Tuesday, June 18, 2019

MOCKUP BETTERPAD-RAY - Negative Impact of Groundwater Extraction

The presence of ground water with surface water has a very close relationship. According to Darcy's Law, it is explained that if the ground water level experiences a continuous decline due to excessive exploitation of ground water, the potential for seepage of river water into aquifers (the carrier layer of water in the ground) is very large. If the river flow is large enough, then the seepage does not significantly affect the river discharge. However, if the aquifer is formed from soil that has a large permeability and pollution that occurs in the river is high enough, it will affect the presence of groundwater pollution (Danaryanto et al., 2008a; Asdak, 2002).

Excessive extraction of ground water causes a decrease in groundwater level. A decrease in groundwater level causes a reduction in ground lift force so that there is an increase in the effective stress of the soil. This effective stresse increase will make the soil grains shrink so that land subsidence occurs (Terzhagi, 1969, changed as needed). So, land subsidence occurs due to groundwater extraction while increasing the effective stress continuously.

In addition, the potential for erosion in the interior of the ground is due to the grains of soil below ground level is also transported in the absorption of ground water by over-pumping deep wells. If the decrease in groundwater level occurs in the coastal area, the sea water urges fresh groundwater in the aquifer so that sea water intrusion occurs, namely the movement of seawater into groundwater.
Groundwater extraction, especially for industries and commercial businesses, is always increasing. Excessive groundwater extraction has caused a variety of negative impacts, such as a decrease in groundwater level, contamination of groundwater, and soil subsidence.

Pollutants can be interpreted as biological chemicals, radioactivity in the form of solid, liquid or gas objects, both from natural origin which are triggered by humans (indirectly) and human activities which result in adverse effects on human life and the environment . All of that is triggered by human activity (Watts 1997 in Notodarmojo, 2005, changed as needed).

In several regions in Indonesia, ground water is still the main source of drinking water. Groundwater that is still natural without human interference, the quality is not necessarily good. Especially if it's polluted because of human activity, the quality is getting worse. Poorly managed environmental management is the cause of groundwater pollution. Some sources of pollution that cause decreased groundwater quality include waste from Landfills, oil spills, agricultural activities, disposal of waste to land, disposal of liquid waste into deep wells, and radioactive waste (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, changed as needed).

Intensive groundwater extraction causes contamination of deep ground water from shallow groundwater. Retrieving groundwater in coastal areas causes sea water intrusion. Non-potable shallow ground water has several characteristics, namely cloudy, colored, acidic pH, the presence of iron, manganese, and ammonia above the normal threshold, and contain coli bacteria from fecal waste.

Turbidity and color are caused by colloidal substances in the form of substances that float and decompose very smoothly, organic matter, mud, high content of iron and manganese. The presence of ammonia in water can come from seepage from dirty environments, from domestic drainage channels. Ammonia is formed due to decay of organic matter by bacteria or agricultural pollution. The high content of iron and manganese occurs because many constituent rocks contain iron and manganese (Danaryanto and Hadipurwo, 2008, changed as needed). Generally iron and manganese compounds are found in the soil and are easily soluble in water when the water is acidic. The coli bacteria content only develops in dug wells, and generally artesian wells do not contain coli bacteria. The presence of coli bacteria may be caused by a septic tank that is too close to a well or well too close to a river contaminated with human feces.

Land subsidence occurs because of excessive extraction of ground water in a depressed aquifer. Groundwater stored in the pores of the aquifer cover will be exhausted which results in shrinkage of the cover so that land subsidence occurs on the surface. The occurrence of land subsidence causes damage to buildings such as cracks and decreases in the foundation which causes the position of the building to tilt.

God willing, if the model of the Betterpad-Ray building (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") is realized, then it will manage and utilize ground water properly and correctly based on religion, science, and the opinions of experts. The presence of ground water is indeed very important for human life, including in terms of buildings. In order to obtain water as a need and supply, generally buildings use water by making wells, either dug wells or artesian wells, where ground water is pumped out with a machine pump. In this case, the Betterpad-Ray model will certainly think and consider ways to use ground water to be useful for humans but not damage the environment so that it can continue to be useful in the long term.

For buildings that are located or will be built near the river and the Betterpad-Ray model can will be realized there, it is important to study the relationship between the river and ground water as a building water source. In addition, it is necessary to examine what is the fairness limit in taking groundwater so as not to damage the environment, especially if there is a decrease in land. Because in today's age so much ground water is needed in large quantities, but various needs that are considered to be less important certainly must be reduced so that the ground water does not experience a decrease in surface. In addition, it will be in vain if the well-designed building will be damaged by land subsidence. So most importantly, ground water will be utilized as needed and may be given a warning to people in the bathroom or near the water tap to use enough water.

For buildings that are located or will be built near the sea or the Betterpad-Ray model can will be realized there, a study of ground water with sea water must be carried out. Actually, it is natural that groundwater in coastal areas tends to be salty. However, if more ground water is taken in the coastal area, the seawater will continue towards the groundwater layer which causes the water to become more salty.

God willing, if realized, the Betterpad-Ray complex will not pollute the environment especially ground water, and this is something that must also be done for other buildings and all humans to preserve nature. Liquid waste and various other wastes should not be disposed of carelessly such as to the ground or to the well. Because these wastes can pollute ground water. If the ground water is polluted, especially in the area of a building, then the water is not feasible so that just for drinking it becomes difficult. So the main thing is to prevent or not carry out waste disposal for all parties in all places, except places that are indeed "forced" to be used as trash bins, such as Landfills. The Landfills should be far from the settlement and settlement location or the building that is to be built is also far from the Landfills, one of which is to avoid contaminated ground water. In modern times, petroleum is something that is highly sought after and used. So for vulnerable objects that damage the environment, need to be careful in their management so as not to damage the environment and harm the community. The use of artificial chemical pesticides on agriculture also has the potential to pollute water, it could also include ground water.

When planning to build a building including Betterpad-Ray Mockup, or for public health purposes, it is necessary to conduct research on the groundwater content so that it is known whether it is suitable for drinking or not. God willing, the Betterpad-Ray complex that is realized will not pollute ground water and so must be done in other places, such as the manufacture of proper, safe and environmentally friendly dirty water installations.

Excessive extraction of ground water somewhere can result in land subsidence on the surface. So before making any building or infrastructure, it is important to measure soil strength. In addition, the need for proper utilization of groundwater in buildings has the benefit of not decreasing or subsidence of land in related locations. If the groundwater is taken excessively, then there is land subsidence that damages the building, from cracking, tilting, even collapsing. So it is important to take enough ground water appropriately so that the condition of the building remains durable, as well as expectations for the Betterpad-Ray model.

 Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin. Sorry if there is an error especially in this article.

·       Robert J. Kodoatie and Roestam Sjarief. Tata Ruang Air. 2010. Yogyakarta: ANDI. (https://archive.org/stream/BukuArsitektur/1822_Tata%20Ruang%20Air#mode/2up)

(Architecture Hobby)

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