Sunday, June 9, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Problems in the Watershed

In Watersheds, there are problems related to two important things, namely the conservation of water resources in the management of water resources and cultivation areas in spatial planning. On the one hand, to fulfill the aspect of conservation of water resources is a way for the population to be able to hold down run off as much as possible and provide an opportunity for water to enter the soil (infiltration) forever or hold on the ground. On the other hand is the existence of a conservation area that has changed into a cultivation area for example as a residential area.

The impact of the two sides is an increase in the quantity and quality of water needs while decreasing the availability of water both in terms of quantity and quality in the area of land conversion and increasing surface flow in the downstream area which makes the potential for flooding to increase.

In simple terms, the solution to these problems is to find and do the right way so that the conservation of water resources can continue to be carried out simultaneously by optimizing water utilization and controlling the destructive power of water with the principle of minimum demand and minimum pollution. These problems can occur due to technical interests (engineering) and environmental aspects clash with social and economic aspects.

Social: waste disposal, excessive use of water, shelter needs increase due to population increases occur in land conversion and reduction of green open space.

Economy: an increase in built-up space (or a reduction in green open space) due to economic interests, among others, the conversion of water catchment land into residential areas or industrial / factory and illegal logging.

God willing, Betterpad-Ray maquette/model/mockup (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress “Mural Wall”) if it can be realized then when planning and when already used, it will look at the problems in the Watershed as a serious matter. When you want to build a building, especially in this modern era when development is developing rapidly, environmental problems especially Watersheds are things that must be studied and considered. Development and its relation to the environment that are not properly assessed can damage the surrounding environment. There is already a lot of news that discusses the development that damages the Watershed, which of course people want no more events like that. But in fact, there are still parties who are only oriented to personal interests for a moment and are not aware that the community, themselves, or their next generation will experience problems due to the damage to the severe watershed if left uninterrupted. If realized, the Betterpad-Ray Mockup will provide a place to bring together various parties to study and find solutions to the Watershed that can be done in the Betterpad-Ray Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban) and Main Building.

In Socially, if the Betterpad-Ray model is realized, it will prevent and overcome the problems related to that side as much as possible, at least in the scope of the complex building, God willing. Modern times are times when one can buy and consume industrial-made products that usually use plastic packaging. Unlike the old days when people used homemade items, or for example when buying food, the container was in the form of leaves. The use of plastic as a product packaging can cause problems if not treated properly. There are still people who throw garbage especially plastic carelessly, even in the flow of water or rivers. This has not been added to the presence of chemical hazardous industrial wastes. Of course there is a decrease in water quality, which is dirty, smelly, and toxic. Besides that there are still many people who use water excessively or wastefully. Indeed, in this day and age water is not only used for drinking, bathing, and washing (clothing and dishes), but also for cleaning vehicles, for industries, pool, and so on. There are also people who sometimes use maximum open water tap which is actually too much. There were also those who did not or forgot to close the water tap that filled the tub, even though it was full. Of course this wasteful drainage, little or no, reduces the availability of proper water as needed. Then there is the conversion of land into certain settlements or buildings without going through a deep study of the environment or actually the building is "useless", causing a lack of green open space and a lack of water absorption. As a result the outside air gets hotter, pollution increases, and easily floods.

From these social problems, if the Betterpad-Ray model materializes it will have several ways. The Betterpad-Ray building complex will later provide trash bins at each strategic point in and around Betterpad-Ray with a certain distribution, simply organic waste and inorganic waste so that people throw garbage in "right place". The garbage will be treated or processed in an environmentally friendly manner. In the bathroom, toilet, or where there is access to a water tap, you will be warned that you use enough water, you do not need to open the tap to the maximum, and to close the tap in the tub if it is full of water. Then before Betterpad-Ray is built, studies will be conducted with experts and seriously in order to remain environmentally friendly. The Betterpad-Ray Mockup Design also displays green open spaces and trenches to preserve water.

In Economically, the Betterpad-Ray Mockup, which if realized, will also pay attention to the problem. Building improvements due to settlements and industries have a significant impact on reducing green open space and reducing water absorption. Increased settlements occur because of the increasing population and urbanization. Those who move to cities are generally economic factors and want to get a better life. Those who turned out to have almost no capital would look for a place to live in a makeshift place and some would reach the banks of the river because of limited economic capacity. If there are more numbers, then the river banks will be full of buildings and damage the river banks because they are getting dirty and look narrow due to activities that do not pay attention to environmental sustainability. Then the existence of industrial development and factories in the Watershed can also damage the surrounding environment. Many trees are cut down and water absorption areas are reduced because they have to be covered with cement and walls. These industries only seek personal or group benefits and do not think about their impact on the environment. Sometimes they look for a place (land) just because it's cheap and still wide. Even though the land should be as a water catchment and green open space that provides positive benefits for the community, such as health due to the availability of large amounts of oxygen, not flooded, and so on. Then what is also not less severe is the presence of illegal logging, especially in the upstream forest. If the upstream forest runs out, then the rainwater that falls downstream will flow downstream quickly and cause flash floods. Then the natural ecosystem is also damaged, many animals die, and oxygen decreases and the air gets hotter.

The Betterpad-Ray model if it is realized will not damage the river banks or the river, God willing. The Betterpad-Ray mockup is a complex design of buildings whose main purpose is not economics, but towards education, social and culture. Development of Mockup Betterpad-Ray will not use wood from illegal logging. According to the Betterpad-Ray model design, in it there will be many trees that can produce oxygen and coolness.
Masjid Syahadat (Shahada Mosque)

Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin.

·       Robert J. Kodoatie and Roestam Sjarief. Tata Ruang Air. 2010. Yogyakarta: ANDI. (

(Architecture Hobby)

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