Monday, May 27, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Management of Critical Water Resources

The increasing population makes the basic and secondary needs also increase. In spatial planning, activities in order to meet these needs also increase both in the economic, social and environmental fields. This causes excessive exploitation of nature, changes in land use management that are uncontrolled and the carrying capacity of the environment decreases. The effect due to the many parties that carry out activities and exploitation basically causes the tendency for increased disasters both in terms of quantity and quality.

Experts have argued that there is a paradox between population and water, namely increasing population growth leads to reduced water available for human needs while increasing the potential for flooding. The floods in Jakarta and its surroundings and other regions in Indonesia show that this paradox really happened. There are high human interests and needs, conflicts over buildings versus green open spaces, and building spatial conflicts versus water spatial planning. The large number of buildings in modern times causes the green open space to be less and narrower. Many green lands and water catchment areas must be lost only for the sake of the moment, especially in the economic field without regard to the environment and the future.

The Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress "Mural Wall") model is designed by providing green open spaces and water catchment areas as an effort to manage water resources well, prevent environmental disasters, and arrange neat buildings and pay attention to the arrangement of water spaces. Like functional permanent buildings in general, the front yard is usually flattened with cement or paving blocks.  Building yard flattening is also useful so that it does not muddy when it rains and gives certain decorations. But it must be tried so that the water does not inundate the building yard for a long time. So water must be channeled to waterways and water absorption sites by regulating the degree of slope of the building so that it can keep the environment and yard building dry quickly. God willing, Maket Betterpad-Ray will make a building yard that will pay attention to the arrangement of the water space. On the sides of a building or other land that has been flattened with cement or paving blocks will have access so that water can seep into the ground or through waterways. The water channel will be covered with a barrier with gaps above it so as not to endanger pedestrians and water can still enter. The Betterrpad-Ray model also has trees around the yard and green spaces to absorb water. From the Betterpad-Ray water channel, water can flow to the ditch and head to the river to the sea.

If it is realized as a center of knowledge, Betterpad-Ray will provide a place for experts, students, and communities who want to know about water resources and raise their concerns. The place that can be used is Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Pavilion) as a place for deliberations and other buildings in Betterpad-Ray that can have space for discussion and supporting facilities such as books in the library, projectors for presentations, Wi-Fi, and so on. They can review the problems of critical water resources and discuss efforts to overcome them.

The water crisis is very difficult for human life because water is a source of life. Water is a gift from God Almighty that is given free of charge which must be properly guarded. Do not let the water become a disaster for humans such as dirty water or flooding just because humans are too concerned with excessive ego. There should be movements from various parties that mutually support each other to be aware of the sustainability of the environment and water resources. And God willing Betterpad-Ray will later be able to provide space for various parties to discuss ways to overcome the water crisis, find solutions, and realize them well with sincere intentions without corruption.

Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)

Civilization Pavilion (Pendapa Peradaban)

Betterpad-Ray Main Building

This is the explanation of the article about the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model design. God willing, it can be realized. Aamiin.

·       Robert J. Kodoatie and Roestam Sjarief. Tata Ruang Air. 2010. Yogyakarta: ANDI. (

(Architecture Hobby)

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