Tuesday, June 11, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Calculating Size for the Shahada Mosque / Masjid Syahadat (design)

Each type of work in the building has a different method of calculating sizes, according to the shape. Basically the basic formula used in buildings remains the same as mathematical formulas in general, such as measurements of area, circumference, and volume. For the number of units calculated by pieces or units consisting of material sets that have become one unit.

God willing, if the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat), which is part of the Betterpad-Ray maquette/model/mockup (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall"), can be realized, then measuring the size is important in proper planning and development.

There are several ways to calculate the size of each type of work. Broadly speaking, the calculation method is as follows.

§  Size of work that has an area and thickness or has a cross section and length calculated using m3 units. For example, in stone masonry (rivers stone), brick pairs (also can m2), trestle, and frames.
The foundation is the most important thing in a building, because the foundation supports the building above it to remain sturdy. Excavation of foundation land must be measured in volume quantities to obtain the right size in order to support the building with a strong and durable. Sand and soil storage and floor elevation are measured by volume to determine the exact amount of sand and soil needs. It is recommended that the supply of sand and soil be exceeded from the calculation results, because the rest can be used for reserves or other work.
Reinforced concrete work is what forms the structure or shape of a building as a frame. The size of reinforced concrete is measured by volume and usually the width for this work is almost the same for each building, especially simple buildings. This reinforced concrete width is adjusted to the needs and strength needed. To determine the width of the reinforced concrete, you must select the appropriate size of the iron ring. Concrete work floor, although it tends to expand, but thickness is important even though it is only about 5 cm. So the size of working concrete is calculated by the volume.
Frames for doors and windows are also calculated by the amount of volume, at least to know the strength needed because the sills also hold the load from the wall.

§  Size of work that has only a relatively thin area and thickness is calculated using units of m2. Examples are plastering work, floor pairs, ceiling pairs, roof pairs, and painting.
When planning or planning to build a building, the broadest size that is first calculated is the land to be cleared. The land used is not only for buildings on top, but also for buildings, parks, gazebos, ponds and so on. Each of these parts must also be measured in order to be arranged properly and according to needs.The size of the wall or stucco surface is calculated with a large amount. The amount of brick you want to use can also be known by calculating the area of the wall you want to build, usually the wall area has been reduced by the area of doors and windows. Brick is installed with a "sleeping" position and takes the longest position. So the thickness of the brick is the one that composes the height of the wall and the length of the brick that composes the length of the wall. So the wall thickness of a building is influenced by the width of the brick surface. The thickness and length of the brick are roughly calculated to determine the amount of brick needed for masonry on the wall.
Then as a complementary component, ceramics are objects that can be installed on the floor and surface of the wall. Ceramics sold have fixed sizes, for example 30 x 30 cm, 40 x 40 cm, 20 x 25 cm, and so on. The floor area that has been measured and planned can be a reference to determine the amount of ceramics needed, just by dividing the floor area with the width of ceramics per piece.
The ceiling in the building space is also measured by the wide-scale size, both indoor ceiling and terrace.
The width of the door leaf and the window leaf are adjusted to the needs. Most importantly, generally the size of the door is greater than the size of the human body, both in length and width. While the window size is basically as needed. If only so that light can enter, then only small size and position above. If you can see the view outside the building, it will be even bigger, about from the adult human waist to higher than the adult human head (preferably at least 2 meters from the floor surface). The size of air ventilation is also calculated based on its area.
Wide-scale quantities can also be used to determine the number of caso, battens, tile roofs and the area of painting.

§  The size of work that tends to be elongated (the length is more dominant than its width) is calculated using units of m. For example in roof frame, ceiling frame, pipe installation, cable, and tile roof.
Although ceiling frame have a width and thickness, but the length is a matter that must be calculated to fit the lengths of the sides around the building or room. Whereas the width and thickness of the roof frame and the ceiling frame tend to be elements of proportion, propriety and aesthetics.
The roof ridge is the top side cover of the roof, so that the total length is sufficiently measured.

§  Calculation of the number of unit materials using units of piece size. For example lights, power outlets, switches, hinges, locks, toilets and water taps. The number of door and window components such as hinges, locks, etc. is adjusted to the number of doors and windows that exist. For example, for one door, three hinges are needed. Then the number of switches is also adjusted to the number of lights. To save the number of switch places, you should use a switch with two or three buttons, especially if there is more. While the number of water taps is adjusted to the number of people there. For places of ablution, especially the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) in Betterpad-Ray, of course there must be a lot. The number of water taps is also adjusted to the number of bathtubs available.

§  Calculation of the number of unit materials consisting of several components of materials assembled into one using unit / units. For example, kitchen or washing table, installation of clean water and dirty water, lighting installation, electricity power point installation, and so on.

This is the article from me. Hopefully the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat), which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model, can inspire and be realized. Aamiin. Sorry if there is an error especially in this article.

·         Susanta, Gatut, and friends. Membangun Masjid & Mushola. 2007. Depok: Penebar Swadaya. (https://archive.org/stream/BukuArsitektur/1048_Membangun%20Masjid%20dan%20Mushola#mode/2up)

(Architecture Hobby)

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