Thursday, May 30, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - 3T Water: too much, too little, too dirty

Regarding problems in rivers or water on land, there are three classic problems of water which are often called 3T: too much, too little, too dirty. Too much means that somewhere there is too much water and too little means somewhere too little water. The greater the difference between the highest amount of water and the smallest amount of water in a year in a river, the more damaged the River Flow Area is. Other indications can also be known from the classic problem in Indonesia throughout the year: flooding in the rainy season and drought in the dry season, so that it can be said that the season in Indonesia is no longer just the rainy and dry seasons but the flood season and drought season.

There are various news about illegal logging in the forest that occur in Indonesia by hands who do not want to be responsible. The thieves carry out their actions secretly with the intention of only seeking their own benefit without thinking about the negative impact on the environment. Even though there were those who were arrested by the police, there were still other ignorant hands that damaged the forest. Because of illegal logging, the area of forest in Indonesia is decreasing. The forests were also cleared and left only bare vacant land. If deforested forests occur in the upstream area of the river, it will cause disasters that damage natural ecosystems and also harm human life. When heavy rains occur in the upper reaches of the river where the forest is depleted, large amounts of water will immediately drop down (downstream of the river) very simply because there are no barriers and absorbers of water, namely trees. This results in the occurrence of flash floods in the middle and bottom (downstream) of the river and crashes whatever passes through it. The natural environment will be damaged and settlements along with various facilities will be submerged and suffered severe damage due to the brunt of the flood. Of course this causes harm to humans. In the dry season, deforested forests cause water that should be stored in the upstream and in the soil to have flowed away, not saved. This causes dryness. Water is also hard to find so that humans and other living things find it difficult to make ends meet.

Too dirty, which means the river is too dirty showing the problem of river water pollution which is also a serious concern. The presumption of the status of the river (culturally) as a trash can (waste) must be changed so that the river must be a clean place with the awareness of the community not to throw garbage into the river. Factory waste and industrial area waste should not be disposed of carelessly into the river by the management. Actually there are laws that regulate waste management so that it is managed by the public and the threat of punishment or sanctions for those who violate it, namely Law Number 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management (Indonesia: UU No. 18 tahun 2008).

Dirty and cloudy river water is also caused by erosion upstream so that the river flows carry material that continues to accumulate upstream. This often happens in Indonesia, especially in Java. These fine materials will gather and settle downstream so that the river experiences constriction and siltation. Especially if the river is not properly maintained, for example, there are plants on the banks of the river that can increase sedimentation because fine materials are held by plants. Materials such as sand basically do not settle and are actually able to erode the riverbed including precipitation. Narrowing and silting of the river causes water to easily overflow during the rainy season and floods that inundate the surrounding area. The wells owned by residents that are submerged by floods will run cloudy and are actually not suitable for consumption. The most important way to prevent it is not to plant or allow plants, especially large grass species to grow on the banks of rivers or avoid other things that accelerate sedimentation. The most important way to deal with it is by dredging.

Wiroko River Condition in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The picture was taken from the Karangturi Bridge, Bulurejo, Nguntoronadi.

Problems on the banks of the river are also serious things that have to get a solution. Determination of river border lines must be implemented correctly. This in fact has difficulties, namely the river banks that already have various infrastructures such as houses, shops, markets, and others. This problem occurs because technical interests (engineering) and environmental aspects conflict with social and economic aspects.

The Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") model is a building complex design that God willing in its development will pay attention to environmental sustainability, in this case water. Building materials in the form of wood for Betterpad-Ray will take from the forest, which according to the rules is used for humans. Betterpad-Ray development will not use wood from illegal logging. This is one of the acts of rejection of illegal logging. God willing, Betterpad-Ray will preserve water, especially around the building complex, for example making a wide ditch, providing trash bins so as not to dispose of garbage into rivers / streams of water, planting trees, and so on. The location and method of building Betterpad-Ray will also not interfere with water preservation. Betterpad-Ray can also be a place for meetings or discussions about water preservation that can be done in the Pendapa Peradaban  (Civilization Pavilion) or the Betterpad-Ray Main Building. The Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) can also give advice by scholars to preserve the environment, including water. So not only worship and morality are discussed in the mosque.
Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin.


  • Robert J. Kodoatie and Roestam Sjarief. Tata Ruang Air. 2010. Yogyakarta: ANDI. (

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