Friday, June 14, 2019

MOCKUP BETTERPAD-RAY - Diverse Indonesian Culture Perspective

The main problem discussed about traditional architecture in modern times is: how can the application of cultural or customary identity be applied to new buildings appropriately? Finding and discovering cultural identity is a difficult thing for the Indonesian people, because the historical process that continues until the modern era, namely the existence of a country called Indonesia. These difficulties are caused by various things.

First is the diversity of cultures in Indonesia. The Indonesian people know that the history of the formation of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke was due to having the same fate and suffering because of Dutch colonialism. Actually all ethnic groups in Indonesia do not have enough equality in terms of culture to be seen as a similarity and a unity of the nation, both in terms of language, customs and beliefs. All of these have considerable differences between one another. But there is a determination that was born in the 1928 Youth Oath of one bloodshed, one nation, and one language, namely Indonesia. Then the spirit of independence in 1945 has succeeded in uniting different ethnic groups so that the sense of nationality in Indonesia is getting stronger.

After independence, the Indonesian people chose the form of a democratic republic. Historically, the republic was a new thing for the Indonesian people. Previously Indonesian history only knew the form of the kingdom. Because of this there are many misunderstandings about the meaning of the new rules of life. Many norms of daily life are replaced with new ones.

In the field of social politics, for example about the notion of opposition. One party considers that opposition is normal in democracy, even needed. While others who are still accustomed to thinking in an autocratic pattern assume that opposition is disobedience to the authorities and are the seeds of rebellion that need to be crushed. Then what is meant by the government is the ruler or guardian (public service)? Legally it is clear that the government's role is more in the direction of the civil service. But many people are still accustomed to seeing the government as a ruler like the kingdom. Moreover, government officials act more towards the ruler, consciously or not.

Then in economic life, is it still a problem whether or not to make the maximum profit is the right thing or not? This is not seen from legal issues, but ethically normative. The public still considers that making a profit as much as possible means being greedy and not an act that deserves rational praise. Until now there has been no limit on the benefits that are considered reasonable based on the agreement.

About the republic, there are questions about social stratification. For example, which position is higher between the descendants of aristocrats, scholars, government officials, politicians, officers, intellectuals, elder people, and wealthy people (entrepreneurs). If the question is asked, different answers will be obtained which prove the absence of a norm in society. If these examples are examined more deeply, it can be seen that it is in fact the root of the philosophical view that creates these differences. No wonder someone in today's world often confuses certain situations in everyday life. The Indonesian nation, which until now (2019) is still said to be a newly developing country, like other countries that are equal, still have feelings as a backward society compared to other developed countries, whether they are aware or not. Therefore the Indonesian people feel the need to try to catch up. Generally they argue that modernization is the answer. Everything must be modernized in order to catch up. So modernization was driven mainly in the fields of technology and economic development. Then there is a new assumption about the values used to measure the success and nobility of modern humans. Good man is not pious, humble, simple, polite, and so on. Productive, aspiring, aggressive and pragmatic people are human examples that are considered good in modern times. This is completely reversed with the old values.

The development of modern culture has a negative impact. A highly developed industry turns out to cause environmental pollution that disrupts natural sustainability. Industry also encourages excessive levels of consumption that are borne by available natural resources. Technological advances have caused the creation of destructive weapons that are very powerful and have a massive impact. While it has been proven that economic progress and prosperity does not make people truly feel happy and prosperous. The new economic and political order has led to a widening gap between developed and underdeveloped countries. This causes world political instability which also occurs in developed countries. Because of this the question arises that whether humanity has now chosen the right path to achieve welfare and preservation of nature? If not, is there another way that can be taken and in what direction is the destination of the nation?

From these things, it can be realized about the magnitude of the cultural difficulties faced by humans. If you want to discuss about the cultural characteristics that will be applied in today's architecture, then there are several questions. Which culture do you want to reflect? What was previously owned or changed? Or that will come that is unknown?

The Betterpad-Ray Mockup (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") is a complex building design that shows Indonesian cultural architecture, God willing, can be realized. Betterpad-Ray's design is the result of efforts to apply traditional Indonesian architecture to architecture in modern times. The most visible thing about traditional architecture in the Betterpad-Ray design is the existence of the Pendapa called Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion), which is a typical pavilion of Javanese architecture, although in other parts of Indonesia there are also types of pendapa buildings. The meaning of pavilions in Indonesia is a place to gather, chat, discuss, display cultural performances, and so on that are in accordance with the values and norms of Indonesian society since ancient times. Indeed Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion) architecture tends to show Javanese culture and cannot display the entire cultural architecture of other regions. This is one of the difficulties to show traditional culture with the name of Indonesia, because it is almost difficult to find a culture that shows Indonesia's identity as a whole because of the diversity of its ethnic groups. But at least the Pendapa Peradaban does not really show Javanese buildings in an original way, due to the existence of balconies bordered by fences. This fenced balcony can be found in other regional cultural architecture in Indonesia. In order to make it look more Indonesian, in front of the Civilization Pavilion there is an Indonesian flag, namely the Red and White flag which is mounted on a pole. In addition, images or engravings about traditional houses and cultural architecture of all regions in Indonesia can be made and displayed in the Civilization Pavilion. The Civilization Pavilion can also be used as a place to show culture throughout Indonesia.

The Betterpad-Ray building complex design is suitable for offices or government buildings. The open pavilion shows the attitude of the government that is open and willing to accept and provide solutions to community problems through deliberation. While the Betterpad-Ray Main Building when viewed at a glance, it is suitable for use as an office center. The Betterpad-Ray building complex was created for educational and socio-cultural purposes, not to seek maximum profit. If realized, various parties and people from various professions can enter Betterpad-Ray with various contributions to the nation and the country, because Betterpad-Ray can be used as a place for deliberation, interaction, and obtaining knowledge with various facilities that have been designed.
Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban )

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin. Sorry if there is an error especially in this article.

·         Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc. Jati Diri Arsitektur Indonesia. 1997. Bandung: Penerbit Alumni.  * Included by: Ir. Hindro Tjahjono Sumardjan, IAI, as stated in the reference book.  (

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