Monday, May 20, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Division of Rooms and Buildings Based on Indonesian Architecture Culture

According to the General Dictionary of Indonesian Language (Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia), from W.J.S. Poerwadarminta, budaya (culture) is the same as "pikiran, akal budi (penulis: intuisi); kebudayaan = hasil kegiatan, dan penciptaan batin (akal budi) manusia seperti kepercayaan, kesenian, adat istiadat, dan sebagainya" [mind, reason (author: intuition); culture = the results of activities, and the inner creation (mind) of humans such as beliefs, arts, customs, and so on]. So culture can mean abstract or non-material objects or material objects. According to the Poerwadarminta dictionary and also an English-Indonesian dictionary from John M. Echols and Hassan Shadily: budaya = Culture = kultur. So, norms, rules of life of customs are also a culture (a man of culture = someone who behaves well, manners, and civilized).

Because the old norms or rules are aspects of culture, then norms or rules can be reflected in the expression of Architecture. A concrete example that can be found in Traditional Architecture is a way of determining differentiation about space and place that distinguishes between one's personal property and space that can be entered by people outside the home. This division can be found in traditional regional architecture in Indonesia, for example in this example is Java. In traditional Javanese houses, found a partition that is generally made of carved wood called "rono / gebyok" to separate the room in the house and placed by covering the door or entrance between rooms. Using this partition can prevent outsiders from entering carelessly into a room that has more privacy. In addition, gebyok partition can cover objects in other rooms that do not want to be shown. If someone is going to a room that is more privacy, someone must go through the side of the partition. For more important purposes such as clearing houses, this partition can be removed.

The division of space in a Javanese traditional house also aims to separate between male and female areas. The main house / part of a traditional Javanese house is called "dalem". This is a family privacy space to gather and there are several bedrooms. While the kitchen can be in the back or side of the dalem. In form, the kitchen is seen as a separate building and separated from the main house / dalem. This can be seen from the existence of a separate"limasan" roof for each dalem and kitchen, so you can find two "limasan" roofs on a traditional Javanese house, front-back or right-left. In the old days according to mothers and old people, men were not allowed to enter the kitchen, only women could be in the kitchen especially for cooking. Dalem and kitchen can be separated by a small alley and can also be separated by a kind of closed corridor. But nowadays, men may enter the kitchen because the layout of the kitchen has developed like the presence of a modern bathroom.

Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion)

For the division between public space and privacy space on Javanese architecture, there is an open pavilion in front of the main house called pendapa. Pendapa functions as a public space and people can enter the pendapa to do certain activities without interfering with the personal activities of homeowners in the palace building. Homeowners can receive guests in pendapa comfortably without worrying if other parts of the house can be found carelessly. Pendapa structure without walls makes the atmosphere more relaxed while enjoying the scenery around without obstacles.The arrangement of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design noticed the division of space clearly based on archipelago architecture. Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion) at the front functions as an open public space and is relatively free for anyone to enter. Whereas the Betterpad-Ray Main Building located at the back of the Civilization Pavilion serves as a more closed and relatively exclusive space, meaning that only people who have interests can enter the Main Building. This division has basically been applied to some government offices in Indonesia.

Bangunan Utama Betterpad-Ray

The Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion) is used for activities that are usually of a mass nature and there are crowds. While administrative spaces and special things are in the Main Building, like other offices in general. The Main Building has the main function as a place to take care of various things and each of them is in every large room. Activities in the main office usually require concentration and calm. Then it needs to be divided between the space used for crowds and rooms that need peace. The Betterpad-Ray model has noticed this and applied it according to Indonesian architectural culture. Between the Civilization Pavilion and the Main Building has been separated by the road of the vehicle. So, if there is an activity that raises a sound in the Civilization Pavilion, it will not interfere with activities in the Main Building. In addition, if you want to do a prayer (Islam) then it can be done at the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) in the west of the Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion).

Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin.

·         Prof. Ir. Eko Budihardjo, M.Sc. Jati Diri Arsitektur Indonesia. 1997. Bandung: Penerbit Alumni.  *Including from Prof.Ir.Sidharta, as stated in the reference book.  (

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