Tuesday, April 2, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - The Tower of Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) Inspired by Isra' Mi'raj

The Syahadat (Shahada) Mosque design in the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya/Great Integrated Fortress) model/maquette has a mosque tower design next to it which has seven floors. This tower is also called the Shahada tower, because in this tower there is the Lafadz of Allah and Muhammad on the seventh floor. While the two sentences of the Shahada contain the recognition of the belief that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. These two sentences are conditions for someone who was a non-Muslim to convert to Islam (Muallaf). Shahada Mosque Tower has functions like other mosques that have towers in the present era, namely the place for loudspeakers of the call to prayer (adzan). The tower is designed to be visited by people and can go up to the seventh floor as a place of observation. On the top floor there are five clocks to show the obligatory prayer times.

The Shahada tower design has meaning about Isra' Mi'raj, which in Indonesia is celebrated on the 27th of Rajab in the Hijri year. Isra' Mi'raj events are important events experienced by Prophet Muhammad that must be known by Muslims. It was at this event that Prophet Muhammad received orders for Muslims to carry out obligatory prayers from Allah SWT. Muslims must know the history of Isra' Mi'raj, at least on the outline. Then in the Shahada tower, we will explain how the history of Isra' Mi'raj from authentic historical sources is a lesson for Muslims. In this tower, the events discussed were devoted to the Mi'raj (raised) experienced by Prophet Muhammad from Baitul Maqdis to Sidratul Muntaha.

The meaning that is seen about the Mi'raj event from the Shahada tower is that there are seven floors that mark the seven heavens. Prophet Muhammad was taken by the angel Gabriel from Baitul Maqdis to the sky by riding Buraq. One by one he passed the heaven (sky), and every time he passed a sky, he met the Prophets. In the first heaven (sky), Prophet Muhammad met Prophet Adam. He is also shown about the state of hell by the guardian angel of Hell. Then Prophet Muhammad ascended to the second heaven. He met Prophet Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam and Prophet Yahya (John). When he was in the third heaven, he met Prophet Yusuf (Joseph). Then he met Prophet Idris in the fourth heaven, Prophet Aaron in the fifth heaven, Prophet Moses in the sixth heaven, and Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) in the seventh heaven. He also saw Baitul Makmur and was brought by the Angel Gabriel to enter Heaven.

The meaning of lafadz Allah and Muhammad on the seventh floor is about Prophet Muhammad who met Allah on the seventh heaven, precisely Sidratul Muntaha. Lafadz Allah is in the highest position of Muhammad's lafadz, this clearly means that Allah is the Most High, while Prophet Muhammad is His Messenger. Initially, Allah required praying fifty times a day to Prophet Muhammad and Muslims, not praying five times. Then Prophet Muhammad came out of the place of God and passed Prophet Moses. Prophet Moses asked him, "How many times does Allah require prayer to you?", Prophet Muhammad replied, "Fifty times a day". Prophet Moses said, "Verily the prayer is heavy and your people are weak. Return to your Lord and ask that he relieve prayer for you and for your people".

Then the Prophet Muhammad returned to God and begged to reduce the number of prayers. After that he returned and met Prophet Moses. Prophet Moses still said to him as before. Then Prophet Muhammad returned to God to ask for relief in the number of prayers. This continues until God sets five daily prayers for Muslims in a day. Then Prophet Muhammad met Moses again who said as before. Prophet Muhammad said, "I have returned to my Lord and begged until I felt ashamed of Him. I will not do this request".

The meaning of the pentagon shape on the Shahada tower is prayer five times. The tower clock on each side of the tower is on the top floor and is large in size so that it can be seen from a considerable distance. People who want to do prayer at the Shahada mosque from a place far enough can calculate the time needed to get to the mosque. With the Lafadz of Allah and Muhammad, they remember more about their obligation to worship Allah, and remember the history of Isra' Mi'raj. And of course everyone has their own schedule of activities that are arranged with time, so the tower clock also helps someone to be able to carry out their activities on time.

Shahada tower design is a place that can provide lessons and add insight to visitors, especially Isra' Mi'raj. Then on the first floor of the Shahada tower, there will be information about Isra' events, namely the journey of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Baitul Maqdis, and information about the events experienced by Prophet Muhammad in the first heaven, such as when meeting Prophet Adam. Likewise, on each floor there will be information about the events experienced by Prophet Muhammad in each heaven (sky) to the seventh heaven. The prophets who must be trusted were 25 people, including Prophet Muhammad. Then every tower floor will also explain the biography of the 25 Prophets, especially those related to the Prophet who met Prophet Muhammad in every heaven (sky). And the Prophets mentioned in the Qur'an will also be informed in the tower. This is important to add insight to the people. To be able to go up to the next floor, there will be a ladder that is designed as comfortably as possible and visitors can read the information well.

Hopefully the tower design of the Shahada Mosque which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya/Great Integrated Fortress) model/maquette can inspire and be realized. Aamiin.

·         Mubarakfuri, Syekh Shafiyyur-Rahman, and Haidir, Abdullah (Translator). 2005. Sejarah Hidup dan Perjuangan Rasulullah. Riyadh: Kantor Dakwah dan Bimbingan bagi Pendatang Al-Sulay..
·         Abu Muhammad Abdul Malik bin Hisyam Al-Muafiri. Sirah Nabawiyah Ibnu Hisyam. 2000. Jakarta Timur: Darul Falah.

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