Saturday, May 4, 2019

MAQUETTE BETTERPAD-RAY - Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat) Design for Marriage

Aside from being a place of prayer, the mosque can be used to carry out the marriage agreement and if there is a certain room it can be used as a reception place. Islam regulates marriage as a thing experienced by humans to build a household that is blessed by Allah SWT. In marriage, there are certain conditions and rules that must be obeyed, for example that there must be a bridegroom and bridegroom bride, guardian of a woman (usually father), witnesses (at least two), solemnization of a marriage, and dowry from men. The Shahada mosque (Masjid Syahadat) design from the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model/maquette can also be used as a place of marriage agreement that pays attention to Islamic law. This is considered because even though the marriage agreement does not have to be done in the mosque, some people prefer to do it in the mosque.

Shahada Mosque from Betterpad-Ray provides a place for marriage ceremony which can be done in several places, namely in the main prayer room, mosque foyer, and management office. All rooms are free to choose based on needs and conditions. In the Shahada mosque can also be given Islamic wedding decorations, especially interior design will be made beautiful, attractive, and Islamic, which is in accordance with the nuances of the happiness of marriage. For the problem of cleanliness of the place, this design pays attention to cleanliness with a regular cleaning schedule and adequate cleaning equipment. I think that there are janitors who are always ready to clean the mosque in various conditions and work earnestly for the convenience of visitors. So it is hoped that the condition of the mosque when going to marriage will always be clean so that the atmosphere of the marriage will be more beautiful. The beauty of the decoration makes the results of wedding photos more appropriate and interesting. The photo is not used to show off, but as one proof that the husband and wife in question have actually married.

The main prayer room of the Shahada mosque from Betterpad-Ray can be used as a place of marriage agreement with just enough decoration and does not fill all the rooms. Because demolition of the decoration will take a long time if it is immediately used for prayer. In a marriage agreement, there is a bridegroom bride who is at the location of the marriage agreement and there is also a person who is not at the location of the marriage agreement when the solemnization of a marriage (ijab qobul) takes place. Brides may not enter the mosque if there are obstacles. Most importantly, the groom and guardian shake hands with each other by reciting the ijab qobul and endorsed by the witnesses present. In Indonesia, there is an official from the religious affairs office that records marriage so that it is also legal under state law. Then for husbands and wives who have just married, each will get a marriage book as proof of a valid marriage identity.

It should be noted, that the main building of the Shahada mosque is only used as a place of marriage agreement, not used for receptions, because in the main building has been given a sacred boundary so that it really must be sacred and only used for worship purposes. This is to avoid the presence of female guests who are in obstruction, so the mosque has the potential to be unholy if there is a reception.

The marriage agreement can also be held in the Shahada mosque foyer on Betterpad-Ray. With open space, the atmosphere of the implementation of the marriage contract will be cooler because of smooth air circulation. The implementation of the marriage agreement on the porch of the mosque was not very disturbing to the worship activities in the mosque, so visitors who wished to pray at the mosque, such as the Dhuha prayer, did not feel disturbed by the event on the porch.

The Shahada mosque management office in Betterpad-Ray also provided space for the implementation of the marriage agreement. Because the building is separate from the main building, the event will not interfere with worship activities in the mosque. Therefore, I recommend this more. However, the impression is indeed not interesting because the management office does not have a large room size and the interior decoration is not as fancy in the main building. Then the number of witnesses present was also more limited. Office space also basically cannot be used as a reception place, unless long before the reception time has been planned in earnest. So the board office meeting room can be arranged so that it can be used as a reception venue.

I did design that wedding receptions should be carried out in Betterpad-Ray paviliun (pendapa), if the design of the building is used as a cultural center. But indeed there are mosques which also provide special rooms for certain events in the form of halls that can be used as reception venues. The mosque in the city center of Wonogiri regency which is the area where I live, the At Taqwa mosque, has two floors. The first floor is the hall and the second floor is used as a prayer room. While the Central Java Grand Mosque in the city of Semarang has a hall in a building located next to the main building of the mosque.

At Taqwa Mosque in Wonogiri
(Google Street) 

Central Java Grand Mosque

This is the article from me. Hopefully the design of the Shahada Mosque (Masjid Syahadat)which is part of the Betterpad-Ray (Benteng Terpadu Raya / Great Integrated Fortress) model/maquette can provide inspiration and be realized. Aamiin.

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