Wednesday, June 19, 2019

MOCKUP BETTERPAD-RAY - Natural Light Accommodates Activities

Facilitating activities is one of the architectural roles that can be felt in life. This also distinguishes architecture from a artwork. Artwork tends to highlight the aesthetic element rather than its function. While architecture starts from the needs of human habitation, in this case is a man-made building which is a primary need besides food and clothing. The building has a form in accordance with the local culture, from the beginning it is simple then the complexity and shape of the building continues to increase over time to form architectural works that have various functions and beauty values.

A house, for example, is designed to be able to accommodate the various activities of the owner or occupant. Because the role of a house in accommodating activities takes place twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, then a house must serve various activities in it continuously. So the residence must be able to carry out its functions properly and correctly.

The office has things that are different from the house, for example in terms of time of use that the office has a relatively shorter duration of service activities. Likewise, the existing organizations and various supporting systems will be different. In general, an office functions for eight to ten hours a day, and operates for five or six days a week. The difference in duration in the course of the activity will create a difference in terms of design between the office and the residence.

In discussing the duration of time in accommodating activities in general, a place of worship such as a mosque can be another example. Broadly speaking, a mosque serves worship services for a minimum of five obligatory prayers a day, including Friday prayers. Of course there are still other activities that can be done at the mosque. Of course this also has an effect on the design and system in it, as is the case with homes and offices.

Other buildings also have a role in accommodating activities. Each building has a specific function and design needs will be function-oriented so that each activity it accommodates can run well and smoothly. Buildings need the help of light to support the activities inside. Light can make various activities run well. Without light, what happens is the loss of the ability to access visual information. This also means that humans do not have information about the exact space in which they are located, both the elements that make up space, the size or dimensions of space, the volume of space, and the various elements in space. Without these information, humans cannot do activities properly, even some activities cannot be done at all.

One can imagine if entering an office in which it is dark without lighting. One can conclude that it is difficult or even no activity can be done in that place. Or when at night sitting relaxed and chatting with family in the family room, then a sudden blackout occurs, so there is not much that can be done before obtaining other lighting sources, such as candles or flashlights. This shows the great influence of light on the activities or functions of a space.

God willing, if realized, the building complex of the Betterpad-Ray Mockup design (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") can accommodate a variety of positive activities that are beneficial with the use of natural light properly. If seen, it can be concluded that the design has various buildings to accommodate each activity according to its function. Natural light (sun) does play a big role in lighting up the earth so that life continues and humans can carry out various activities safely and comfortably. So this very large light source must be utilized properly in buildings, as well as the Betterpad-Ray Mockup design.

If observed in terms of size and number of buildings, it is too much if the Betterpad-Ray design is intended as a private residence, except for palaces or houses belonging to wealthy person. But in terms of duration of use, it is possible that this building serves up to twenty-four hours of activity, especially if you see a pendapa (pavilion) called Pendapa Peradaban / Civilization Pavilion which is a hall like other halls that can be used until night. Especially for example if there is a Javanese shadow puppet performance which is usually done from night to almost dawn. It is also possible that the Betterpad-Ray design was used as a place to stay for twenty-four hours. But the discussion is certainly still far from the time of writing this article, everything could possibly happen. What is important, for buildings with twenty hours of activity requires setting natural light that is good during the day and the installation of sufficient lights at night.

The Betterpad-Ray model design might also be used as an office. The Betterpad-Ray Main Building behind the pendapa can indeed give the impression that the building is where various main activities are carried out. The presence of many windows shows that the design of the Main Building has good access to natural lighting so that the activities in it can be done properly. Generally offices do have good access to natural light, because it usually consists of a lot of space that requires access to the outside in the form of a window in order to know the situation outside and easy to get out if something unexpected happens. For security matters, there are indeed security guards, because the large number of windows also makes bad things easily enter the office.

Generally mosques have access to good natural lighting in the presence of many glass windows, there is even a completely open space without a closing window and wall, only many roof support pillars. Likewise with the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) design, which has many windows. With the many windows, natural light easily enters the mosque as lighting. Moreover mosques are buildings with a single room as a place of worship that is generally large in size, meaning that there is no division of space in it so that natural light is truly effective in brighten all parts of the mosque.

In terms of lighting, do not let a room with less light or dark inside the building, including the Betterpad-Ray model design. Aside from not being able to see various objects properly, a dark room also has a negative impact and can be dangerous. The problem in a dark room is that if there are dangerous objects or animals, the eyes cannot see. So the consequences can be fatal for the people in it. Dark rooms also tend to get dirty easily and are difficult to clean because they are difficult to see during cleaning. Therefore, light is a thing that has great benefits for life that must be utilized as well as possible. Therefore light is a symbol for positive things.

Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin. Sorry if there is an error especially in this article.

·         Manurung, Parmonangan. Pencahayaan Alami dalam Arsitektur. 2012. Yogyakarta: ANDI. (

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