or wooden poles, volume of brick pairs (calculated length), number of doors and windows, floor area and ceiling and the amount of sanitary equipment (toilets, washbasins, bathroom tubs, etc.).

The example of the floor plan is not the Shahada mosque plan, but the simplification image that still shows the porch and ablution room in almost the same position. For the actual plan, I keep it first.

B. Appear picture
The appear picture is a picture of the appearance of a mosque in two dimensions. Mosque designs are drawn based on viewpoints from the front, side and back. In the picture can be displayed the shape of the door, the shape of the window, the shape of the roof, air vents, the height of the building, outside decoration, and others. Like a floor plan, visible images are also made on a scale of 1: 100.
From the this picture it can be calculated various things, such as the height of the building, the area of the wall, plastering, and painting (has reduced the area of the door, the area of the window, and the area of air ventilation), roof area, window area and number, door area and number and others.

The picture is an example of the appearance of the Shahada mosque in its depiction which is quite simple when viewed from behind.

C. Building cut picture
Building cut picture are pictures that show upright slices of a building. Picture are made as if cut according to the height so that the inside of the building can be seen from the outside which is basically covered by the outside of the building. Building cut picture shows the height of the building, the shape of the roof, door and window frames, and so on.
With the building cut picture, it can calculate the area of the inner wall, the area and type of doors and windows, the height of the building, and others.

D. Construction picture
Construction picture are collections of pictures of construction work, such as concrete, wood, and so on. Construction picture in the form of plans using a 1 : 100 scale. As for detailed images using a scale of 1 : 10 or 1 : 20. With construction picture, it can calculate the number of types and number of easel roofs, size and number of concrete columns, and various construction works others.

E. Detailed picture
Detailed picture show specific building parts that are considered important and need to be shown. The detailed image shows the appear picture and cross section of the part that is drawn so that the details are clearer. To make it easier to calculate and implement, a scale of 1 : 10, 1 : 20, or 1 : 50 is usually used.

F. Electrical installation picture          
This picture depicts a network of electrical cables or pipelines for electrical cables and their distribution in a building. With this picture can be calculated the number and type of lights, switches, outlets, light fittings, cable length, and so on. For the design of the Shahada mosque, security is important. Then the planning of the electricity network must be made with regard to the security factor and the installation is not complicated. The power cord should be inside the wall but is easily repaired by installing a cable connection around the top of the wall / under of the roof as neatly as possible and easily found but also closed. The wall outlet should not be too located at the bottom of the wall and is usually parallel to the switch, around the height of an adult's chest. The number of outlets can meet the needs of worshipers, especially for charging electric communication devices. The lights used must also be of good quality and durable. The installation position of the fan must be effective so that it really gives coolness. Connections for audio networks are also well managed so that their voices can be heard properly by worshipers.

G. Water pipe installation picture
This picture illustrates the water pipe network including the source of water / wells and their distribution, both for clean water and dirty water networks. From the picture, the size and length of the pipe can be calculated, the number and size of pipe connections, water taps, and the amount of pipe glue needed. What is clear, this is also related to the installation of water, namely the water pumping machine must be placed in a safe place, especially not inundated or not exposed to water. The position of the water reservoir must be higher than all existing water taps, preferably placed near the mosque's bathroom.

H. Sanitary wares picture
This picture is a picture of the shape or model of all sanitary equipment used in the network of its use in buildings. With this picture it is expected that there will be no mistake in the preparation of the sanitary equipment. Examples of sanitary wares are bathtubs, toilets, water taps, septic tanks, sinks, and so on. Because these tools are related to cleanliness which is a must for every Muslim, then access from that place to the prayer room must always be clean. The arrangement must be neat so that when the worshipers are using it in a comfortable position, for example the sink is placed a little above the waist of an adult, the bathtub is to the right of the septic tank (so that the right hand takes water when using a septic tank), and so on.

This is the article from me. Hopefully the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat), which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model/maquette, can inspire and be realized. Aamiin.

·         Susanta, Gatut, and friends. Membangun Masjid & Mushola. 2007. Depok: Penebar Swadaya. (

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