Sunday, June 2, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Eid Al-Fitr Prayers at the Shahada Mosque / Masjid Syahadat (Design)

After the month of Ramadan ends, then on the 1st of Shawwal the believing Muslims will celebrate "victory" because they have been able to hold back their passions while fasting and improving worship during the month of Ramadan. When the 1st day of Shawwal is called Eid al-Fitr and when that day is held the prayer ‘Id. Prayer times ‘Id is from sunrise to slip. The law of Id prayer (including Eid al-Adha) is sunnat muakkad (highly recommended) for men and women, settling or traveling. Sholat Id can be done alone or in congregation. But it has indeed been a habit or tradition since the time of Rasulullah that Prayer Id is done in congregation to be enlivened and even carried out in an open field.

How to do the prayer ‘Id is on the 1st of Shawwal, after each Muslim performs Fajr (Subuh) prayer and after taking a bath, then leaves for the mosque or field. Before leaving for Eid prayer, Muslims are encouraged to eat (or have breakfast) first as proof that they have not fasted, because fasting on the feast day is forbidden. It is better if Muslims wear the best clothes (no need new, as good as they can) and wear perfumes, because that day is a Eid Al-Fitr and so that Muslims look clean and fragrant because Islam likes cleanliness and beauty. After arriving at the mosque, before sitting in it, it is recommended to pray (Tahiyatul Masjid / respect the mosque) for the two raka'at mosque. However, if the place of implementation is not in the mosque, example field, then there is no Tahiyatul masjid prayer, just sit by following the takbir recitations until the prayer ‘Id begins. The takbir reading has been recited repeatedly since the setting of the sun at the beginning of Shawwal.

When the Id prayer will begin, then intend to pray Id first. Then at the first raka'ah, after the intention then read takbiratul ihram, then read the iftitah prayer, then takbir 7 times (also while raising hands) and every time 1 time takbir reads "Subhaanallaahi Walhamdulillaahi Wa Laa Ilaaha Illallahu Wallaahu Akbar". After takbir 7 times and recite the tasbih, continue reading Surah Al Fatihah and connect with reading the preferred letter, preferably the Surah Al A'la, then the next movement is like regular prayer. At the second rak'ah, after standing then takbir 5 times along with reading the tasbih sentence as before, then reading Al Fatihah and continuing with a certain surah, preferably Al Ghasyiyah's, then praying as usual until greeting / salam. The Imam reads al-Fatihah and the letter of choice by raising his voice and loud, while Ma'mum is not loud.

After the Id prayer, the khutbah delivered by the preacher is twice. The first khutbah is pronounced takbir 9 times and the second khutbah id pronounced takbir 7 times and must be read in succession. It is better if the theme of Eid al-Fitr khutbah is about zakat fitrah and its description. In addition, the theme of the khutbah can also discuss the meaning of Eid al-Fitr so that Muslims will be better than before.

God willing, the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) which is part of the Betterpad-Ray Model (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") can be used as a place of prayer ‘Id. The Shahada Mosque will celebrate Eid al-Fitr by following the timing of the government and institutions between friendly countries. The Shahada Mosque will carry out various activities during Eid al-Fitr as explained earlier since the sun or night set, for example echoing takbir. Then it will be prepared and regulated regarding the implementation of Eid prayer, especially the arrangement of prayer lines between men and women. Like some mosques, especially the Istiqlal mosque in Jakarta, the Id prayers are always aired on Indonesian TV, the men's line will be on the right and the women's line will be on the left. Because it often happens that the number of worshipers during Id prayers is very much, then there will be prepared mats for prayer shelters outside the mosque if the building cannot accommodate all the worshipers. It must be noted, that it is forbidden to turn on firecrackers including during Eid Al-Fitr, because it is only a futile, dangerous, and disturbing act. Then also will be provided a parking lot with a marker to accommodate vehicles that are possible to amount to very many.

Usually in Indonesia, Id prayers are held at 6 o'clock in the morning. But the Istiqlal mosque carried it out at 7 a.m. God willing, the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) in Betterpad-Ray will start the Id prayer at 6 am. Imam Id prayers for the Shahada Mosque are people who have extensive and deep religious knowledge, good reading, and old / older. Whereas the preacher is a person with extensive and deep religious knowledge, a good history of education, and authority. After the Id prayer is finished, the administrator will arrange the condition of the mosque to be neat again, such as inserting mats from the yard of the mosque to the storage area, storing separators between men and women, and so on. The officers will also help vehicles that want to get out of the parking lot if the conditions are crowded.

This is the article from me. Hopefully the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat), which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model, can inspire and be realized. Aamiin.

·         T, Drs. M. Nawai. Penuntun Shalat Lengkap beserta Dzikir dan Do’a-do’a. Surabaya: Karya Ilmu.

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