Wednesday, June 12, 2019

MOCKUP BETTERPAD-RAY - The Role of Natural Light in Architecture

Natural lighting makes architectural work as a visual work can be enjoyed visually. Geometric shapes and patterns that produce the composition of buildings, both in form and space, to the level of architectural and structural detail, can only be enjoyed visually when exposed to adequate light. In general, natural light does have a big role in architecture and makes it more meaningful. The presence of architecture is not only for visual satisfaction, but also for serving human activities. These goals really need to be supported by the role of natural lighting.

Natural light from the sun that enters the building allows humans to interact with the outdoors. Relationship with the outdoors is very important because it creates a feeling of being safe and comfortable. If humans are indoors without knowing their position outside the room, they will feel uncomfortable and unsafe, especially when someone imagines what the conditions outside the building are. In this case, natural light provides orientation even if someone is in the room.

Rooms that have access to natural light will become more attractive. The room has warmth so that the activities in it can run well. Natural light also has a positive impact on human health, both physically and mentally. Because in this modern age more and more activities are carried out indoors, architectural designs must provide access to natural light in each room as needed.

Good light quality from sunlight can create a better interior building condition, both interior design and elements in it. The furniture in the room will look better with the natural light that brighten it, especially for furniture from natural materials such as wood, bamboo or rattan. Natural furniture that is coated with transparent paint will look shiny when exposed to natural light. Natural light can show a natural impression in the room.

Natural light is needed in architecture with various components and various objectives to be achieved. The need for visual information both in enjoying and doing activities is one reason for the importance of natural lighting in architecture, both indoors and outside the building. Natural light is also needed in landscape arrangement as part of the architecture so that it can be enjoyed by the sense of sight or to show other elements, such as plants. Humans as building users also need a good feeling in their activities, so beautiful and neat architectural designs and the role of natural light make people more enthusiastic about their activities.

Betterpad-Ray mockups (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") are designed by displaying compositions of various forms which give rise to their own aesthetic value with the role of natural light, God willing, can be realized. One of the most visible forms of geometry is the large circle on the Betterpad-Ray yard design with attractive images and colors. The Betterpad-Ray yard is designed so that it is not boring and comfortable to look at. Usually not all building yards are given geometric patterns or certain images. But as a complex design of buildings that pay attention to aesthetics, the building yard is something that must be given a touch of art, especially if it can be used as a complex of museum buildings or arts and cultural centers. Then there is a large building called Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban) which is useful as a public space to gather and conduct positive activities attended by many people. The  Civilization Pavilion roof design from the front looks like a trapezoidal pile that gets up and down smaller. In the Betterpad-Ray Mockup design, the shape of the pendapa roof has a green color because green is a symbol of fertility and is like a shady shade tree in it. In the Civilization Pavilion, there were also large columns supporting the roof of the pavilion. In Pendapa Peradaban there is a balcony with a guardrail with detailed design. All of these elements can be seen and enjoyed visually well if there is natural light from the sun. If at night, of course the beauty of the shape of the building is not visible. While electric lights usually only brighten the inside or side of the building. Whereas in the daytime, sunlight can brighten interior of the Civilization Pavilion and show objects along with various shapes and patterns that are in pendapa. In addition, activities in pendapa can run well because of the amount of sunlight entering in a relatively more amount than the building with the closing wall. Besides Civilization Pavilion, natural light also influences the visual appearance of Betterpad-Ray Main Building, Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat), and others. Simply put, natural light allows people to see buildings, know their position with each other, and see parts of the building in detail.

With natural light, people who are in the building can find out the outside conditions and position inside the building with the window or side of the pavilion without a cover wall. With the design of Pendapa Peradaban which without a cover wall and its position in the front, the people inside can directly see the conditions outside, especially what happens in the courtyard of the building. Natural light also plays a role in displaying the interior of Betterpad-Ray buildings during the day, such as the Betterpad-Ray Main Building and the Shahada Mosque. So the shape and arrangement of the space in the building can be seen clearly and the people inside can move and move safely and comfortably. Various objects or decorations that are in the room can also be seen well with natural light, especially if there is furniture from wood, bamboo, or rattan that increasingly looks shiny and clean when coated with transparent paint.

In addition to buildings, natural light is an important role in showing the appearance of the composition between various buildings designed by Betterpad-Ray with the presence of other elements in the form of trees, ponds, fields, and others. Trees with green leaf colors look beautiful when exposed to natural light. A clean pool exposed to natural light will show the clarity of the water and what is inside the pool, such as fish and rocks. The existence of trees, pond, and stones can create a natural impression that is increasingly clear in the presence of natural light. The combination of buildings with natural elements shows that all human activities are very dependent on the environment and is an obligation for humans to be able to interact with nature properly, including the use of natural light that is appropriate in architecture.
Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin. Sorry if there is an error especially in this article.

·       Manurung, Parmonangan. Pencahayaan Alami dalam Arsitektur. 2012. Yogyakarta: ANDI.

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