Tuesday, May 14, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Islam Study Ahead of Ramadan Fasting (Design of Shahada Mosque /Masjid Syahadat)

Religion Study is an activity to study knowledge, especially Islam, which is conveyed by lecturers / scholars / religious teachers / clerics to listeners. So studies in Islam can also be called religious lectures. This activity is usually carried out in the mosque. Mosques do have the function of education to the community through religious studies. This activity aims to enable Muslims to study Islam in one room for scholars and religious teachers who are experts and have extensive religious knowledge.

Religious studies in the month of Ramadhan are indeed devoted to being able to fill the time of the holy month by studying religion so that if followed sincerely can increase the knowledge of religion and get merit from Allah SWT. Religious studies can be held in the afternoon after the Asar prayer until Maghrib to wait for the time to break the fast. Current religious studies are not only delivered too rigidly, but are more flexible, a little entertaining, interactive, and easily understood by the general public. Although not rigid, religious studies should also not be too many jokes that can divert the main objectives of the study. What is important, religious studies must be able to give advice and knowledge of religion properly and correctly to the community with good examples. The religious study of the month of Ramadan must be in accordance with the theme so that the community can understand the meaning of the month of Ramadan and do the worship sincerely. Religious studies should be opened with the recitation of the Qur'an in accordance with the theme to be discussed. It is recommended that this religious study be open to the public, meaning that you do not need to register in advance and be sufficiently present in the mosque in a sacred state.

The design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model can be used for religious studies in the month of Ramadan and has its own concept. Religious studies before breaking the fast begin after the Asar prayer in congregation. The place of execution can be held in the porch of the mosque or part of the main prayer room. This arrangement must also pay attention to other visitors who want to carry out the Asar prayer so as not to disturb when religious studies are carried out. If one room is used for religious studies, another room is used for prayer. Sometimes there are decorations when religious studies and can be used as a marker of position for lecturers when delivering religious knowledge, usually in the form of a small stage as in the religious studies on television. But this is not a must. Then the electronic audio system must also be considered so that the lecturer voice can be heard well by the listeners but does not need to be heard outside the mosque.

The clerics and scholars who filled out the religious study program at the Shahada Mosque from Betterpad-Ray were people who were experts, trusted, had a clear history of religious education, and had good behavior. The lecturers can be religion teachers who already have a connection with the Shahada mosque (God willing) and can also be famous scholars who often appear on TV programs. The number of lecturers in one religious study can amount to more than one so that can lecture alternately and according to their respective sections. I also have the concept that not only male lecturers, but also female lecturers, especially to discuss household matters.

Listeners at the Shahada Mosque follow religious studies by sitting on the floor of the mosque and can cross-legged. There is a division between groups of men and women's groups separated by boundaries with right-left, not front-back positions. God willing, question sessions can be held by listeners whose questions must be in accordance with the theme of religious studies on that day. In addition to listening to the study, visitors will also get an iftar meal to be consumed at maghrib time.

This is the article from me. Hopefully the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat), which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model, can inspire and be realized. Aamiin.

Pendapa Peradaban (Civilization Paviliun)

(Architecture Hobby)

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