Friday, June 14, 2019

MOCKUP BETTERPAD-RAY - Problems with Groundwater

Groundwater problems are identical to surface water problems, namely regarding quantity and quality and other impacts such as the occurrence of land subsidence.

The main challenges faced in groundwater management in Indonesia are the limited water supply from surface water sources, the high dependence on ground water for the supply of water, and the rampant uptake of these water sources due to the increasing demand for water from year to year, both for meeting community needs and public services in offices, shopping, factories or industries, agriculture, mining, and in various other places (Danaryanto et al., 2008a, amended as needed).

Clean water services through Regional Water Companies (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum / PDAM in Indonesia) implemented by the government have not been able to reach all regions. Whereas the area where the community has been reached by the PDAM, it turns out that not all of their clean water needs are 100% fulfilled so they tend to look for other sources of clean water. Even some people do not want to subscribe to the PDAM because they have to pay usage fees every month, and prefer to use cheaper groundwater sources.

Whereas in areas that have not been serviced by PDAM at all, the people have to find clean water sources with their own efforts and they get clean water from ground water as the first choice in meeting the need for clean water. This resulted in more and more groundwater extraction by the community, resulting in a decrease in groundwater level (Danaryanto et al., 2008a, amended as needed).

From reliable news sources from television or the internet, it can be seen that groundwater extraction in big cities and industrial centers in Indonesia has been very intensive. There are many industries or hotels that have many production wells, there is even a company with more than 20 wells with up to 8,000 m3 of ground water per day. Then there is a decrease in the quantity and quality and environment of groundwater in the centers of groundwater extraction (Danaryanto et al., 2005, amended as needed). This creates a conflict between the industry and the community, because of the negative impact of intensive groundwater extraction by the industry in the form of a decrease in ground water level. As a result, community wells become dry and polluted, although there is actually an obligation for every industry to take ground water to provide 10% of the ground water pumped to the surrounding community. But this is generally not done.

In addition, the thing that is quite worrying is the change in groundwater recharge areas that turn into residential areas, industries, and others. On the other hand due to the increase in population, the need for water is increasing. Then it can be said that the problem of ground water will become increasingly severe because of the reduced availability of water and at the same time the water needs increase.

God willing, if realized, Betterpad-Ray Mockup (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") will be built with attention to the problem of groundwater. This is to maintain the quality and quantity of groundwater and prevent various negative impacts from improper and excessive groundwater extraction, such as land subsidence. The Betterpad-Ray mockup is the design of a building complex for educational and socio-cultural purposes, so it is hoped that its design and presence will not damage the environment if it has been built. For water needs, usually large buildings do choose to make their own wells rather than through the PDAM, because of course for large needs it is easier to take the groundwater itself and this is already a normal thing. Basically, it is also not common and it is difficult to fulfill water needs by taking water directly from surface water, such as rivers and lakes. For areas with sufficient water supply, taking water from surface water is a hassle. But there are also countries that use surface water directly for water needs, even using sea water. Saudi Arabia is a country with a geographic form of desert and it is difficult to obtain ground water, unless there are wells such as the Zam-Zam well in the city of Mecca. So Saudi Arabia processes sea water that tastes salty so that it can be drunk, of course the water is not salty anymore.

The thing that becomes a problem in groundwater extraction is if the collection of soil inside comes sucked along with the ground water that comes out when pumped. The soil that is taken continuously will reduce the soil below the surface so that if there is nothing to support the soil surface and the underground space is getting bigger, then there will be a decrease in the soil or collapse. This is certainly not expected by various parties including if the Betterpad-Ray Mockup can be built. If a land subsidence occurs, the building will be damaged and of course it is very difficult to repair because it is almost impossible to raise the surface of the land again. Not to mention the negative impact on a wider scope of space, especially the community environment. Residents' houses can be damaged and public facilities such as roads are damaged so they cannot be used properly. So this must be prevented so that no more severe environmental damage occurs.

Considering the large amount of groundwater being sucked for large buildings, it must use the process of extracting groundwater that is appropriate and does not damage the environment with the role of experts. The most important thing is to significantly reduce the amount of soil that is sucked in along with ground water by making wells that have the right structure. Betterpad-Ray's design will use ground water for positive and educational purposes, so it won't be used for fun, which is certainly wasteful. In addition, the construction of buildings must provide water infiltration so that the amount of available ground water can meet the needs well. If there is no water absorption site, the water cannot enter the soil and can cause flooding.

In addition to the practice, the Betterpad-Ray Mockup can be used as a place to hold discussions or seminars on groundwater issues. This can be done in the Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban) or Main Building. Groundwater problems need to be discussed by various parties because in the present time there have been various problems of groundwater which have a negative adverse effect. The solution must be immediately sought, including ways to prevent it by treating groundwater appropriately. Of course experts have the ability and useful thoughts, especially for the general public. Therefore, Betterpad-Ray provides a place for experts to talk about groundwater issues and hopefully it can be applied properly and correctly with the roles of various parties involved. Betterpad-Ray will also create a library with various book themes, in this case water conservation. It should be for all agencies, organizations, or companies to make libraries with positive readings so they can be read and add insight.

Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin. Sorry if there is an error especially in this article.

·       Robert J. Kodoatie and Roestam Sjarief. Tata Ruang Air. 2010. Yogyakarta: ANDI. (

(Architecture Hobby)

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