Monday, June 10, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - The Role of Natural Light for Human Health

Besides natural light providing comfort to humans, natural light produced by the sun also affects the human body and plays a role in maintaining human health. According to Boubekri, light affects the human body in two ways. First, light on the retina of the eye, through the visual system which then affects the metabolic system and the endocrine and hormonal systems. The second, through interaction on the skin by photosynthesis and vitamin D production. Photosynthesis in humans is certainly very different from the process in plants. In essence, the process of photosynthesis in human skin is the chemical process of sunlight (ultraviolet) that forms vitamin D through certain stages that occur in several organs of the body.

Light is an important element for our visual senses and any visual information received by the eye will be processed in the brain. In this process light affects the human body. One part of the human brain called the hypothalamus has responsibilities in several metabolic processes, as well as in daily activities as energy and body fluid balance, breathing, emotional balance, reproduction, and the circadian cycle.

According to experts, if the body receives less natural light, it can cause depression and stress. This is related to the role of natural light as a catalyst for the release of several types of hormones. Lack of natural light will reduce the amount of these hormones which can eventually cause depression and stress.Then, according to Boubekri, vitamin D has a vital role for the human body, as the first defense against various diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, and other immune systems. The human body only needs 15-30 minutes a day to be outdoors to get sunlight, three to four times a week to get sufficient amounts of vitamin D, whose needs range from 120 to 150 nanomoles per liter of blood.

Once knowing the importance of the role of natural light for the body and health, as well as for the comfort and psychological factors of humans, access to sunlight must be provided. This is an important problem because in modern times there are already many people who spend their time indoors. Since children to adulthood, many people do more activities in the room, such as studying in the classroom, working in the office, and so on. So it is very important to consider the design of these spaces so that access to sunlight can still be obtained. The selection of building materials is also important so that you can use material that can still maintain the quality of sunlight received by the body.

Betterpad-Ray maquette/model/mockup (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") is a complex design of buildings that seeks to make good use of natural light from the sun, God willing, it can be realized. Natural light throughout the day is considered in the Betterpad-Ray Mockup building design by giving access to sunlight to enter the room, directly or indirectly (glass). This is one of the efforts so that people who are active in the Betterpad-Ray room can feel the warmth of the sun that has a positive impact on the human body. If the body feels warm, hormones will emerge, which essentially makes people more enthusiastic about moving smoothly. This is also the hope that the Betterpad-Ray Mockup design is able to pay attention to and maintain human health which is a basic need and enjoyment.

If seen, it appears that Betterpad-Ray Mockup has a main building located in the middle of the building complex, namely the Betterpad-Ray Main Building which is shaped like a quadrilateral with a wide open courtyard in the middle. According to the people, usually the form of the building is used for a variety of activities by dividing it into one common purpose, for example government offices, schools, and ordinary offices. So in the building there are many people with their jobs in each room. In offices, they work in a room and can be there (indoors) for most of the day. So that they can work with enthusiasm, the building design needs to be made by providing access to sunlight such as windows, glass or ventilation. If people are always fit and healthy, they can be passionate about work, then can work well and the results of their work are also good, if all the results are good then an organization can achieve its goals well, then can benefit the community, and finally be able provide great benefits for the nation and state. In addition, if people are healthy, they will not need to worry anymore about the costs for health, they can use their income to meet their needs and improve themselves. This is the main purpose of access to good sunlight in buildings.

Then, the Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion) is a building that also provides access to sunlight, even more. If there are meetings or performances, they will feel uplifted and not lackluster. Positive art performances carried out with enthusiasm certainly make people who see it also enthusiastic.

Comfort and human health are very important, but daily activities must also be done well. Various indoor activities in modern times are part of achieving a better life goal while still providing access to sunlight so that human health and comfort are achieved.

Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin. Sorry if there is an error especially in this article.

·       Manurung, Parmonangan. Pencahayaan Alami dalam Arsitektur. 2012. Yogyakarta: ANDI.

(Architecture Hobby)

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