Saturday, June 8, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Mechanical and Electrical Work at the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) Design

The ME work that is often found in mosque buildings is electrical work consisting of lighting installations (lamp panels, switches, and outlets), power installations (fans, air conditioner, sound systems, and water pumps), grounding, lightning rod, etc. Mechanical work consists of installations to obtain, distribute and store water, as well as installations for water pumps, sanitation (bathtubs, toilets and tap water), and so on.

God willing, if the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) from the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") model can be realized then it will pay attention to the mechanical and electrical work properly and correctly. As a place of worship used by many people, the process must be right, correct, and pay attention to the safety and comfort of the worshipers. As a large building for a building complex, the mechanical and electrical equipment in the mosque must be complete, at least almost all of those mentioned earlier. However, it is endeavored that mosques do not need to use air conditioners, enough with fans and with good air circulation arrangements, especially the design of Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) in Betterpad-Ray which is a typical Indonesian architecture.

Electrical installation is a circuit system to deliver electrical power to lights or other electronic devices to meet human needs. Electrical installations can be divided into two types, namely electric lighting and electric power. Electric lighting installations are all installations that are used to provide electrical power to the lights so that they turn into light. This lighting installation is divided into two parts, namely installation in buildings and installations outside the building. Electrical power installation is an electrical installation that is used to operate electronic equipment such as household appliances, office equipment, industrial equipment, and others. For mosques, electrical installations must be considered to support worship activities. Setting the position of the lamp must be arranged properly so that it can illuminate all parts of the mosque to the fullest. The position of the wall fan is also arranged so that it is easy to reach hands. Audio devices such as microphones are also placed and divided precisely, for example for khutbah, azan, and so on. Here are some examples that can be applied to the Shahada mosque at Betterpad-Ray.

In addition to aesthetic factors, technical requirements must be fulfilled in the series of electrical lighting installations and electrical power installations.
Ø  Safe for humans, animals and electricity. That is, do not let the electrical circuit make a large potential accident.
Ø  The material installed must meet quality standards. Usually, the more expensive the goods are used, the more durable and good the quality is so that it is safe and comfortable. In comparison, expensive items are actually "cheaper" than cheap goods, because cheap ones are easily damaged, are quick to buy again, and are more risky.
Ø  The current conductor (cable) used must have a diameter that matches the current strength.

Plumbing work as part of mechanical work is supported by equipment that functions to obtain, enter, and discharge water smoothly so that it can meet the needs of residents of buildings and buildings to remain durable. The types of equipment include the following.
Ø  Equipment to get clean water, including water pumps, whether sourced from wells or springs.
Ø  Equipment to get hot water.

Equipment for water installations include pipes. Pipeline materials can be PVC or bone iron pipes for cold water and copper pipes for hot water. Generally, the type of pipe used is PVC pipe, both AW type (thick) and D (level below AW type).

The basic requirements of the material for plumbing needs must be considered properly and correctly, that is, does not endanger health, does not cause noise, does not cause heat / radiation, does not damage buildings and equipment, and installs that must be correct and strong.

The plumbing work system consists of two systems, namely a horizontal system and a vertical system. Horizontal system is a pipe system for flowing water in non-storey buildings and vertical systems is a clean water drainage system with a system up, down, or tilting that generally used for multi-storey buildings or in hills.

Sanitation work is part of water installation work. In sanitation work there are tools that are often used by humans, such as bathtubs, toilets, washbasins, water taps, roof drain, and septic tanks.

In addition to this work, water pumps and water reservoirs are things that need attention. In order to save, the choice of pump type must take into account the suction power of the pump and its thrust. Pump suction power is the distance between the water level in the well to the position of the pump. While the thrust of the pump is the distance between the water pump to the water reservoir or directly to the tap. Water reservoirs are needed so that there is sufficient water supply even though the electricity is off. In addition, the use of water reservoir can save electricity costs because the pump does not turn on/off too often when used.

For mosques, especially the Shahada mosque design at Betterpad-Ray, water is very important, because it is used for ablution, washing, bathing, and so on. So, the installation of water must be well planned, both the quality of the material, the shape of the system, the amount of equipment, etc. that can provide security and comfort. For a one-storey mosque, the position of the reservoir (usually) is quite higher than the height of the building wall. For multi-storey mosques there are two types. First is the mosque where the position of ablution room and bathroom are only on the ground floor, while the second floor and / or so on are only for prayer rooms (usually only in the form of a terrace), the position of the reservoir is quite higher than the ground floor. Whereas for mosques there are also ablution places on the second and so on (usually the first floor for the hall, while the floor above is for prayer), the position of the reservoir must be higher than the position of the ablution tap in the top position.

This is the article from me. Hopefully the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat), which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model, can inspire and be realized. Aamiin.

·         Susanta, Gatut, and friends. Membangun Masjid & Mushola. 2007. Depok: Penebar Swadaya. (

(Architecture Hobby)

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