Tuesday, June 11, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Conflict and Factors of Critical Water Conditions

Critical water conditions occur because of excessive natural exploitation, uncontrolled changes in land use, and decreased carrying capacity of the environment. Examples of critical management of water resources are easy flooding, the availability of water that is not comparable to the number of people (in big cities), and the loss of green land and water catchment areas. In essence, critical water conditions can lead to various types of conflicts. The main conflict that occurs is when the availability of water cannot meet the needs. The struggle for water will be a trigger for conflict between various parties because at the same time and location it will try to meet water needs with a much smaller availability. This has been reported on television and internet media. For example at a tourist beach, there are new hotels that use local water sources and there is a large amount of water used for hotel pools. Whereas residents around these tourist sites that had their own water sources had to fight with hotels, so that the residents only got a little water and felt difficulties.

Another conflict is a conflict related to excess water due to land use. For example, a forest land considered by a developer is an appropriate area to be developed to increase its economic value. Forest land was eventually converted into industrial land. Economically, the land is indeed developing and becoming a center for luring other activities and there are impacts that have an effect on various parties, for example the increase in selling prices of land around it, more feasible infrastructure systems, and the emergence of new settlements. This means that there are significant land use changes (Kodoatie, 2008c. As per reference, amended as needed). This creates a conflict of interest. Economically changing land use is quite interesting. But usually, the economic increase due to changes in land is not paying attention to balanced environmental or social studies. Then it can be ascertained that there is an increase in surface flow while reducing the capacity of water due to loss of water absorption. The impact is an increase in flooding in the downstream region.

Therefore, the government should make appropriate regulations and requirements regarding land use change. Maybe the rules already exist, but the application can be deviant or not implemented, so it needs to increase law enforcement continuously.

Betterpad-Ray maquette/model/mockup (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") is a complex design of buildings that are not used for personal interests, especially economically, but are used for public purposes that are beneficial, both in the fields of education and socio-culture. So the main point of Mockup Betterpad-Ray's design goals is as a place that is able to build human character to be better, care for the environment, always think rationally, and like to add insight for positive purposes. Because Mockup Betterpad-Ray has a positive goal, the development process is also positive. God willing, if realized, the development of Betterpad-Ray "Wall Mural" will be in a strategic place, not to damage the environment, and pay attention to the needs of the community. Then a good study and planning is needed so that the Betterpad-Ray development does not damage the environment, in this case water. Betterpad-Ray development will go through the right and legal procedures from the government and it is expected that various parties can welcome and help as best they can, especially so that development does not damage the spatial layout of water. Of course it is expected that not only the design of this model, but also all other development plans must also pay attention to the spatial of the water so that there is no water crisis.

The world has felt that the water crisis has occurred, continues to occur, and tends to continue to increase. There are various factors that make the water crisis occur in many places. Of the many factors, Biswas (1997, here amended as needed) states that there are at least 5 main factors, namely:

§  There is an unfortunate fact that the amount of clean water available in all countries based on long-term is almost constant for all purposes. Because of technical and economic considerations, only a certain part of the total water can be used for any given time. The amount of water availability is inversely proportional to the increase in population.
The explanation is that the number of humans on this earth is increasing. However, the amount of water (fresh) is not possible to increase and basically it cannot be fully utilized. For example, in river water that continues to flow, only part of it is used for human needs, while the rest continues to flow into the sea. But actually there is already a way to stem the flow of the river, even though it is not possible to stem it entirely because there is still water that continues to flow and there are obstacles in the geographical form of the river. For areas that experience drought, water is a difficult thing to find because it may have flowed into the sea or the rain has not fallen for a long time. What's worse, due to the destruction of nature, when the rainy season arrives, there is a large flood that is damaging and of course the water cannot be used because it is cloudy and pollutes the residents' wells.

§  Water is a basic need for all human activities, starting from drinking water, agriculture, energy, industry, to indirect use.
The explanation is without water, there will be no life on this earth. Therefore water sources must be properly maintained and properly utilized as needed.

§  Until now, all water sources that are easily exploited continue to grow and because of changes in land use, many water sources are lost. As a result, in order to meet the increasing needs in the future, the search for new water sources and their exploitation will be more expensive than before.
The explanation is that basically changes in land use are not used for basic needs, but tend to tertiary needs which are usually useless. For example, the construction of hotels in tourist attractions will not have an intrinsic impact on the surrounding area. Those who feel the pleasure or benefit are only tourists from outside and business people. Come to think of it, even though outside tourists want to be recreation in an area, they should have been happy by seeing the scenery and interacting and studying the activities of the surrounding population which is local wisdom. Actually, tourists also don't need "luxury" facilities. It is only for personal interests of business people who are trying to find business opportunities without regard to the environment.

§  Increased human activity will increase waste in the natural environment. Contamination will increase both in surface water and ground water.
The explanation is that in modern times, various modern industrial activities and industrial products used by consumers are commonplace. There are only bad habits or behaviors from humans who throw garbage or waste arbitrarily into the river because of the nature of not caring and never thinking. Many people assume that the river is an "easy to find rubbish bin" because the water is flowing and its shape is long and deep. Even though what is carried in the river has a great influence on life in every second. If the water is clean, it is certainly useful. However, if it is polluted and exposed to pollution, while the river is the lifeblood of life, then the disturbing and dirty substances are harmful to humans. The objects or waste that accumulate because it is difficult to decompose will accumulate and make the river narrower and lose space, so there is a flood. Then there needs to be an effort to maintain the cleanliness of the river, the simplest is to dispose of garbage in its place. Then do not dispose of household waste or from industry to river, or at least industrial waste is processed first so as not to pollute the river. The Betterpad-Ray model is also designed so that at each point there is a trash can that will be managed well and environmentally friendly.

§  Over the past several decades various social and environmental impacts at various levels have continued to increase. The importance of developing environmentally water resources is no longer just a matter of discussion or discourse, but is already very important in a sustainable and environmentally development strategy.
There was an intention that the Betterpad-Ray Mockup was designed so that it could be used as a place to discuss the problem of the water crisis, could be in Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion), Betterpad-Ray Main Building, even the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) with additional religious values. But despite various discussions about the water crisis, it seems that there will be no benefit if Betterpad-Ray only provides a place to talk without action. Actually there is an idea to make a competition especially for students about the environment, in this case water with Betterpad-Ray as the place for the race. Then the champions can give their opinions or even participate directly in solving water problems. And the government must listen to their opinions and take water issues seriously and take concrete actions, of course from various parties. This is only one way that the water crisis can be minimized. In essence, awareness must be given about the importance of preserving water.

Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin. Sorry if there is an error especially in this article.

·       Robert J. Kodoatie and Roestam Sjarief. Tata Ruang Air. 2010. Yogyakarta: ANDI. (https://archive.org/stream/BukuArsitektur/1822_Tata%20Ruang%20Air#mode/2up)

(Architecture Hobby)

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